iBooks was a forced "upgrade"
After relatively hassle free OSX updates a free Mavericks was a temptation I should have resisted.
But then, what could they screw up with simply making iBooks available on the mac?
Well, I can only assume it was so simple the task was given to an intern who never read books and apparently never sorted their music in iTunes! Either that or Apple have taken an unpleasant decision to deny you access to your own possessions.
I have been relative lucky considering the tales of woe on the discussion boards, but:-
1) iBooks fails to sync with iTunes. Whether books are loaded into your iPad is apparently a matter of random chance. If you are really unlucky they never made it to iBooks in the first place.
2) Your books collection, lovingly arranged in iTunes is hidden away in a secret folder.
3) All the titles and arranging built up over years are wiped and your cherished collection is given a series of random number file headings.
Considering that iTunes popularity was based on the opportunities that it offered to personalise collections, this indicates a worrying lack of awareness on the part of Apple that people like to personalise their libraries as well. Do I not have some vague recollection that Steve Jobs was happy to undermine the forcing of mediocre song purchases bundled into "albums"?
Worryingly, it now looks like Apple have decided that since you do not own the books you have purchased you are not entitled to personalise them.