Re: Good idea!
"He's probably grumpy and aggressive because he's not doing enough breeding, just find him some more females and leave him alone."
Find him females where? If we could clone them, we wouldn't need him to breed
In the wild, males fight and the strong survive to breed. If you have a reduced population, removing excess males allows the remaining males spend more time breeding and less time fighting thus increasing the number of females.
Shooting one male isn't going to affect the species any great amount as there is a big chance one will die in the next fight anyway. What shooting one will do is inject $250K to $1M into the preservation of the species which will allow rangers to be better armed and equipped to fight poachers who shoot young and old, male and female and actually do threaten the species.
If you don't like the idea, save your money, bid against the hunters, use a dart gun and take him home with you that way you can be sure he lives.
Just sitting around saying you shouldn't shoot the rhino means that the people trying to save them doesn't have the money to fight poachers and more than one rhino will die because of your actions
Really, some so called conservationists are just plain stupid.....