Someone should write a book about it…
"The Mythical Man-Month" might be a good title...
Facebook has revealed a little more detail about how it built Graph Search, the feature it took live a couple of weeks back to enable better searching of the billion posts it now collects each day. The reveal came in a blog post, as is the fashion at this time, that explains building better search across posts is hard because …
>>> Plenty of lesser projects take more time and more people, suggesting the most interesting thing IT pros and their managers can learn from Graph Search might be how the project was managed
Since a number of studies have shown productivity variations of a hundred-fold in programmer productivity, the success is much more likely to be down to the quality of the people doing the development rather than of those who are managing them.
Exactly. I don't know how much facebook pays their sysadmins, but I bet it's more than most places.
Self motivated people with decent morale are just going to perform better and do the right thing.
Who knows. Maybe facebook isn't a great place to work. But that's just an idea.
Then again, I think it's all a waste of such talent and nice hardware. Bloody facebook.
It's still bloody sad to see the world's most talented people recruited to work on sites ordering posts on what people had for breakfast and parsing sites (Google) just to show relevant ads.
You'd think at least a better business model would have come out of it rather than just another sites relying on ads.