"'What' ain't no WORD I ever heard of. Do they speak 'what' where you come from?"
"You said you started this out with the 'best of intentions'.... WHAT does Marcellus Wallace look like?"
"I said, 'What does Marcellus Wallace LOOK LIKE?'"
"Well, he's Black."
"Does he look like a bitch?"
.... More 'whats'...
"'What' ain't no WORD I ever heard of. Do they speak 'what' where you come from?"
"Say 'WHAT' again! I DARE you. I DOUBLE-DARE you, mothe*&%#er!"
Someone needs to play the Samuel L. Jackson Character to the Butch Character on the contemptuous use of "hacker" instead of "cracker". Well, that is, assuming the press hasn't screwed this up, again.
OTOH, in the USA, the use of the term "cracker" doesn't go over very well politically, as historically, in contemptable US historical race relations, "cracker" long ago was a racially derogatory term slured at whites by blacks or others mistreated by or seriously disliking of certain or all of whites.
So, for those of you outside of the USA and deprived of this criticial distinction, you may now be let in on why the USA mainstream PC, namby-pamby press is reticent to or wary of using the term "cracker", even though it was, in the context of computer programming, most likely coined by a USA Caucasian software developer or co-opted by one from another used not tied to race relations.
And now, a measly, pliant, word-munging US district court is threatening to imperil developers the world over because of "minor semantics".