This brings a whole new meaning to the term dickhead...
Baldness fix from foreskin follicles
Boffins from America and the UK are claiming success in the decades-long hunt to create new hair follicles: they've successfully grown follicles in the lab, on circumcised foreskins. The Columbia University / Durham University group of biologists, geneticists and dermatologists took cells from newborns' foreskins, and grew …
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 10:46 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Re:Butchery
>They butcher new born boys and remove parts of their anatomy without permission.
Yeah, but the drastically lower rates of cervical cancer amongst the females of the culture that practices male circumcision is worth it. I've never met a circumcised bloke who feels distraught at being parted from their foreskin as a baby.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 11:25 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Re:Butchery
I believe the research is a bit iffy and, anyway, washing yourself is at least as effective and more generally, sociably desirable.
As for whether or not anyone regrets it: yes, some do. I believe that, in the USA (where else?) there is even a self-help group to overcome their unhappiness and, using weights or other stretching devices, try to restore the mutilated part. I think it used to be promoted, a Mr. Kellogg of breakfast cereal fame being especially keen, to deter boys from masturbating. It is said to be especially popular in the USA. Is there a connection?
I find it an odd idea, that God would make men with a foreskin and then demand that it be cut away to show one's belief; but then I find it odd that God created women and then Muslims (or very extreme Catholics) demand that they be covered from head to foot.
On the other hand circumcision can have nasty side effects, albeit in a minority of cases or if botched/made too short or whatever.
Personally, I prefer to wash; but then I would not get myself pierced, ear lobes stretched with big holes, bugger my skin with tattoos or any other deliberate self mutilation. Nor would I inflict this in my children. Let them have it done when old enough to decide for themselves.
Though in most cases it is a lot less drastic than female circumcision, why should boys not be protected as well? I'm sure some "scientist" will could come up with some hygiene justification for female circumcision.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 11:28 GMT John Tserkezis
Re: Butchery
They butcher new born boys and remove parts of their anatomy without permission. And this is allowed?
It's a function of the invention/task/process/whatever having roots in history that is the core reason it's still around today.
It is said, our bicycles, motorcycles, most of the cars, road crossings you name it, would not exist today if they were invented today. Everything is so tightly wound up in legislation, safety requirements, rulings and such, that anything even vaguely unsafe would be banned before it reached the prototype stage.
The exception is if it has rich roots in culture, religeon and basically anything embedded in history - that makes it perfectly all right.
Wednesday 23rd October 2013 15:09 GMT Uffish
History is bunk unless you learn from it.
Just off the top of my head, the death penalty for steeling a sheep has a fairly rich history but is no longer practised and skateboarding is modern and somewhat dangerous.
I think the real truth is that succeeding generations decide what they want to do and what they do not want to do. If they choose to do something purely because they feel the weight of history on them - more fool them.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 11:45 GMT John Tserkezis
Re: Bald
"My wife has promised threatened to leave me if I go bald - she says I will have to have a wig."
I feel I need to give my 2c worth here. Wigs won't make a damn of difference.
I'm shaven bald, and last time were were out, a family member roped me into wearing a really, really bad wig from a $2 shop as a stir for friends we were meeting with later.
It was cold that night, so I left it on, and interfaced with people on the street, shop keepers and other customers, food places when we went to eat, and with the exception of those who knew me, no-one said anything. No inuendo, no minor comments, no glances - this monstrosity of plastic fake hair was worse than those three-hair comb-overs, but no-one pulled me aside to say "hey dude, you need to so something with that hair". Nothing.
My conclusion is that the ONLY person who doesn't like hair, boobs, penis etc, is the owner of said organ or appendage. Everyone else really doesn't give a crap. As such, regardless if your wife claims to leave you for your hair, she won't. Or if I'm wrong and she does, then oops, that's what you get for listening to idiots on the interwebs.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 13:30 GMT Sir Runcible Spoon
Re: Bald
"As such, regardless if your wife claims to leave you for your hair, she won't. Or if I'm wrong and she does, then oops, that's what you get for listening to idiots on the interwebs."
There would be no 'oops' required. My mother rang earlier today to ask us what we were doing for our anniversary. I looked at my watch..the 22nd Oct..oh shit, it's tomorrow! My wife had forgotten too.
We basically pissed ourselves laughing that only my mother remembered :)
(11 years in case you weren't wondering)
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 09:13 GMT Anonymous Coward
"Women like it."
Women love it! I'm always fondled.
Those with "VO5" hair hate it, mistakingly thinking they have an advantage. My advice to them stop using products and a hair dryer and shave it off like a "real man".
My sister buys products for her hair and spends ages with dryers/tongs/straighteners and the bollox.
No more need be said.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 09:45 GMT scrubber
"donor samples"
In both legal and medical terminology a donor* must voluntarily give whatever thing is being donated. I would strongly suggest that none of the foreskins used here were voluntarily surrendered by their owners.
2. (Medicine) Med any person who voluntarily gives blood, skin, a kidney etc., for use in the treatment of another person
3. (Law) Law
a. a person who makes a gift of property
b. a person who bestows upon another a power of appointment over property
*Okay, in organ donation the next of kin gets to make the legal decision as the donor is not legally able to make that decision.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 11:30 GMT Don Jefe
Re: "donor samples"
The medical research community is granted access to 'medical waste' for research purposes and no consent is required. I would strongly suggest unattached foreskins qualify as waste under any reasonable circumstance.
Part of my inner ear was carted off for research. I wanted to keep the bones but was told they were already gone by the time I woke up from surgery.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 10:56 GMT Dave 126
"Warning: Do not put on knob or bollocks"
The Amazon customer reviews for 'Veet for men' are a comic goldmine, and occiasional poetry:
Like a lot of reviewers, I decided that a tidy up was in order after noticing Stephen and the twins looked not unlike Gandalf in a thunderstorm. Being somewhat worried about waving sharp blades near my gentlemens mechanicals, this stuff seemed like a good bet.
Should anyone wish to experience a similar level of pain, I suggest lowering your love spuds into a pan of boiling cillit bang, whilst getting a friend or colleague to roughly insert a pineapple into the suntanned cyclops using a six pound sledgehammer and a good run up.
Excellent product. Most prisoners confessed within five minutes of the first application. Can recommend.
Ali Muhabarakah,
Secret Police, Damascus
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 12:07 GMT Tom 7
Does this mean I get to look like I'd had a really shit transplant then
I mean, if a man with as much lucre as Elton John can look like he bought a dodgy syrup in the pub toilet when the lights were off and glued it on badly I can only conclude that either all transplant surgeons are shit and conmen or that should I decide to get rid of my bald patch I am somehow obliged to do it in a way that provides more amusement to those with nothing better to worry about than the bald patch did in the first place.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 13:05 GMT hi_robb
This is worth celebrating so I'm off to the pube, sorry pub!
But a couple of thoughts before I do...
1: Does this mean in future that you won't get head lice, you'll get head crabs?
2: It certainly puts a whole new spin on the "just going to get my hair snipped" saying.
3: does it mean we have to call 'mohicans' 'brazillians' now?
3: do helmets now need to be called something else!!!!
/Gets coat and calls taxi
This post has been deleted by its author
Wednesday 23rd October 2013 02:20 GMT MrDamage
Enquiring minds need to know
When it gets cold, do their foreheads shrivel up and resemble scrote-skin?
If they continue to go bald after this treatment, how difficult is it to perform a comb-over with short'n'curlies?
Will Durex now come out with a range of hair products?
Will shaving your head now be referred to as "getting an upper brazilian"?
Which head will massage therapists rub for the obligatory happy ending?
Will consumption of Viagra lead to mass sightings of Coneheads that will drive UFO conspiracy theorists nuts (no pun intended)
Will Trey Parker and Matt Stone claim Prior Art (
<- Paris, cos she would know a thing or two about foreskins.