Re: In the meantime, the view from the Linux hill has not changed
>OWA was "basic view" for Linux
My company's OWA sucks big steaminng turds on Win 7, OS X and Linux. All 3, far as I am aware.
Take the previous/next and all the buttons. Ridiculously small so you have to zoom in just to have a chance at clicking them, if you're on a mobile.
How difficult would it be to have an OWA which, out of the box, wonder of wonders, uses CSS to style its buttons differently when it is is on a smaller screen?
Oh, but wait, that is Outlook 2007. Of course, my bad, CSS theming and anything dynamic probably needs a full upgrade of everything in the stack to Office 2013. Couldn't possibly adjust HTML/JS generation on an existing release. This is exactly where Open Source beats proprietary crap.
And the contrast between me finding 3 yr old personal emails, on my free gmail, with basic query strings. 5 minutes, if it's there at all.
Vs laboriously searching in Outlook client, or OWA, for emails more than a month old on our corporate Outlook? Slow. Huge, or empty, result sets.
Look, Linux isn't necessarily the end-all and be-all of computing, but blaming it for OWA's stupidity is about as retarded as you get.