A Perfectly Sensible Accommodation? MOU with NSL NDA DNA
Then there's the mobile messaging business BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins has said is BlackBerry's fallback position, although whether the world is ready to have its supposedly secure messages tended by a Chinese concern is another matter.
:-) Poe's Law invoke:-) ..... Given what the media has shared with us recently, one wonders why, if Chinese intellectual dynamism and entrepreneurial flair are such a coveted concern, the likes of a NSA/GCHQ don't step right into the fray with QE flash cash and buy with a tame patsy/novel proxy, slush funded.
Although that foibled field is not without its own particular and peculiar inherent risk and possible fallouts necessitating retrograde steps into a fallback positions ...... http://genevalunch.com/2013/10/17/banque-frey-closes-shop/