Re: синий зеленый неудачник streaky Dong Jefe Hmmm... not sure where to begin with this...
@Plump & bleaty
> You fail to ever deal with any point raise, simply instead pretending you have a new point when the previous has been soundly debunked, and never admitting your mistakes and continually exposed stupidity.
So masterful.... the stench of lanolin will always remind me of the time we spent together...
> The example was of a commercial scanner, not the type already in use by the UK and US governments.
You were trying to claim that our letters are read in the post. You posted some duff info about the wrong kind of scanner, and now claim that it was a different kind - but strangely provide no link. Because they don't exist? "I could tell you but it's a secret" - that's how kids do it.
> "....It says nothing about 'modern', and this is 'X-ray fluorescence', not x-rays as such....." Splitting hairs much?
Well, it's x-ray fluorescence rather than x-rays per se, is what I said, but if you claim that's splitting hairs, fair enough.
Now, the bit about 'modern' you did not answer, plumpywumpy. You have not established that these techniques are in use currently.
> Which is why I included the other link to how copper and other elements in modern inks play EXACTLY the same role as the iron in old inks
1. I'm not aware that copper is used in current toners, 2. where is that link that claims it is? link + exact page if it's a pdf 3. despite what I implied, current toners DO use iron (though in small amounts) and I imagine you read that, thought you'd made a mistake and tried the sheepie backpeddle about started spouting crap about copper.
And 4. let me re-quote it for you
> "30 hours to image half a folio from one side".
Which you didn't address (oh facts are SUCH nuisance aren't they).
And 5, which linkedin matt bryant profile is you - you still haven't answered
Another on that link <>?
And if I was mean I might have taken a copy so if your profile disappears I'll know exactly which one it was immediately and I'll post it here... Feeling lucky, punk?
Oh yes, I know what a nom-de-plum is, I just don't believe you.