She'll go from selling overpriced tat to neds to selling overpriced tat to neds. Should be perfect for the job.
CEO of Brit fashion bods Burberry lands Apple job for retail, online sales
Apple has drafted in the CEO of high-end Brit faux tartan fashion label Burberry to head up its global retail and online sales biz – a newly created position. It will be a different type of collection that US national Angela Ahrendts handles when she starts at Apple next spring - as senior veep and a member of Apple's …
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Tuesday 15th October 2013 16:57 GMT Anthony Hulse
Re: Fashion company to fashion company... duh..
Dixons guy was crap not through any techie knowledge but because he decided to focus on maximising profit at the retail end regardless of customer satisfaction. Apple Stores are showrooms first and foremost. Running them like PC World was always going to fail, because unlike Apple PC World has no way to guarantee milk from the customer once they've made that first "aspirational" purchase.
Burberry woman understands that brand perception is far more important than squeezing every penny out of the customers in the shops, although for different reasons. She's a much better fit than Browett could ever be.
Wednesday 16th October 2013 07:19 GMT CheesyTheClown
Re: Fashion company to fashion company... duh..
So, you're saying that :
Burberry woman understands fashion, I.E. branding. Make it look special, milk the customer on the accessories, get them to come back for more and more.
Dixon guy doesn't, he figures that all that matters is what happens in his part of the store because that's where his results are measured so who cares if you buy all the addons, it doesn't show up on his quarterly reports?
Yeh... tech vs. fashion :)
Wednesday 16th October 2013 12:43 GMT spiny norman
Instinct over IQ
Snide comments about chavs are all very well, but Burberry under Ahrendts is a text book case in what a luxury brand can do with imaginative use of new technology. Apple kit is part of their infrastructure that links stores and online, so that's a connection.
If Apple feels its brand image is slipping, Ahrendts looks like a good choice to put it back in its place. The question is whether she can do it without the creative and technical team she has at Burberry.
Thursday 17th October 2013 11:24 GMT Kay Burley ate my hamster
Re: Instinct over IQ
Snide or not those comments are indicative how a lot of people perceive both brands. The opening comment was exactly what I expected to see when I clicked comments, and it still made me laugh.
For me Apple's brand slipped when they released the first iPhone, it had less features than my Sony Ericsson of the time, I felt it didn't live up to the my experience of their computers.
I'd never heard of Burberry before the chavs made it famous. :)
Thursday 17th October 2013 07:32 GMT SimonG
The UK is not representative of the world
What we see happening in the UK - such as the association between Burberry check and certain social classes - is not representative of how it is perceived in the rest of the world.
Burberry under Ahrendts has gone from strength to strength and developed a brand - most specifically in the far East and other developing markets - and I think that this successful experience; or its recipe is what Apple are seeking as they seek to have better market share in these markets.
Thursday 17th October 2013 16:00 GMT Mike Flex
Re: The UK is not representative of the world
"Burberry under Ahrendts has gone from strength to strength and developed a brand - most specifically in the far East and other developing markets"
So, far enough away that the buyers aren't aware that Burberry = Chav Central back in their home market? Any of these overseas buyers are going to look pretty daft if they wear any Burberry check items on visits to the UK.