back to article Apple iOS 7 makes some users literally SICK. As in puking, not upset

Forging new frontiers in fanboi fragility, some members of the iDevice community have taken to Apple's discussion forum to complain that iOS 7 makes them want to puke. No, their nausea isn't being caused by mere aesthetic revulsion. Rather, the source is iOS 7's many zoom animations along with the slight parallax effect that …


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  1. Montreux

    A split personality release

    I thought I couldn't be alone. While the zoom animations look nice, I do find them uncomfortable to view. iOS 7 is a split-personality release. It has both simplified the user interface, giving a lot more focus to the content, and also added a lot more bling in terms of animations and physics effects. To my mind the focus on the content is fantastic, but I could live without the animations.

    1. Bob Vistakin

      Re: A split personality release

      Cheap copies of the market leader usually has this effect.

      A quick drive across an airport runway will fix it..

      1. Benchops

        > Cheap copies of the market leader usually has this effect.

        You are at least half wrong. In what way are they cheap?

      2. Roland6 Silver badge

        Re: A split personality release

        >Cheap copies of the market leader usually has this effect.

        A backhanded complement to Microsoft for Windows 8?

        Aside: In my opinion Bob, Android, doesn't have the same stab and twist effect as Windows 8 in this context, namely poor UI's...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A split personality release

      So that's why I have been feeling sick...

      No Wait...

      I have a Samsung......

      No wonder I've been feeling sick.

      1. EPurpl3

        Re: A split personality release

        ha ha, I agree, you are sick, you should see a doctor, ha ha ha

    3. Franklin

      Re: A split personality release

      I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so.

      iOS 7 can't seem to make up its mind. In some ways, they've cleaned up and de-cluttered the user interface. The new alert dialogs are less intrusive than the old ones, the new Safari feels a lot more streamlined and keeps the user interface out of my way, the new lock screen makes entering a passcode a whole lot easier...

      ...and then they added garishly colored icons and a whole lot of animated effects that really don't add to the user interface in any meaningful way I can tell.

      What one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away.

    4. Arctic fox

      Re: A split personality release

      I am rather surprised that Apple have made such an elementary error given that it is a well known phenomenon that the various forms of ersatz 3D on the market today have precisely that effect on about 15% of viewers.

      1. cc7211

        Re: A split personality release

        Apple won't make those mistakes if Steve Jobs is still kicking but now look who is in charge, Tim Cook !!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: A split personality release

          "Apple won't make those mistakes if Steve Jobs is still kicking "

          Only if it affected Steve. If it didn't then the critics would be scorned as heretics.

          Putting parallax effects on something people use while walking is really not a good idea.

          1. Richard Boyce

            Re: A split personality release

            "Putting parallax effects on something people use while walking is really not a good idea."

            Neither is not looking where you're going. That's probably a bigger threat to your health.

            1. Anonymous Coward

              Re: A split personality release

              "Neither is not looking where you're going. That's probably a bigger threat to your health."

              Well, if you want to police a new law that bans people from reading things while walking, go ahead and good luck.

      2. admiraljkb

        Re: A split personality release

        @Artic Fox: the studies I saw put it at 20% on "3D" which means almost many family households have ONE person that can't deal with 3D on movie night (and studios wondered why it didn't take off). Unfortunately, as luck would have it, I'm one of them, and it gives me a headache... Haven't seen the new iPhone OS v7 up close yet, but I'm scientifically curious now whether that would affect me or not. I'm surprised Apple didn't have at least ONE tester who reported an issue on that, and I'm surprised they didn't have a variable slider for effects ranging from "none" to "bling it on up".

        1. Amorous Cowherder

          Re: A split personality release

          I can't watch 3D TVs, I tried two types and within around 30 seconds my eyes start to hurt, my vision goes slightly blurred and it gets quite uncomfortable.

          Looks like I'll be sticking with Android when my contract comes up for renewel next month!

          1. asdf

            Re: A split personality release

            >I can't watch 3D TVs

            No worries mate nobody else wanted to watch them either which is why that technology is a dead man walking.

        2. Gronk

          Re: A split personality release

          My wife can't watch 3D movies and iOS 7 doesn't make her sick.

        3. Arctic fox

          @admiraljkb "...: the studies I saw put it at 20% on "3D".....

          I had a vague feeling that I had seen reports of even higher figures than the 15% I cited. Certainly Madame AF herself cannot cope with "3D" rendering any question of "upgrading" our TV moot to say the least of it! Like you I am surprised that Apple decided to release v7 with this "feature", however, at least one now has an excuse for refusing to even look at this or that mate's latest acquisition!

      3. Andy 66

        Re: A split personality release

        Since the inception of OS X 10.0 I followed with amusement yet seriousness about the eye candy and mixed metaphors that the OS introduced, which detracted from the original coveted Apple Human Interface Guidelines. Over time, those problems were erased to an OS that pretty much adhered to those original Jobs-written AHIGs.

        Yes I updated to ios7, and boy was I wrong. I am like the others - unlock screen and sudden flash of nausia as everything whooshes into place. I've eliminated all the background effects I can but still this nauseating animation happens. It's a big step back in user interface imo.

        Plus why oh why.... On the lock screen, there's an option for emergency calls... Why oh why am I presented with a frikken keypad to amke the call? Who in reality can remember the emgency call number based on where you are in the world? 112 for europe (had to wiki it), 911 in US... Asia? Australasia? The frikken phone knows where I am in the workd, so why not predial it for me?.... If I needed to make an emergency call after an accident in the mountains of Bora Bora and couldn't unlock my phone, am I supposed to know what number to call?

        1. Darryl

          Re: A split personality release

          You mean - 0118 999 881 999 119 725..... 3

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: A split personality release

          > Plus why oh why.... On the lock screen, there's an option for emergency calls... Why oh why am I presented with a frikken keypad to amke the call?

          For the answer, just ask the hundreds of thousands of people each week or so that make accidental emergency pocket calls from just this feature. My kids ask me why they can't disable it, or at least require the user to type in the number which would lessen the chance of it happening.

          The emergency services switch boards around the world are crying out in despair at what is becoming a major issue.

          1. Michael Thibault

            Re: A split personality release

            >accidental emergency pocket calls

            I don't have a phone, but I wonder YTF people who do carry it in their pocket. Shirley on a lanyard around the neck, in a holster at the ribs, or in a clip on a belt makes more sense.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: A split personality release

              > I don't have a phone, but I wonder YTF people who do carry it in their pocket. Shirley on a lanyard around the neck, in a holster at the ribs, or in a clip on a belt makes more sense.

              It still happens. "Pocket call" has just become the generic name for this type of incident.

              I keep my mobile phone in a pocket on my bumbag but it has happened to me a couple of times.

    5. jhsparky

      Re: A split personality release

      Then disable the effect, Seriously, iphone people will whine about anything. Grow up!

    6. Nigel 11

      Re: A split personality release

      Glad to see it's not just me. I'm positively allergic to any UI which makes things wobble, warp, or otherwise animate without VERY good reason. I find even the applications bar on an Imac that warps larger when you poke it with the mouse, makes me feel nauseous. (Not because it's ugly, just because my low-level visual processing doesn't get on with it).

      This is also the main reason I run Adblock-plus and Flashblock: to keep moving things that I don't want to visually process, off my screen. Their content (advertizing of greater or lesser relevance) is secondary.

      And possibly the reason I still haven't bought a smartphone at all.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not enough

    To me it doesn't move enough, well the background anyway. Must be more of the zoom effects and stuff bother some.

  3. lglethal Silver badge

    I wonder if Cook will have the balls...

    ... to pull a Jobs and reply to all the people complaining with "you're just looking at wrong!"

  4. poopypants

    Americans, so

    class action lawsuit in 3, 2, 1...

    1. asdf

      Re: Americans, so

      Unfortunately due to our massive corporatism class action lawsuits are one of the few ways to hold corporations accountable but yes sadly these days they get abused badly by the worlds worst profession (no not drug dealer, lawyer).

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    oooh, how did I do that?

    oh yeah, I used Google.

    I'm taking the moral high ground this time and not slating Apple on the basis that they provided a way to turn this "feature" off. Their users on the other hand.....

    1. Squidgell

      Re: oooh, how did I do that?

      >I'm taking the moral high ground this time and not slating Apple on the basis

      >that they provided a way to turn this "feature" off

      Foisting cr*p and providing a way to turn it off qualifies for moral high ground. Morality ain't what it used to be.

      >Their users on the other hand.....

      Nuff said.

      1. Vociferous

        Re: oooh, how did I do that?

        > Foisting cr*p and providing a way to turn it off qualifies for moral high ground

        Hell yes. See: Microsoft and Windows 8.

        1. david 12 Silver badge

          Re: Hell yes. See: Microsoft and Windows 8

          Our new Win8 laptops didn't just come with Win7 install media. Since we bought business-grade laptops, they came with the Win7 downgrade helpfully pre-installed.

          Downgrade from Win 8 to Win 7 is an option that you have to pay for, by buying the 'pro' version of the software. Retorical Question: Does Apple offer that option?

    2. chams

      Re: oooh, how did I do that?

      That's just parallax. Not zooming, which people are getting sick by. Read the damn article, it even details your 'solution' and says it's not enough.

    3. TRT

      Re: oooh, how did I do that?

      I got round it by sticking with iOS 5. I wish I'd stuck with iOS 4 to be honest. I preferred the unlimited wifi location cache as I've got an iPod only and the location services used to work even if off the net. Did they include a switch for that? No. Did they include a switch to let you keep the Google Map? No. Did they include a switch to let you keep the familiar iOS interface? No.

      Sick and tired of having the latest and greatest shoved down my throat when I don't actually want it. If any app developer's latest update can't run on iOS 5, then it's bye bye time. At this rate I'll end up back with the pocket diary and papermate that I used between 1978 and 2009 - that seemed to work fine for me.

      1. tfewster
        Thumb Up

        Re: oooh, how did I do that?

        Yep, I never upgraded from IOS5 because I wanted to stick with "native" Google Maps rather than have to download the standalone Google maps app.

        My concern is that IOS doesn't have patches, just upgrades, so if you need a security fix you get a bunch of features updates too.

  6. PJDale
    Big Brother

    I think it there to punish the great unwashed masses.

    OR I could just be being a prick 'cause my iPhone 4 doesn't have it.

    1. JDX Gold badge

      Since when can unwashed masses afford an iPhone? I am clearly in the wrong career.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Plenty of places

        The unwashed masses can certainly afford an iPhone here in Scandinavia, and judging by the number of urchins I see toting them, they exercise that option.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Plenty of places

          Yup, same here in Canada

          Actually seems that the unwashed masses are more likely to have an iPhone than the well off.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Plenty of places

            >Actually seems that the unwashed masses are more likely to have an iPhone than the well off.

            Surprising really, given that TKMaxx doesn't stock iPhones but does stock many other designer labels favoured by the unwashed masses.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It wouldn't be an iOS update without some new complaint

    I guess you have to expect it when so many people update at once. Android customers don't all get their updates at the same time, so they get dribbled out over months (at least to those lucky enough to be getting updates at all) So a problem affecting 0.1% of people is doesn't get much attention.

    A problem affecting 0.1% of the 200+ million who have updated to iOS 7.0 is nearly a quarter million people, all of whom have been affected in the past 7 days. Those who like it or are just sort of 'meh' about it aren't likely to shout from the rooftops, so all you hear about are all the people who are upset.

    1. Squidgell

      Re: It wouldn't be an iOS update without some new complaint

      >so all you hear about are all the people who are upset.

      All you hear about are a tiny fraction of a much larger number of people who are upset: the tiny fraction who take the time and trouble to report it.

    2. Tom 35

      Re: It wouldn't be an iOS update without some new complaint

      If an Android update did that, you would just install a different launcher.

    3. Piro

      Re: It wouldn't be an iOS update without some new complaint


      Settings > Developer Options

      Drawing section - Window animation scale off, Transition animation scale off, etc. etc..

      This is on a stock /Verizon/ ROM, even.

      You can do it if you want to.

    4. paulll

      Re: It wouldn't be an iOS update without some new complaint

      "I guess you have to expect it when so many people update at once."

      hehe. Or maybe the dog ate their homework? Their alarm clock didn't go off? Their speedometer mustn't be working (tap tap)?

  8. Ted Treen

    I wonder...

    Is "Rik Myslewski" a nom de plume for one Steven Ballmer - getting himself a new career...

  9. We're all in it together


    "They're holding it wrong"

    1. TheDysk

      Re: Cliche

      "They're holding it wrong"

      No. They're looking at it in the wrong way.

  10. Sil

    A must-have upgrade for beer lovers

    Honey I don't feel too well I think I used my iPhone for a little too long.

  11. Goat Jam

    "So annoying that we can't downgrade"

    Somebody call the waambulance for this retard. One has to wonder why these idiots upgrade their phone/OS at the very first chance they get (standing in queues overnight to buy a phone? puleeze) if they are going to go all cry baby when the "upgrade" isn't to their liking,

    I have an iphone 4 (I got it for free). It is still on iOS 5. When 6 came out I (sensibly) waited a while for the dust to settle, saw all the whining regarding loss of google maps and other stuff and decided that it sounded more like a downgrade so stayed put on 5.

    Sometimes people can be so stupid. Oops, did I say "sometimes"? Stupid me.

    1. ElReg!comments!Pierre


      The 2 iPhone owners in our team had a look at iOS 7, found that it looked horrid (from the owner of a pink and leopard handbag that's a bit rich but there you have it) and just did not upgrade. No upgrade, no complaints, surely that can't be hard?

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        How does one do that then?

        The publicity photos (and even videos) can only show you what it looks like, not what it feels like.

        The only way you can tell if the upgrade is going to make you sick is to try it for a few hours.

        - A brief poke in the pub won't help unless your symptoms are acute.

        The only way you can try it for a few hours is to upgrade, unless you've got a friend happy to give you their phone for a day.

        So the only way to know if it's going to make you sick is to upgrade it and try it.

        Once you find that it's awful, then what?

        All other smartphones and computers can be rolled back at will - not always easily but it is possible without preparation prior to upgrade.

        iOS devices cannot be rolled back once the public release occurs, unless you take specific steps to keep the old keys before upgrading.

        These people are not developers, they are not programmers or hackers, they just want their phone to work without making then sick.

        Excessive animations are well-known to cause nausea in some people, which is why every single other OS allows you to turn them off.

        Except Apple.

  12. This post has been deleted by its author

  13. AlexS



    Settings -> General -> Accessability -> Parallex -> Off.

    Is there something I'm missing?

    1. John Tserkezis

      Re: HUH???????

      Er. Settings -> General -> Accessability -> Parallex -> Off. Is there something I'm missing?

      Read the article again, that's only part of the problem.

      1. redpawn

        Re: HUH???????

        Accessability... now why didn't I think to look there. Do you have a change the icons setting for me too? Perhaps under under security or location management?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: HUH???????

      @AlexS You are missing something. If you'd have taken the time to actually read the articles, and the other replies, you'd know what.

      You've fixed half the problem, the less annoying half. Well done.

      1. AlexS

        Re: HUH???????

        Yup I solved half the problem and got 6 downvotes for it.

        Without an iPhone (I use Android).

        1. Matt Bradley

          Re: HUH???????

          Because you didn't read the article properly.

          There are 2 issues:

          [1] Parallax

          [2] Zoom effects

          As the article states (even including a MASSIVE screengrab, which you somehow missed), the accessibility option to minimise animation disables to parallax, but for some reason, the more intrusive and more visually disturbing zoom effects remain.

          It should be clear to anybody that the zoom effects are more frequent and more intense, and the acessibility option should really be deactivation (or at least reducing the intensity of) this effect. But it isn't.

          That what the ENTIRE ARTICLE WAS ABOUT. And somehow you missed it.

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

            1. AlexS

              Re: HUH???????

              BTW my Nexus 4 (android) is working fine... thanks for asking....

              1. AlexS

                Re: HUH???????

                @Matt So I fixed half the problem [1]... Sorry you are not happy that I didn't fix the other half [2]. Clearly you are not satisfied (do you think I'm Apple support?) and for some reason you think I cannot read.... funny that... Guess you are an all or nothing type of guy....

                Did you not read the comment before you last wrote something....

                "Yup I solved HALF the problem"

                Thankyou for clarifying though in several words and phrases....

    3. Vociferous

      Re: HUH???????

      > Is there something I'm missing?

      Yeah, that they're apple users.

  14. redpawn

    Sooo Sweet!

    If you like cotton candy and endless reruns of the Teletubbies you will love the upgrade. Otherwise I would wait just a bit longer. Even my 12 year old daughter could not stand the colours and disliked the paralax thing. Hope the "new" features in some way make up for my folly.

  15. Philippe

    That's why I can't use WindowsPhone

    I have had the same reaction when trying to use WindowsPhone8 and I sometimes have to look away from the metro screen in windows8 for this exact reason, and of course I had to disable the parallax effect in iOS7.

    I might want to go and check those in-ear conditions you're referring to.

    Good article el reg

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Any way to turn off iOS 7 navigation animations?"

    NO! And you WILL like it or you're OUT of the club!

    Like being dictated too by you phone manufacturer now?

    It's the continuing FAIL by Apple.

  17. WinHatter

    That'll pass ...

    remember the times

    - when passengers of animal-drawn carriages had epileptic seizures induced by the sunlight strobing through trees planted along the road,

    - when kids were not supposed to stay more than 1 hour in front of their Atari 400 for the same reasons,

    - etc etc ...

    They'll put the usual warnings to cover their arse and no one will ever complain again:

    "The use of iOS7 requires Apple approved optic nerve & inner ear"

    "Extensive usage of iOS7 may cause ... --followed by 400 pages of unpronounceable syndromes -- but most of all if you can't stomach our latest iOS you are not worthy."

  18. Velv

    Simple answer:

    Open your favourite drawing application (MSPaint or other)

    Create a new image 1136 pixels by 640 pixels.

    Use the fill tool to make it one colour (sorry, color). Pick a sensible mute dull tone.

    Save. Save to iDevice

    Make this your background.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      How does that stop animation/movement/zoom when opening and closing apps?

      Like a few others in these replies reading the article would have been the route to go down.

  19. AlanC


    I'm puzzled about this and I'm wondering if the behaviour on an iPhone is different from that on an iPad (or on my iPad 2 anyway).

    The way the background moves relative to the icons on the home screen is described as Parallax yet to me it's the opposite. If I look straight at the screen and then angle it to the left, a parallax effect ought to mean that the background moves to the right relative to the icons (if, as I assume, the background is intended to appear to be behind the icons). In fact what happens is the opposite - if I turn the iPad to the left, the background moves left, if I tilt it down the background moves down, etc..

    Have I misunderstood something here?

    By the way, after initially hesitating because of some negative reports about iOS 7 on the iPad 2, I did so and I have to admit I really like it with only a few minor reservations.

    1. Dexter

      Re: Parallax??

      The effect is the same on an iPhone, just much less noticeable because of the smaller screen.

      What I don't like in iOS7 are the new spindly fonts, which I find harder to read.

      Changing font sizes and setting 'use bold' in settings doesn't seem to affect most apps.

  20. cc7211

    First Apple iMap make you driving thru airport runway and now their Android knock-off iOS 7 will cause you sick, Apple product really is not good to people these days.

    1. Philip Lewis

      "Android knock-off iOS 7"

      History repeating itself in reverse?

      I laughed, I really did. Friday stupidity is alive and well at El Reg!

      Beer: Because we just had ours

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Windows 3D desktop organiser made me bring up my lunch ..

    Thank God it's not just Windows then. Then again, better stay clear of 3d glasses as well and avoid Google Glass like the plague.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Windows 3D desktop organiser made me bring up my lunch ..

      Since AFAIK Glass only shows an image to one eye, I think you're probably in the clear there.

  22. Richard Scratcher

    You people make me sick!

    Listen! St Ive said:

    "...the interface is designed to be unobtrusive and deferential..."

    And he's a designer (and a knight) - so stop moaning.

    If you're feeling nauseated it's probably because you're still hungover from too much boozing the night before or maybe it's your subconscious objecting to the crappy portait you've set as a background image.

  23. Vociferous

    How much do you have to use your phone to get seasick from it?


    Yeah, I've once seen a guy get seasick the nanosecond he stepped aboard a boat (moored, in calm weather), and just like that time I'd be inclined do blame this fanboi sickness on psychology.

    1. Richard 12 Silver badge

      Re: How much do you have to use your phone to get seasick from it?

      Boats always move, so entirely possible.

      Especially a small boat, which will have moved under his foot as he stepped on board.

      I don't know anyone that bad, but I can well believe it.

      Obviously not a guy who's going to enjoy sailing.

  24. Zot

    I felt slightly dizzy watching it, and it's pointless anyway.

    I turned off the background tilt shift thing immediately as it's also pointless and it zoomed my back picture in a bit to achieve the effect without black borders appearing.

    You can turn that little effect off, but you CANNOT turn off the massive zooming in and out animation!

    They must be so proud of it, that they didn't want anybody to disable it. Either that or they've given up actually testing stuff with normal people, just like MS! : )


  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not the only one

    I was looking at the new interface on my gf's iThing the other day, and whilst not making me sick I did find all that zoominess off putting. It also occurred to me that disabled users might find it quite difficult too. As with all of these modern UI tricks (transitions, transparency, etc) I do so wish they'd give the option to TURN THEM OFF!

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A non story.

    Ambulance chasing compensation seekers try to get cash from large company.

    Fandroid kiddies jump on the bandwagon and start the inevitable "mines better than yours" taunting that most of us left in the 5th grade.

    Plus ca change!

    1. Darryl


      How DARE you suggest that my beloved Apple created anything that is not completely PERFECT??!!!! It MUST be a conspiracy!

  27. mraak

    Your not looking it right

    No really, I found a workaround. Every time you open or close an app, shut your eyes for 750 ms. you won't see any animation this way.

  28. MrSpok


    Take some Dramamine before using your phone. HAHAHA, I can't believe people are THAT sensitive, how do you get through life like this?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Blleeeeacchhhhh

      because nobody has neurological problems, or inner-ear imbalance problems. Everyone is perfect.

      You arsehole.

    2. et0hman

      Re: Blleeeeacchhhhh

      A lot of the "newer" 3D engines for games will give me Visual Induced Vertigo until the frame rate is in the 80+fps range. I can watch my son on his computer playing Skyrim for about 20 minutes or so with the fps at 75, a slower rate (say 60 fps) I have about 5 minutes before everything turns chunky.

    3. Philip Lewis

      Re: Blleeeeacchhhhh

      In a "Darwinian" world, they probably wouldn't get through life!

  29. EPurpl3

    Ha ha, the iTards are revolting, soon they won't be iTards anymore

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Well, to be completely honest, I've always found them to be pretty revolting.

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Gotta whinge off about something.

  31. et0hman

    I get Visual Induced Vertigo with a lot of the 3D games

    that have come out (Skyrim, Portal 2, Half-Life, Fallout), even at extreme frame rates (which reduces the time to puke). I don't sit and stare at my iOS 7 phone, but it has on occasion when it is whizzing my icons by, I do get that visual feeling.

  32. loneranger
    Thumb Up


    This is an interesting article, because I have thought for some time that Apple computers in general, especially the latest Macs, suffer from an over-emphasis on frivolous graphics effects. For example, a recent model I saw had a row of icons at the bottom of the screen that moved around in response to the motion of a user's mouse/hand.

    I suppose that young people think that this is "cool" (wow, look what happens when my hand (on the touch screen) moves over these icons!", but for me, it is completely unnecessary and frankly, repelling. I want my screen's icons to remain still when I'm working, not create distractions.

    I have never owned a Mac, and don't plan to, ever, for a variety of reasons which I won't say here, because they are irrelevant to the discussion at hand. I suppose that I have become so accustomed to Windows machines that I never will change to something else, which suits me just fine. If it ain't broke, why fix it?

  33. sisk

    Worse than you think

    Normally when someone reports those kinds of symptoms from visual effects they have a somewhat more severe effect on my wife. Such visuals typically throw her into a full on grand mal seizure. There are exceptions, but not many that I've found. We don't have any Apple devices in our house, thankfully, so she's safe, but she's not alone in having seizures triggered by visual effects. Granted she's more sensitive to visual stimuli than most epileptics, but still that's something Apple better get fixed quick or users complaining of vertigo and headaches may be the least of their problems.

  34. ecofeco Silver badge

    Split personality, indeed

    I saw iOS7 in action a month ago and I have to agree with the poster who said it is split personality.

    The new features are excellent and a real improvement but the graphics leave a lot to be desired. And while the iOS7 colors scheme in real life isn't all that bad, it is annoying and boarding on "bleh".

  35. Chris T Almighty

    This is a good reminder that one size doesn't fit all

    Both Apple and Microsoft are guilty of forcing user interfaces on people with a 'like it or lump it' attitude. It suits their marketing to have everything looking the same.

    It's just wrong. We should have more control over how our computers look. Android is a little better at allowing re-skinning, but still not as good as the era we're leaving, with desktop computers where we can easily change colours, fonts, resolutions to whatever we want.

    Soon we won't be able to do anything without consuming Apple/Microsoft/Google content and marketing.

    Wow. I'm angrier than I thought. But hey, it IS a really annoying animation.

    1. Tom 35

      Re: This is a good reminder that one size doesn't fit all

      Pre-release Windows8 had a registry setting to turn off not-Metro. The response to people using it was not to say here have a nice easy check box to set it the way you want, it was to remove the setting and the code that made it work.

      Then blame sales on OEMs for not producing touch screen computers that no one wanted anyway.

      It seems Apple is the same. They let you turn off one bit, but your stuck with the rest.

  36. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    Hipsters Hurling Heavily as Holy Handhelds Have Hidden Hooks into Hindbrains?

  37. cobo04

    IOS7.0.2 email issues

    IOS 7 3D animations are nothing in comparison to the latest out of the IOS stable - IOS 7.0.2 or as its quickly become knows as - Have I got old Emails for you.

    Since this 'upgrade' the apple forum has been loaded with complaints that once IOS 7.0.2 is loaded, all those long forgotten and once deleted emails all come back to haunt the poor apple device and user. Even removing them and in the IOS 7 world this is a manual one by one job. After an email rescan by IOS, they all come back again.

    Does Apple want to go the blackberry way (Beatles eat your heart out) and all those once loyal Apple fans move to Android?

    1. Dave C

      Re: IOS7.0.2 email issues

      Well, you had the makings of an excellent pun in 'blackberry way' - shame you spoiled it by throwing in a reference to the wrong pop group.

    2. Richard 12 Silver badge

      Re: IOS7.0.2 email issues

      I've found iOS Exchange email sync to be half broken from the beginning, no real change there at all.

      The new layout feels a little better, except you still cannot close a folder or change the order in any way.

      I have folders that I never care about on my phone, but the only possible way to get then out of the way was to prefix them with "z" to push them to the bottom of the sort order.

  38. FanMan

    Come on Apple, restore the faith!

    I'm one of those people who gets sick trying to read in a moving car. As a devoted Fan Man of seveal decades' standing I have to admit: the new GUI makes me want to boke.

    Apple already know of this phenomenon, which is why there is an option on OSX to turn off dock icon magnification, which has the same nauseating effect. On me anyway.

  39. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Words such as "nausea", "headache", "motion sickness", "dizzyness", "eye strain", "vomit", "vertigo", "blurred vision", and "seizure" are the words that the rest of us have been using to describe iThingies since they began. Glad to see the fanbois finally catching up with reality.

  40. The Jase


    After Apple's help was no help last night, I shall be emailing the board.

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