quick sale, quick review
the good: (other than the price and the specs)
- can be rooted, instructions on the internets, some claim to use it for email and even - gulp - google maps...
- presentation box surprisingly... attractive, all elements neatly laid out. Good present.
- page turning quick, refresh flash tolerable, back light adjustable
the bad:
- hardware buttons f... awkward to use (and I thought I like hardware buttons in readers!)
- epub and pdf only. What the f... happened with good old txt?! No problem, can be rooted
- text won't flow from edge to edge, waste of precious space. No problem, can be rooted
- no landscape mode. No problem, can be rooted
- no audio (would be useful as an mp3 player but - oh, come on!)
- micro-USB fit is tighter than.. ehm... well, exactly
the tinfoil ugly:
- to set it up you HAVE TO connect to a wifi, as google would put it "to enhance and broaden your overall experience". No wifi, no book-reading, old chap. So, for the ultra-tinfoils, use free public wifi, enter fake e-mail, fake name, agree to the abbreviated terms and conditions - approx. 167 pages long (I'm NOT kidding), and - you are free to read. Don't ask me how it syncs with amazon or other purchases, haven't tried it, have no intention to. I'm sure it'll sync with my abebooks paper books just fine.
Conclusions: one sold, one on hold for me wife. Unit put under observation for the potential "tear" problem.
p.s. incidentally, my wife tries to get several academic books, fairly serious stuff. Inter-library loan is £1.50 per book - per SEARCH. And if they don't get it for you - tough luck, but money goes. She went to abebooks last night and pulled something like 15 books, they'll be all shipped from various places round the globe, total cost - around 75 quid. Then she had a sensible thought: check the amazon prices, maybe they're cheaper there. And then she gaped at the same title, all "kindle" editions: 46 quid... 35 quid... 88 quid... Oh, the glory of e-commerce, eh?