Re: Possible solution...
"might be for cameras to allow 'bracketing' of more parameters. A lot of dedicated digital cameras allow this for exposure, but it would be handy if it could be extended to ISO and focus as well, as examples. Obviously this would result in several images being stored for every press of the shutter button, but it would allow the photographer to select the best image at their leisure after the fact, instead of fumbling with the controls at the time."
Slap a DSP and a single image on the end, and you have basically described how in-camera HDR works, to a greater or lesser degree - they've started adding it to SLRs, too.
Here's an example from my Nexus 4. I'll be honest, it does a pretty decent job, for simple web snaps, but viewed in detail, it's a bit rough. For FaceyB and Twatter, however, it's pretty fecking bob on.
And yes, that is the oft referenced yellow shed....on the non HDR shot, the car and sky are correctly exposed, but the ground and background fields and trees are too dark. I have another couple of shots of the car from the rear, but I'm too damned lazy to upload them TBH. Also, IMGURs app sucks balls on android - no thumnails? What twattery, how you supposed to make sure you've uploaded the right pictures? I roll my eyes at thee.
If I'm particularly off on that description (of HDR - I know my car is a shed, albeit a fun one, and that IMGUR is being a bit pish on mobile is subjective), feel free to correct me, but I'm fairly sure I've grasped that all reasonably accurately...