Vendor blogs totally miss the entire mid-market
My problem with vendor blogs and many industry blogs is that they all focus on the top end of the market, the top 1% of enterprise users who actually care about being able to squeeze a bazillion IOPS out of their array and want to scale to XB's and beyond.
I've been working in storage for a long time and I can safely say that 90% of the mid market customers (and there are lots of them) really don't care who can go fastest. All they want is a simple life where they can protect their data in a quick, simple, and repeatable manner, and when things go wrong they want to be able to get it back quickly. I don't know any vendor who actually aims any blogs or marketing effort at this much abused user community - bizarrely it's their biggest growth market
As an example, 100% of the top vendors are obsessed with Big Data. I spoke to 50 of my customers over the last 2-weeks and 95% of them couldn't have cared less about Big Data, it was irrelevant to them. These customers have on average 200-400TB of capacity each - not huge, but not small.