By Grudd that looks a good deal
E-book him! Entire Judge Dredd back catalogue gets iDevice treatment
Dredd fans! Tharg the Mighty has added almost every single 2000AD story the future lawman has passed judgement in - well, apart from the ones that were once banned by m’learned colleagues - to the official iDevice app. Yes, the Judge Dredd Complete Case Files compendia - which extend to a colossal 20 volumes - are now …
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Friday 20th September 2013 19:46 GMT Rog69
Slightly misleading.
The complete case files volumes 1 - 20 contains most of the Dredd strips up to around 1994- 95, so to say it brings us up to present times is not accurate, that doesn't even cover half of the published Dredd so far.
You can also get the first five volumes for a tenner each from the 2000ad web site, DRM free (CBZ or PDF format) so you don't need an Ipad to view them. Same goes for the weekly and monthly comics.
Monday 23rd September 2013 08:57 GMT wikkity
RE: for free on Bitorrent
Which would obviously be illegal. However, it makes it very easy to read them, mush easier than wading through the loft insulation that is actually boxes and boxes of comics. Plus, many people find it unthinkable to open them once they've been bagged.
I'd love to see a subscription based service like spotify for comics.
Monday 23rd September 2013 09:28 GMT David Evans
Drokk it!
...You got me excited there; I thought they'd finally gotten around to offering all of Dredd up to date but these are just digitised versions of the Case Files anthologies that have been onsale in your local ink-on-dead-trees emporium for ages. The first 20 volumes take you up to prog 887. We're currently at prog 1850.
Haven't looked at the 2000AD website for ages and I'm annoyed that it looks like Zenith has finally been reprinted but as a limited run and I missed it.
I do wish Rebellion would get their act together on digitising the whole of 2000AD. Progress seems pretty slow (rights issues aside), their site design is pretty poor and only putting subs on iTunes and not Google Play is behind the curve. I'll fix all of that for you Mr. Kingsley, for a reasonable fee :)