Better luck this time chaps and chapess.
Hope the weather is as good as the other day.
Great video from the chase car, by the way.
Drinky poos?
The Register's mighty Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) team is gearing up for a second test flight of our Vulture 2 spaceplane's vital rocket motor igniter assembly, following Monday's dramatic first attempt which unfortunately ended on a Spanish mountainside without the essential test firing carried out. Click …
Don't you think it's up to you to contact the club and others to let them know about this endeavour(*) so that they can decide if they want to oiffer assistance instead of them receiving unsolicited mail out of the blue. Presumably if you have the e-mail addresses then you are at least known to them
it's good to want to be of help but spam is spam no matter.
(*)They may already be aware of it and are helping or have decided they can be of no real assistance.
There was the first attempt back in July, the second attempt a couple of days ago, so the next will be number three.