SPB Drone?
Sounds like a job for an SPB Drone. if the excuse were needed. You should be sending a drone to fly in to gps coords to video crash site, and report back, before you trek up to it...
The Special Project Bureau's mountain rescue team has been mobilised today to recover our Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) playmonaut – stranded since yesterday on the side of a Spanish mountain. What should have been a routine test flight to put our improved rocket motor igniter through its paces ended dramatically …
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+1 for an SPB drone. It's just not an option -- you NEED one (with lots of cameras, please)!
Thrilling video from the chase car, great fun watching the comments scroll by in one window as the tracker updated in the other and the scenery flew by. Well done (except for the whole not-getting-to-the-landing-site-before-dark thing), but there's always tomorrow, and that climb will be easier after a few beers, a good dinner and a night's rest, which I hope you got!
//drone is cheaper and more portable than a gyrocopter
First the Original Playmonaut "lost at Sea".
Then CASSiE, the space hedgehog "lost" "somewhere" in Oxfordshire or Warwickshire.
Now the LOHAN Playmonaut, "STRANDED" on Spanish "Mountain"
As I said here: http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/03/28/space_hedgehog/#c_1776781
"I hope she isn't in a cell with the Playmonaut, inside a miniature Baking Soda and Vinegar volcano, and that they find her safe and well. But I'm still going for the "someone is stealing our toy astronauts a la You Only Live Twice" theory."
Wake up and smell the coffee, sheeple!!
Once is an accident. Twice is coincidence. Three times is an enemy action.
Someone is stealing our toy astronauts a la "You Only Live Twice"
It also sounds suspiciously like the operational procedures of the Soviet space program and its undervaluation of Human Capital. Have the Ruskies maintained their policies of infiltration and espionage, even after the fall of their empire, and penetrated even as high as El Reg?
It's the NSA getting even for el Reg's unfavorable coverage of their shenanigans. Right now, Playmonaut is being waterboarded to the question of "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"
Meanwhile Keith Alexander is wearing his "Gul Alek'sandar" costume as he watches it all on the monitor in in his faux-Star Trek command center.
Possibility two is a North Korean kidnap team. Keep your eyes peeled for the broken and brainwashed Playmonaut to appear in a worshipful Pyongyang crowd shot taken during the Dear Leader's next birthday celebration!! You'll know what they got out of him when Pearl Harbor is taken out by a ballocket-delivered Nork nuke!