These words need to stop being created.
Nokia quiz: Do you know what a phablet is?
Gadget blogs and tech specialists may know what "phablet" means, but Nokia isn’t whether civilians do. The phone-maker took the unusual step on Friday of gaining feedback on the word. Nokia was measuring familiarity with the word and how favourably it is received. The company has yet to launch its first "phablet" but is about …
Monday 16th September 2013 12:46 GMT Mark .
"Samsung's Galaxy Note is credited with taking the device beyond the gadget nerd niche – they’re surprisingly popular with women"
Astonishing, it's almost as if there's a segment of the population that carries a bag with them most the time, so therefore isn't restricted to "what fits in my pocket".
Though the flipside is that women's trousers seem to be crippled with ridiculously small pockets, and I know women who don't like relying on handbags complaining about the size of smartphones these days - though maybe it's the pocket sizes that need to increase.
As for "phablet", we only got into this mess with the recent media redefinition of "tablet" to only mean something big - historically, a tablet is any handheld device that isn't a phone (including say, Nokia's earlier N-series tablets, before they became smartphones with the N900). Tablets and phones are really the same thing, available in a range of sizes, with the minor difference of the phone functionality. A 4" non-phone computing device is a tablet. A 7" Asus Fonepad is a smartphone.
But instead we have this nonsense of labelling small things as "smartphone", big things as "tablets", and then throwing a wobbly because there isn't a word for things that are in between, leading some to make the fallacy of claiming "it's too small for a tablet" or "it's too big for a phone", when it's the terminology that's at fault (it's like complaining that a medium-height person is too small for a tall person, and too big for a short person, and maybe we should start calling them "shall" or "tort").
Monday 16th September 2013 22:42 GMT Captain DaFt
"I don't understand why Nokia give a flying phuck about anything smartphone related anymore...they've flogged the division on to MS so kind of a moot point for them really"
Well, they flogged off the current phone division to MS, and promised not to start another one for a few years... But then what?
They still own the IP, and with all the deadwood sold off, now's the time to start planning for that day, and maybe the third coming of the Nokia phone will be as good as the first?
Monday 16th September 2013 22:42 GMT Rukario
And no one has commented on the bottom line:
"Your personal data will be processed in the survey according to our Privacy Policy and Official Rules."
Seriously? What personal data do they make you give them to answer something as inane as this? (Apart from the usual browser header data slurp.)
Tuesday 17th September 2013 14:00 GMT Atonnis
Stupid phucking words...
Phondleslab...phablet....stupid terms that should die a messy and painful death, along with anyone who uses them.
Look, if you're SO desperate to find a term for that not-quite-sure-what-it-is niche in between phone and tablet, then just find/create another word.....stop trying to mash shit together to create more shit. It's shitty.
I'd look towards an acronym, personally.