Something really new and exciting needs to be announced or else the decline will continue.
Apple has sent out invitations that confirm rumors it will hold a widely expected event next Tuesday, September 10, at the company's headquarters in Cupertino. Are those two orange-ish circles actually 'champagne gold'? Although – true to Apple's übersecretive nature – the invitation is merely a teaser that offers no …
Jesus, see what this announcement has done to a stable and sane human being, what kind of hold do they have on me?
Ever time someone mentions Apple are about to announce something, it's like I have Tourette's
Someone shoot me, pleeeeeeeeese......
I'm not sure I want revolution. I want a damn phone which is slick to use (fast, nice OS) and well designed aesthetically. I do not want lasers or scissors or a toaster built in. Battery life and super-tough glass you can use with gloves are my two requests compared to current iPhone and comparable handsets.
They are already having sleepless nights, Salivating at the mouths, heavy breathing, like a tin of dog food being opened in front of a dozen hungry pitbull terriers, and already queing up outside flagship stores.
FFS it will only be phone, and true to form, only an incremental improvemt in IOs, or worse.
It wont make my coffee in the mornings or wipe my bottom.
So much media space? I think you guys are sold out on Apple.
And all the Fandroids are having the same sleepless as they salivate at the opportunity to jeer and generally slag off anyone who owns anything 'fruity' as being a fashionista (or worse)
To be honest, both type of device work (and in many cases work very well) for their users. But the press likes a good junket and the Apple ones seem to be in a different league to those put on by Samsung etc. So, is it any wonder that the apple Junkets get more press inches than others?
Personally, the Samsung Galaxy mini is about the worst Android phone every to be inflicted on the market.
Compared to the iPhone 1 that it replaced, it is a step back into the dark ages. It is little wonder that the Mini has been replaced by a Nokia 3310 just so that I didn't miss those funny things called 'Phone Calls'.
Every type of phone/tablet has its problems. I just wish the fans of one side would not keep on slagging off other types. If they did, the debate would be a lot more intelligent.
Beg differ.
The name means everything. Any progression in model naming, be it a number increment or a suffix, together with an easily recognisable new feature (like the double LED of the new 5S, which makes it obvious that it's not a plain old 5) is the reason to buy it*. You would not want to be seen with a 'last season' iPhone texting on the way to your Starbucks**, just as you wouldn't wear last year's dress style or have last year's shoes on.
Gotta keep up with the fashion and the Jones's, eh? And don't, really don't, buy a Fisher-Price-Edition iPhone5C! That makes you look like putting a BMW M5 sticker on a 316d; laughing stock for the "Real iPhone" owners. The best bet is to go for a urobilin coloured golden one. It shows more 'haute bohème'.
*after getting pantwettingly exited about the new, beautiful and creative features like erm . . . uh.
**for your part-time afternoon shift.
Nope they don't need to. the 'Meh' increments are more than enough to keep web & print interested to provide acres of free publicity. To be honest I don't know why Apple have a marketing budget at all when Vulture Central et al. do that for free.
Just like every other phone announcement from every other manufacturer for the foreseeable future, what's announced will be incremental improvements on what exists.
Customers now have a choice of 3 perfectly usable phone OSes, one of which is available from several manufacturers. All of the phone-makers engage in marketing and protectionist legal manoeuvres.
Go ahead and buy whichever phone you like. If you think your choice says anything about your intelligence or sex-appeal - it doesn't. Nobody cares.
I thought everyone gave up caring around the time Steve died (or the iPhone 5 came out - not sure exactly when). The general public appear to be over the media hype ups Apple puts on, and the invited media seem to be the only ones that care (hey - it's a free booze up, right?).