There will now be a large (no humungus) amount of bandwidth dedicated to what part this subsurface gulley has to play in global cooling/warming etc.etc.
Where the hell is the 'popcorn' icon?
A huge mega-canyon, nearly double the length of America's Grand Canyon, has been discovered beneath a mile of ice in Greenland. The canyon in a 3-D visualisation of the Greenland bedrock for the northern half of the island, looking north The canyon looks like a winding river channel and is at least 750km (466 miles) long, …
Water and Ice formed most of the earths geological features, so i guess in a few hundred thousand or millions of years time, whatever creatures inhabit an ice-free earth at that time, will stand on the edge peering into the abyss, having paid their entry fee to the national park of greenland.
But seriously, this is just another reason why science is so exciting - you never know what is about to be discovered.
"But seriously, this is just another reason why science is so exciting - you never know what is about to be discovered."
Too true. One never knows what is truly there unless one looks.
Just think of what will be discovered by this time next year!
Why, they may even discover a trace of intelligence in politicians.
Well, Olympic size pools measure: 50 metres long, 25 metres wide, and a minimum of 2 metres deep.
(25m x 50m x 2m = 2,500m3; 1L = 0.001m3 so 2,500 x 1000 = 2,500,000L)
So that would mean that 7.5e+5m divided by 25
Of fuggedit it's about 29824 long (in OSSP) (Olympic Size Swimming Pools)
And in some places 400 OSSP depths deep
I think I've lost the will to continue...can anyone help
*Paris because I now know how she feels
Hmmmm, a winding river channel in a valley under a mile of glacier....... looks to me like this is ABSOLUTE evidence that global warming is NOT manmade since that much ice could not have formed, melted and re-formed within the timeline of man capable of using fire.
For the obtuse ones out there, the valley the canyon formed within is "U' shaped and thus was formed by glacial activity. Then that glacier melted and formed the river that dug the canyon. Then the valley was filled with new glacier as we see it today.
The sheer size and mass of the ice required is undeniable proof.
It way look that way to you, but the only thing this proves is that there is a previously unknown canyon there. Well that and the fact that wacko proclamations like yours on both sides that prove the whole debate should never have been introduced to those outside the scientific community.
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Did you ever take geology? Understand how glaciers are the only thing on this earth that gouge out "U" shaped valleys? That a river canyon that formed in a "U" shaped valley could have only formed AFTER the valley was gouged out? Missing the fact that this valley and canyon are now under a mile of ice? Do you have any understanding how long it takes for all that ice to form, melt and reform?
Obviously not, so I must assume that you are flat earther who believes that the earth has only been around for 6,000 years and man was made in 7 days; otherwise you might be able to understand the enormous timeline involved here and the FACT that none of this could have taken place due to the actions of humankind or any of his ancestors, therefore PROVING that so called "global warming" is nothing more than natural cycles that can be no more affected by man than flies can move mountains
And you apparently don't understand the use of that particular Icon, eh Don? But just as smart as a frigging fencepost even if you can't comprehend what must have taken place to form that valley!
No, you know quite well what I was saying, and that it conforms to all typical geological formation principles for valleys proposed since the 1950's. But no, you have to be a blathering douche of an AGW cultist like Jefe, the kind that get even more nonsensical when they know they are dead wrong.
Your reply makes you look even more ignorant than you really are. In fact the only thing missing is a picture of you with your fingers in your ears saying "nyah,nyah I can't hear you".
Sometimes the truth is just too much for people like you.
Dan, as you seem to claim knowledge of geology, perhaps you also know a bit about plate tectonics, and that the canyon in question may have formed many millions of years ago when Greenland was in more tropical latitudes.
Regardless, there is much to learn about this feature, which is less accessible than the surface of the Moon.
"U" Shaped Valley=Well known established geological principle that these valleys are always formed by previous/current glacial activity; Vee shaped valley/river canyons= Always the same erosion pattern from running water. Water needs to melt to be able to form these patterns, thus there had to have been glacial ice formation, then massive melting, then new glacial ice formation. Timeline cannot be ignored as this span is far longer than man has existed.
Greenland has been in this approximate location for more than a million years thus no chance of your tectonic hypothesis having any validity. Ice began forming on Greenland 3.5 Million years ago and this ice ONLY formed from the poles downward.
As I said, you are all as smart as a fencepost, believing AGW on faith alone and ignoring bonafide PROOF you are wrong! The very definition of insanity!
"...looks to me like this is ABSOLUTE evidence that global warming is NOT manmade since that much ice could not have formed, melted and re-formed within the timeline of man capable of using fire."
So, what you are saying is that AGW 'supporters' -a category which, by the way, includes most of the scientific community- aren't aware of the fact that Earth has gone through glacial periods before.
Your comment is not only bullshit, it's Tesco-Value bullshit.
"For the obtuse ones out there, the valley the canyon formed within is "U' shaped and thus was formed by glacial activity."
You got one thing right. Now, try putting the horse in front of the cart.
A river formed a valley that was widened by the glacier grinding its way through it.
Nice try, did you even BOTHER look at the sonar picture of the valley? The HUGE U shaped valley with the SMALL river running through it?
No, I thought not... just another of the AGW "faithfull" (deluded fools each end everyone) who cannot see reality for their self imposed blinders of "religion".
Except for the fact that the glacier would have wiped out any evidence of the river gorge so the horse HAS to be behind the cart where it belongs.
IE Glacier forms U shaped valley, melted glacial water forms new river gorge, new glacier is in process of starting the process all over again.
All of which takes place over a much longer period that man has been able to affect the climate.
Totally a strawman argument. No-one has ever suggested that climate fluctuations can only be the result of human activity.
I'm also puzzled about your identification of a U shaped valley. Are you a geologist? And even if it was U shaped, it's already well known that there has been more than one period of glaciation, and plenty of opportunity for this valley to have gone through the process you suggest.
"This area’s ice sheet contributes to sea level rise and this work can help us put current changes in context"
why do these people though out this clap trap at the end of an otherwise interesting article ?
The Greenland Ice thickness has increased by 2"-5mm net per year since 1992 .. seems warmer air and warmer ocean currents cause more snow to fall .. well in excess to some increased Summer melt .. so if anything .. Greenland may have a contributed a bit to the sea levels lowering in 2010-2011 .. but definitely not contributing to sea level rise .. because there is no net loss of ice sheet in Greenland for 20 years .. and we don't know the extent of loss or gain prior to 1992
Please stop the madness. Fire your headline writer and get a scientist in to write them for you. Anthropomorphism has no place in Science reporting. "Hungry" cleft is oxymoronic - inanimate objects (clearly identified as non-human - not always an easy call) do not have/experience/express feelings, emotions, and other human-type reactions. Clefts have no brains so they don't get to have the feelings or characteristics of humans. Valleys aren't plagued with dietary issues. It's science, not human-analogy story-telling time. Science is better understood without the humanizing getting in its way. It's not "our" universe either!