CEO Tim Cook is right that Google Glass are stupid, but clueless about glasses wearers.
Google Glass should be a huge target for mockery, because the physical design is so very very flawed, and even dangerous.
The design of Google Glass is ironically completely incompatible with all glasses wearers.
1. It occupies the area around the head where Glasses (including Sun Glasses!) sit, so is physically incompatible.
2. The short distance from the eye will make it useless to anyone who has trouble focusing very close to their eyes; which includes some people who normally don't need glasses.
3. It will be useless in bright Sunlight because it provides no facility to suspend Transitions Lenses to shade the eyes and the above eye display, so will be unusable in sunny areas.
4. The chunky side arms will preclude use with any kind of rigid crash helmet, and the current front design would be hazardous for impact; this will make it stupid to wear them in a vehicle, with and without air bags.
The people who say what a good idea as-is, must be completely blind as to just how bad the current physical design is.
I will consider the Google Glass team quite clueless until I hear that they have talked with designers for Prescription Glasses, Sun Glasses designers, and Sports Glasses, and considered front impact, because only then will they see just how stupid their current design is, and why they need to fix it!