I, for one, welcome our terrifyingly cuddly cybernetic ursine overlords!
Bionic Brit Babbage Bear boards brilliant balloon, bests ballsy Baumgartner
We're delighted to report that Raspberry Pi mascot Babbage Bear wrested the world skydiving record crown from Felix Baumgartner on Monday - by leaping into the void from a breathtaking 39,000m. Stepping from his foam launch platform, Babbage took the plunge into the history books, pipping the Austrian's 38,969m jump, as this …
Tuesday 27th August 2013 09:28 GMT andreas koch
@ Richard Scratcher -
It was a voluntary deplatformation.
I was glued to the screen from start to touchdown on Saturday, but sadly had to skip yesterdays triumph. Just as nerve-wrecking as Apollo 11 or the WSC11*.
Congratulations to the team, especially Babbage and Dave!
*Only 38 days to wait for WSC13.
Wednesday 28th August 2013 02:10 GMT Irony Deficient
Re: magnetically drawn to trees
Lester, the best material for lodesticks would of course be petrified wood, as a general purpose tree repellent. Otherwise, the lodestick material would need to be of wood of a particular species chosen to repel a particular type of tree, if you know which types of trees have tended to attract your stratomissions to date. In the latter case, I’d recommend consulting with experts, such as local druids who are familiar with tree lore.
Wednesday 28th August 2013 12:30 GMT Eclectic Man
Re: magnetically drawn to trees
"He's a bear, and he very probably wanted to have a shit in the woods"
Frankly, were I facing the prospect of being dropped from an altitude of 39,000 metres, I doubt I could have waited for the woods before having a sh*t. Ted is clearly made of strong stuff.
Congratulations to all concerned.
Is there any chance that Ted and Felix will meet up for a joint photo-shoot and to share their experiences?
Tuesday 27th August 2013 16:58 GMT ItsNotMe
Re: magnetically drawn to trees
You should also consider one of those "Flying Squirrel" Suits for Lord Babbage (I'm sure HRH will be contacting him soon for his feat) for his next venture into the Stratosphere.
With that...and some well placed/designed servos...he could avoid the arboreal hazards, and land comfortably on his paws on Terra Firma.