Clearly The Guardian is considered to be up to no good- acting against the common good, aiding the enemy, possessing secrets, conspiring with Terrorists, or whatever...
But it shows that, in the war against terror, journos are as fair a game in a 'free country' as Terrorists. Guardian journos, but if they suspected another organisation, it'd be them too. But make no mistake, if Miranda was not a less known journo, they'd probably have sent him to Guantanamo for a few rounds of water boarding by now. It is not a war on journos though, this is The War on Terror. The war with no enemy, with no end.
The war understood by anyone tasked to protect as a war on everyone, anyone, and one they need a lot more information to succeed against, (even if just for a short time). Once they have all the info, they will be... bwah ahaa ahahaaaaa... I-N-D-E-S-T-R-U-C-T-I-B-L-E!
But in reality the war will have simply moved onto a new, non-public arena where enemies corrupt, hack and innovate their way through everyone's systems (inc the Governments') to achieve the same ends as before.
But relax, your government's are fighting to protect you. In the process, all the news is censored to be in the 'national interest'.
All your data belong to Us*,
All your freedom belong to Them**, and
All your prosperity has mystically vanished into numerous global conflicts***
* the overlords formerly known as organised crime, terrorists, misguided corporations, etc.
** the governments 'protecting you'
*** struggles over influence, resources, money and power presented as anything that will motivates a majority, (that occur with ever-increasing intensity and regularity).
Ah, how strong and vibrant modern democracy is! How free from failure we have made it!
Having learned so much since Hitler and Stalin, we cannot be fooled anymore. We know now that War over land, oil or the next election is good. Lying to go to war is okay (E.g. Bush's WMDs in Iraq) and only the Terrorists, Journos (and so many others) amongst us are bad.
But look on the good side: At least any form of international action over unimportant things like genocide, international conventions, serial despotism... all that nandy-pandyness is now long gone. Thank all the Good Lawyer's# for that.
# Good Lawyers, rather like Good Lords- do they actually exist?