back to article No signal in Seascale? Countryside Alliance wants to hook you up

Taking a break from the promotion of bloodsports, rural campaign group the Countryside Alliance is looking for help mapping mobile phone not-spots in the hope of embarrassing operators into filling them. The wax-jacket-wearing organisation is asking those who care about rural mobile coverage to install Root Metrics on their …


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  1. Chris G


    Who ever wrote this unsigned article is clearly a vegetarian from the tone, or is unaware that their lunch time steak/burger/other meat was alive at some time and subsequently had to be killed by some means.

    Is an air powered bolt through the brain after queuing behind your mates any kinder than being shot?

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Chris G

      Re: Veggie

      Sorry! missed the tiny name in the line below the title.

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Veggie

      You forget these people support hunting with dogs, a shot or an air powered bolt certainly is better than slowly bleeding to death in some dogs mouth when there is also no intention of the meat or fur being used. Unfortunately all Countryside Alliance members are automatically assumed to support these methods so I suspect this is why the article was written in the tone it is. I suspect most people like myself (and I happen to enjoy a shoot) have no issues with hunting in general but would prefer less humane methods or unnecessary deaths be banned (hunting with dogs is banned but other issues remain). So on the although I agree this persons tone is irritating and perhaps misinformed I would also point out that its not completely baseless.

      1. ukgnome

        Re: Veggie

        That certainly is a leap of the imagination.

        This is the register, it is enjoyed by meat devourers and leaf eaters alike.

        I have never read an article and thought sandal wearing leaf munching lefty, nor have I thought that an article is slightly more right of Genghis Khan.

        But it is certainly true that the countryside alliance is a bloodsport promoter, just like Greenpeace is a wind loving tree hugging organisation.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Veggie

      actually I thought the same about the tone of the article

    6. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Veggie

      It's political correctness gone mad.

      I mean the peasants have to die sometime - but when I run over a flock of them in my Range Rover there is all sorts of nastiness. I had to call the Chief Constable to get it all sorted out.

      1. GBE

        Re: Veggie

        Yea, it's a shame you can't kill a few poor people these days without having

        to talk to the police about it afterwards. Next thing you know, they're going to outlaw chattel slavery as well.

  2. s. pam

    So would this be the same Greenie arseholes?

    That won't allow rural phone cabinets, which can deliver broadband?

    The same idiots that doesn't like telephone poles carrying broadband/POTS?

    The same morons that moan like Aunt Clara on Sunday when they cannot get 3G coverage, 30Mbps to their local exchanges?

    These people are walking talking Epic Fail's.

    1. IHateWearingATie

      Re: So would this be the same Greenie arseholes?

      Have you got a link to the CA moaning about poles and cabinets? Generally land owners like pole delivery of cables as they get cash from it, and plenty of rural areas have direct connections to the exchange so there are no cabinets.

      The cabinet moaning brigade tend to be townies living in expensive bits of London.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So would this be the same Greenie arseholes?

      No, I you're probably thinking of someone like the Campaighn to Protect Rural England. who appear to stand for the pricing out (=eviction) of the rural peasantry, and a ban on visiting townies, in order to protect the rural character of their dormitory villages where the nearest you'll see to an agricultural vehicle is a Chelsea Tractor.

      1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

        Re: So would this be the same Greenie arseholes?

        Oh the CPRE. The one with 'Bill Bryson' recently at the helm. Remember that the first line of his first book (IIRC) goes something like

        'I come from Des Monies. Well someone has to'

        Now where exactly in the British Isles is this fantastic place called 'Des Moines'?

        Most of them are true Nimby's IMHO.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: So would this be the same Greenie arseholes?

          Weren't CPRE are the ones who oppose wind farms and in a totally unrelated matter received funding from GE's nuclear energy division ?

  3. squigbobble

    I await the pitch(fork)ed battle...

    ...between them and the mobile phone mast nimbys.

    1. JimC

      Re: I await the pitch(fork)ed battle...

      More a suburban phenomenon I believe. It amazes me they fail to see that of they don't want phone masts near little George's school all they have to do is throw out all their phones and take 'em off their brats too...

  4. Tel Starr

    Given it's location I would have thought Seascale was a 'Hotspot'

    1. Oor Nonny-Muss

      I've certainly heard nothing but glowing reports of the place and it's near neighbours.

      1. Alan J. Wylie

        Ready Brek

      2. SImon Hobson Silver badge

        Yeah, we don't need headlights up here.

        That is a joke BTW.

    2. Snake Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      LOL I wonder how many people remember/get that.

      1. Elmer Phud


        I bunged windscale in to Wiki -- I'm old.

  5. Lindsay T


    None of us over a certain age will be in any doubt about where Seascale is. If you can't find it on a map, try Windscale and Sellafield just next door.

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