back to article Boffin blends benevolent beer

It's not a hangover cure, but it could help retain the beneficial effects of beer while mitigating some of its damage. A researcher from Queensland's Griffith Health Institute has found a way to make beer work like electrolyte drinks without ruining its taste. Associate Professor Ben Desbrow is working on the idea that beer …


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  1. seven of five Silver badge

    Don´t mess with the Reiheitsgebot.

    Water, barley, hops.

    If you can´t cope with it there is always Pepsi for you.

    1. seven of five Silver badge

      Re: Don´t mess with the Reinheitsgebot.

      Oh, how I f.... love when I mess up the orthography in the subjectline.

  2. Ralph B

    Pope Desbrow

    Back to associate professor Desbrow: “So, if you’re going to live in the real world, you can either spend your time telling people what they shouldn’t do, or you can work on ways of reducing the danger of some of these socialised activities.”

    This Prof for Pope, please!

  3. Chris Miller

    "if it tastes acceptable, would have to be an Aussie holy grail"

    A beer that tastes of something?

    Inspector Morse: "They don't call it XXXX for nothing, Lewis!" Promised Land (Episode 20)

    1. Professor Falken
      Thumb Up

      Re: "if it tastes acceptable, would have to be an Aussie holy grail"

      "Canadian Beer is like making love in a canoe. It's f**king close to water...."

      (With apologies to one of the pythons)

      Does this mean that as well as the various chocolate bars and other sweet fatty treats that my local leisure centre sells in their vending machines that I'll be able to get a beer there soon as well?

  4. Chimp

    VB isn't beer.

    ... it's technically cheese.

  5. Anomalous Cowshed

    Where were you last night? Getting drunk with your mates, I bet!

    Noooo! I was exercising at the The Kings' Arms, darling, honest!

    1. Mike Flugennock

      Re: Where were you last night? Getting drunk with your mates, I bet!

      "Noooo! I was exercising at the The Kings' Arms, darling, honest!"

      Why am I seeing an Andy Capp cartoon in there somewhere?

  6. Alister

    Boffin blends benevolent beer, Hydration hack hinders hangovers...

    Awesome Alliteration.


  7. Chris G

    I c'n shee the finish line from 'ere

    Does this mean we are going to need to breathalyse (Australian?) marathon runners?

  8. jake Silver badge

    Hydrate with water.

    Beer/wine/booze for relaxation, in moderation.

    Eat properly, so-called "sports drinks" don't work.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hydrate with water.

      Bugger. Just had to upvote jake. We need a "shoots self in the head" icon.

  9. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Beer == energy drink?

    so could we look forward to say Bradly Wiggins in full lycra downing a pint?

    1. Jon Double Nice

      Re: Beer == energy drink?

      If that's what grapes your squildo....

  10. Yag

    Here comes Brawndo! with electrolytes!

    Gives people what they crave.

  11. Code Monkey

    Aussie pish

    An Australian wants us to trust him to add things to a beer that won't ruin the taste? In the case of Aussie pish he's probably right.

  12. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    This explains everything!

    The prof is obviously an evil Pom saboteur sent to Australia by SIS - it's good to see our intelligence services can still do good work. It explains the recent poor performance of most Australian sports teams. Their bad showing at the Olympics was obviously due to trying out these new electrolyte drinks, there's the rugby of course, and we now know why the Aussies can't bat - it's because they're not sure which of the 2 balls they can see to try and hit. Hooray for Science!

    To quote W G Grace, "Australia rhymes with failure!"*

    * Well OK, only on those Channel 4 adverts. However, he does say in his manual on batting, that one should always take one's pipe out of one's mouth before going in to bat. Excellent advice, I'm sure we can all agree.

  13. A Twig

    This rings a bell...

    Glucozade Port anyone?

  14. Don Jefe

    Dehydration is a part of hangovers, but the worst parts are caused by your body oxidizing the alcohol and the excess sugars produced in the process (weakness, headache and upset stomach). Beer shits are excess sugar shits, you can replicate the entire hangover experience by eating enormous amounts of high sugar content foods.

    It's really dangerous and leads quickly to alcohol poisoning, but if you manage your diet to absolutely minimize sugar intake for a few weeks you can really impress your friends with a night of extreme consumption abilities and your quick recovery/near lack of hangover.

    1. The last doughnut

      Sorry dude you are wrong about that. Lots of people can attest to the effects of alcohol on a low-sugar diet such as Atkins. You get pissed very quickly then get a headache. It does make you a cheap date, though.

  15. Sweep

    A pint, or possibly 2 pints, of beer is already an excellent post-sports drink. Better than water alone anyway (after 1 or 2 in an hour post exercise the body has absorbed as much carbohydrates as it can use and the diuretic effects of the alcohol will start to have a bigger effect). It contains nutrients and electrolytes as it is.

    Maybe what these Aussies have actually discovered is what the rest of the civilised world just calls "beer" already, as opposed to that koala urine Fosters

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      as opposed to that koala urine Fosters

      I think you're being terribly unfair here.

      Koala urine is pleasantly menthol scented, due to all that eucalyptus they eat. Fosters on the other hand...

  16. The Wegie


    So, basically, this guy has gone to all this effort to reinvent Sixty Shilling?

    I think I'll just have a pint of Belhaven 60/- instead.

  17. Allan George Dyer


    have some salt'n vingegar crisps with that.

  18. Mike Flugennock


    Uhhrrbb... 'scuse me, just threw up in my mouth a little. Call it a Hot Dog Burp Of Disgust.

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