Re: Why can't they leak...
"They may go for, say, Russia, but I doubt it. Assange seems to think that his enemy's (US Gov) enemy (Russian Gov)is his friend."
Plus the Russians don't fuck about where this sort of thing is concerned; ask the families of hundreds of murdered Russian/Russian commonwealth journalists. Anna Politkovskya springs to mind, plus also it is the case that a certain former Russian KGB Lt Col. had to die because he wrote a very frank, revealing and damaging assessment of another former Russian KGB Lt Col. whom he in the line of duty some years back investigated for fraud and other criminal activity; yes, if you hadn't guessed it, the latter former KGB senior officer was in fact the very one responsible for industrial espionage against the west, grandson of Stalin's former cook, the very macho Vladimir Vladimorovich Putin, aka 'Voro', to use kindergarten Russki.
No. I don't think they want to fuck with Russia, because Russia will fuck them back good and to hell with political correctness, yuman rights and any other western 6th form debating point; they'll do it and not even discuss it, never mind the denial bit. Why? Look at the Russian state duma; it's almost completely filled with Voro's former colleagues, that is to say former KGB placemen.
To these people the burden of thinking morally, or of treating people like Brazilian information couriers, Guardian journos and the like with anything resembling respect is not a priority; no use being a faux naif 'partner' of a Graniad journo, claiming you did nuffink wrong, later only to say in the midst of a hissy fit that you will reveal lots of interesting things about (UK in the current instance) Russian int & sy services, that'll pop you straight in line with the crosshair, no problemo.