back to article Michael Dell accuses Icahn of using court as takeover tool

Michael Dell has accused Carl Icahn of filing "undefined" legal action solely as a tool to help him take over Dell, and said the investor was "grandstanding" in a bid to stop the company from going private. In a court filing, Michael Dell said the action was "just another soapbox for Mr. Icahn's public spat," and a tactic …


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  1. ecofeco Silver badge

    And he would be right

    Also, Icahn is the LAST person who should run Dell.

  2. Mage Silver badge

    Ever Ready and Hanson.

    I've run out of popcorn and corn chips.

    Icahn must think he is going to win. But Sean Quinn thought he could keep doing leveraged buyouts too.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...Icahn can't win this deal so he might as well give up. Dull will most likely be able to collect millions from Ican't when the dust settles.

  4. mIRCat

    "Icahn, for his part, claims he just wants value for money for stockholders himself, saying Dell is trying to buy back the company on the cheap."

    Fixed your typo.

    Won't someone, please, think of the children?

    1. Fatman

      RE: "Typo"

      "Icahn, for his part, claims he just wants value for money for stockholders himself, saying Dell is trying to buy back the company on the cheap."

      Great minds think alike!

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