back to article Limbaugh: If you hate Apple then you're a lefty blog-o-twat hipster

Conservative radio jock Rush Limbaugh has discovered the existence of bloggers and determined they hate Apple and, thusly, Republicans. Limbaugh reckoned love for Android, Google and Samsung is the only thing that can explain why bloggers have been laying into the iPhone and iPad maker lately. Nine out of 10 tech bloggers are …


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  1. Arctic fox

    Let me see now, his "logic" would imply that.........

    ............if you prefer kit from Google/Samsung you are by his definition left-wing and if you prefer kit from Apple/Foxcon you are right-wing? The word "barking" does not even begin to cover it.

    1. Rukario

      Re: Let me see now, his "logic" would imply that.........

      Al Franken was right.

      1. Rumournz

        Re: Let me see now, his "logic" would imply that.........

        so was bill hicks (google it) *Warning* strongly NSFW

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Here on El Reg the theory appears to be correct, there always appears to be a disproportionate number of downvotes when anyone on here praises an Apple product.

      The comments also tend to be more extreme in their nature. So there could also be a correlation between this and the Political Left here in the UK, as they too tend to shout the loudest, have a nastiness and are less forgiving. The Left wing bias is also prevalent and entrenched in the media (except of course the Daily Mail) including the impartial BBC.

      Of course there is other evidence as well. Comments on the news articles tend to dip off after 1pm on Friday which is the end of the working week for the public sector which is generally considered left wing.

      In conclusion, he may have a point, or it's just that a disproportionate number of immature trolling di**heads populate this site. In which case my theory falls to pieces.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Disproportionate

        1pm on a Friday is just about the perfect time to go to the pub... Your, otherwise thoroughly water-tight, theory begins to unravel as soon as you factor that in.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Disproportionate

          But have you tried to get in contact with anyone in the public services after 1pm on a Friday. To prove the point just send an email, you will get an automated reply.. 'Such and such is now out of the office until Mon/Tues next week'.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Disproportionate

            "To prove the point just send an email, you will get an automated reply.. 'Such and such is now out of the office until Mon/Tues next week'."

            W O W The stupid just won't die!

            OK so your one OOO proves that ALL public service departments (which we all RELY ON!) don't work on a Friday afternoon?

            REALLY? Are you really that stupid?

            Honestly, I get sick of hearing this bullshite day in and day out.

            I work in the public sector, alot of my colleagues vote Tory.

            Look, you can't argue with stupid. I suppose this may be a explaination as to why £1ms of public funds are wasted? How could a Tory know what is and isn't good value?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Disproportionate

              "I work in the public sector, alot of my colleagues vote Tory."

              WTF is an "alot"?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Disproportionate

        I think the point is begining to be made.

      3. KirstarK

        Re: Disproportionate

        Troll bait much ?

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Disproportionate

        You really are an idiot arn't you.

        Have you dealt with most public sector departments, they are normally so right wing hitler would feel out of place.

        Full of viscious petty minded, jobsworth pain in the arses. And that was after I left for anotehr job.

        Seriously though, you may consider public sector left wing purely due to the strength of union representation as its harder for the bosses to fuck over their staff in the same way teh private sector does.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Disproportionate @ac 07:30

          Except that Hitler was left wing. Clue's in the name: National Socialist German Workers' Party.

          1. Rukario

            Re: Disproportionate @ac 07:30

            > National Socialist German Workers' Party

            is as Socialist as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is Democratic.

          2. Tom 79

            Re: Disproportionate @ac 07:30

            Does that mean North Korea (DPRK) is actually a democracy? Some people are so easily fooled.

      5. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

        Re: Disproportionate

        there always appears to be a disproportionate number of downvotes when anyone on here praises an Apple product.

        That's because Apple products are the BMWs of the computer world. They may have some nice engineering in them, but far too much of the price is for the name, and far too many of the users are total plonkers who can't see past the badge.

        1. Maharg
          Thumb Up

          Re: Disproportionate BMWs

          “That's because Apple products are the BMWs of the computer world. They may have some nice engineering in them, but far too much of the price is for the name, and far too many of the users are total plonkers who can't see past the badge” … or know how use the products to do anything other than the most basic tasks, for example having a decent camera but using Instagram to take pictures of coffee, or being unable to figure out how to use indicators (signal lights for our American friends).

          There I fixed it for you.

          1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

            Re: Disproportionate BMWs

            The same goes for Merc's and Audi's.

            I'd even go as far as to say that there are more plonkers driving Audi's these days than Beemers. Audi's are seemingly 'cool and hip' while Beemers are old hat.

            {I drive none of the above brands, but something boring from Sweden}

            1. Steven Raith

              Re: Disproportionate BMWs @ Steve Davies 3

              Leftie liberal Volvo driving BASTARD.


              Steven R

              1. Anomalous Cowturd

                @Steven Raith

                OI! I resemble that remark. :o)

                My current Volvo was made in Belgium, much to the amusement of my best mate.

                Lovely cars for the more mature commie subversive bastard. :o)

            2. SirAlan

              Re: Disproportionate BMWs

              Ahhhh...a Koenigsegg

            3. Irongut Silver badge

              Re: Disproportionate BMWs

              Audi drivers aren't plonkers, they're cocks. The title was officially passed from BMW drivers to Audi drivers a few years ago. Also their cars have sparkly eye liner.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Disproportionate

          "That's because Apple products are the BMWs of the computer world. They may have some nice engineering in them, but far too much of the price is for the name, and far too many of the users are total plonkers who can't see past the badge."

          Another similarity is that their owners swear they're well made when their friends know that they spend a ridiculous amount of time in the garage/away for repair compared to cheaper cars/computers.

          1. Philip Lewis

            Re: Disproportionate

            Sample space = 1

            I have owned exactly 1 "bimmer".

            It was a fabulous piece of kit and was reliable and a pleasure to drive on the long Autobahn trips I did back then as a matter of course.

            I rate it second after my Toyota, which was indestructible, but did wear out eventually ..

          2. Mark .

            Re: Disproportionate

            Indeed, I find it interesting when people simultaneously praise the "build quality" while telling us how good the "free" (that they paid for) insurance is for replacing it every time it breaks.

        3. Paw Bokenfohr

          Re: Disproportionate

          Genuine question (though I am sure I will be downvoted because it may be interpreted as pro-Apple).

          Do you really think that people still buy the iPhone because of the name, or manufacturer / "badge"?

          When the original iPhone came out, I could agree. Maybe even the iPhone 3G as it was the first to really hit many countries. But now? 5 years and 5 models on? Does anyone buy it thinking it's the BMW of the phone world?

          Or do they buy it because they have friends or family who have one and are happy, or it's easy to use, or it has a good app ecosystem (remembering most everyone doesn't care it's a walled garden if it has everything they want) etc.

          Just so people don't accuse me of being a fanboi, you can say all of these things about the Galaxy S4 too.

          1. Mark .

            Re: Disproportionate

            First off, of course generalisations are bad - yes, some people will always buy some product as an informed decision. However, you do get people arguing it must be better, because it's made by them. The people who buy it because it's what their friends have, I would argue also still count as buying it "because of the badge".

            It's also a reasonable view of many media articles, that hype up an Apple product even before its release, and then for years afterwards conclude it as the champion, with no clear reason why. It may be now the iphone 5 not the 2007 iphone, but this hype still traces all the way back to 2007.

            The stereotype isn't helped by it being the only company with really prominent logos, in some cases light up.

            Perhaps Samsung are aquiring a similar aspect of this too, but I don't think that's an argument against it. And I've yet to have strangers interrupt my conversation to tell me I should get an S4; you don't hear people go "Get a Samsung" in response to every technical problem someone has; you don't hear then referring to every product they only by its brandname.

          2. NumptyScrub

            Re: Disproportionate

            quote: "Do you really think that people still buy the iPhone because of the name, or manufacturer / "badge"?"

            Yes (sample size: quite a lot). The corporate entity I work for has been supplying blackberries for years, and when we get the inevitable "I don't actually want that, can you support device X instead?" over 90% of the requests I've heard of involve the words iPhone or iPad.

            Staff who just want a device appear to be fine with the blackberry, it seems that only those people who want to be able to show others an iDevice are the ones asking for something different (most of whom are upper management, or Marketing). At least in my experience, YMMV of course.

          3. JEDIDIAH

            Re: Disproportionate

            > Do you really think that people still buy the iPhone because of the name, or manufacturer / "badge"?


            Although that is a far less meaningful declaration now that Apple has become a minority player.

            However there are plenty of crap products that manage to thrive (likely through marketing and critical mass).

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Disproportionate

              "However there are plenty of crap products that manage to thrive (likely through marketing and critical mass)."

              I hear that the serial plagiarists that are Samsung are doing very well of the back of Android, itself low rent and plagiarised. Much like the plagiarised Linux... Freetards like you are full of shit.

          4. Robert Forsyth

            Re: Disproportionate

            I think other commentators are trying to express, they are sold on things non-technical people can measure, such as, "it is expensive it must be good" or "$famous_person person has one". There are measured by some pseudo-science (or non-provable or fuzzy) quality - intuitive (says Steve), best browser (unable to render sites my Nokia 5800 could).

            How is a blank/black rectangle (with rounded corners) place-mat with an unlabelled dimple with a small square in it (a button which does not look like a button) intuitive of a phone or media player? Do four (mainly) unlabelled un-buttons which look like locator pins around the edge help?

            One of the tear-down sites calculated it cost $60 to make, assuming manufacturing yield is near 100%.

            1. Orv Silver badge

              It's about a consistent experience

              What people pay extra for on Apple products is the consistent experience. The "walled garden" that chafes geeks so badly is actually part of this. When you buy an iThing, it will work out of the box, it'll connect to your Mac without a lot of fuss, and it'll be able to run the same apps as all the other iThings. It may not be the best bang for the buck, but it'll work.

              Now contrast with the situation with an Android device. First you have to research it to make sure it's got a recent OS version and processor and isn't some horribly slow "landfill Android." Then you have to find out if it can actually access the Google Play store, or if you'll be stuck in some off-brand app store with a limited selection. If it's a carrier-discount device, you have to find out what features they've crippled as part of locking it to their network and forcing it to use their services. Basically without doing a lot of digging around, you don't know if the stupid thing will WORK once you get your hands on it. Then you have to worry about which apps are legit and which are going to email porn to your grandmother.

              That's basically it in a nutshell. Apple products appeal to people who just want to buy something that will work, instead of spending a week obsessing over review websites before making a decision. (And I say this as someone who actually enjoys the latter.)

          5. IAmTheMillipede

            Re: Disproportionate

            In America, the iPhone is sold at Walmart and commonly found in the hands of people that live in mobile homes and wear sweatpants due to having become so obese that fixed shaped clothing is no longer a viable option.

            Dont know if it has some sort of luxury status elsewhere in the world, but a slightly rusted "vintage" 80s Trans Am would probably be a better analogy for us murricahns.

          6. Tom 35

            Re: Disproportionate

            They bought an iPhone because their BMW came with a built in iPhone doc.

          7. Mullerrad

            Re: Disproportionate

            I buy apple kit but use android phone. I buy what works for me. Apple laptops do cost more, but my one of my old laptops from apple is still working today 8 years on and still running most of the apps if not the latest osx. In that time I had 3 windows laptops. Slow to a crawl and a desktop.... .

            I'm no fan boy I have an iPad, I have a nexus 7 the new one on order. If it works for me I buy it.

            I think taking sides in tech is pointless.

        4. Ted Treen
          Thumb Down

          @ Phil O'Sophical

          "...far too many of the users are total plonkers who can't see past the badge..."

          That's a generalisation and as we all know, generalisations in general are wrong.

          It's true to say that many of the users are people who find OSX preferable to Windows. It's their choice. Yes, I know some richardheads who use Macs: but I know a lot more Windows users who I don't think should be allowed out without their nurse.

          1. Stevie

            Re: @ Phil O'Sophical

            "That's a generalisation and as we all know, generalisations in general are wrong"

            Back in New York for exactly 24 hours, drive out to get my new glasses. Encounter my first BMW of the day driven by 30-summat woman, signalling left at the light at Nicolls Rd and Straight Path and pulled too far forward to make the turn. Decides *as I am pulling alongside to go straight-on* to go straight after all, which involves almost sideswiping me as she corrects her line.

            Throughout the drive, in my mirror I see her make another three bogus signals and last minute re-decisions not to bother at consecutive traffic lights, to the immediate cost of other drivers. God alone knows how many she made while I wasn't checking the rear view.

            She then tailgates me for about a mile and a half, and when I make a turn she gives me the finger for not speeding (to judge by the roar of her engine as she sprinted the last twenty yards to the red light at route 110).

            If the generalization wasn't accurate I guess I hit the one in a million chance of getting the BMW muppet.

          2. GotThumbs

            Re: @ Phil O'Sophical

            "generalisations in general are wrong."

            Actually they are not. While it may not apply to 100% of the people all of the time. A generalization is based on recurring trends/cases we each observe and has a greater chance (IMO) of being the correct situation most of the time. There are always exceptions but they are few compared to the trend.

            Apple sells a very limited product line, but they have multiple generations of each. Many times (if not most of the time) they added features that had already existed on other brands versions. Apple can sell its products at higher prices not because their hardware is that superior, but because they have brand recognition and many fashionistas want that recognition. Just as many (not all) owners of Harley Davidsons pay a premium for a harley over other brands to simply own and be seen on a Harley.

            There will always be followers. Just ask each person you meet why they chose one brand over the other. If they spout marketing verbiage to know they were a follower. If they can provide a specific reason and how that helps them achieve their task....they were knowledgeable when making their choice. This is of course my opinion and you may disagree with it. It's your choice.

            Best wishes on keeping what you earned,

      6. Maharg

        1pm on Friday

        Actually I would guess the 1pm on Friday dip on comments is probably a mass realisation that its Friday afternoon, lunch is over and I really stop looking at El Reg and finish that report/fixed that error/call that supplier/sent that email so I don’t have to do it Monday morning.

        Obviously not talking from experience…

      7. walatam

        Re: Disproportionate

        @a/c 6th August 2013, 06:27

        "So there could also be a correlation between this and the Political Left here in the UK, as they too tend to shout the loudest, have a nastiness and are less forgiving."

        Is that you Mr Limbaugh?

        Left wing bias in the media? Ah, you must mean The Telegraph and The Sun and those of that ilk. Far too left wing for your liking are they?

        I will, not wishing to reinforce your stereotype, refrain from shouting as I point out the complete lack of irony in your complaint about immature trolls. Please do not take offence. I am not accusing you of being immature.

      8. Andrew Jones 2

        Re: Disproportionate

        Suggesting that the BBC is

        a) impartial

        and / or

        b) left wing

        discredits everything you have said and / or ever will say.

      9. John Diffenthal

        Re: Disproportionate

        "The Left wing bias is also prevalent and entrenched in the media (except of course the Daily Mail) including the impartial BBC."

        While I would agree about the BBC, I think you are a bit confused about the politics of newspapers (perhaps you don't read any of them?):

        - Times

        - Telegraph

        - Express

        - Mail

        - Sun

        would all classify as right of middle

        - Independent

        - Guardian

        - Financial Times

        would be pinko Liberals

        - Mirror

        left wing

        Where is your prevalent and entrenched left wing bias?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Disproportionate

          ""The Left wing bias is also prevalent and entrenched in the media (except of course the Daily Mail) including the impartial BBC."

          While I would agree about the BBC, I think you are a bit confused about the politics of newspapers (perhaps you don't read any of them?):

          - Times

          - Telegraph

          - Express

          - Mail

          - Sun

          would all classify as right of middle

          - Independent

          - Guardian

          - Financial Times

          would be pinko Liberals

          - Mirror

          left wing

          Where is your prevalent and entrenched left wing bias?"

          I do not read newspapers! Who does? Do you really make your decisions in life based on what OTHER PEOPLE think? Have you not realised yet that you get respect for making your OWN MIND up and not regurgitating other peoples bull shit?

          I've not read a newspaper since I was 19/20 years old. Yes I was that young when I realised that newspapers are for losers!

          Whether that be the bigoted bare arsed builder with peado leanings (wanking over a barely legal teen with her tits out in a national paper) or the greed bastard times reader and every spectrum of social low life in between.

          Who the fuck gives you a vote FFS? No wonder the country of full of social retards!

          1. FredBloggsY

            Re: Disproportionate

            "I've not read a newspaper since I was 19/20 years old. Yes I was that young when I realised that newspapers are for losers!"

            Let me guess. You're nearly 21 now?

          2. This post has been deleted by its author

          3. Maharg

            Re: Disproportionate @Obviously!

            "I do not read newspapers! Who does? Do you really make your decisions in life based on what OTHER PEOPLE think? Have you not realised yet that you get respect for making your OWN MIND up and not regurgitating other peoples bull shit? I've not read a newspaper since I was 19/20 years old. Yes I was that young when I realised that newspapers are for losers!"

            I’m sorry, so what source of information do you get that nobody else knows about? I can just imagine the conversations you have...

            Sane person “I read in the paper that the Man United won the league last season”


            What source of information is not taken from someone else? Or do you just guess what’s going on in the rest of the world, or do things only exist if you can see them?

            You “excuse me, do you know the way to the train station?”

            Person 1 “No Sorry, hold on, Bob do you know the way to the train station?”

            Bob “Yeah take a right at the end of the street, then the left at the second set of traffic lights and you can see it from there”

            Person 1 “thanks Bob, (turns to you) did you get that mate?”


            People give you more respect from formulating an educated opinion on a subject based on the information available to you, rather than just going “Sorry, I don’t read newspapers I don’t have a fucking clue what you are talking about”

            1. Rampant Spaniel


              I believe people call them 'the voices'. You are just jealous because they don't speak to you ;-)

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Disproportionate

          Guardian is as left as they come. The Mail and Express verge on Nazism.

          1. Darren Barratt

            Re: Disproportionate

            Guardian is middle left. You need to read more if you think that's "as left as they come".

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Disproportionate

              If anything, I suggest that you read the gutter press, of which the guardian is very much part of, less. In my experience the guardian is read by loudmouth leftie know-alls, and the paper panders to that crowd.

            2. Stoneshop

              Re: Disproportionate

              Guardian is middle left. You need to read more if you think that's "as left as they come".

              @Darren: Maharg is using the US definitions of 'left' and 'right'. Fair enough, seeing that this is about some US bullshit peddler.

        3. Maharg
          Thumb Up

          Re: Newspapers

          While I agree with your point, I would make a few changes

          - Times

          - Telegraph

          - Sun

          Right of middle

          - Independent

          - Financial Times

          Left of middle

          - Mirror

          - Guardian

          Left wing pinko commies

          - Express

          - Mail

          More right wing than Ghengis Khan

        4. Geoffrey W

          Re: Politics of newspapers

          To Americans (or, more precisely, to those of the USA, since Mexicans and Canadians are also Americans) Liberals, Lefties, Socialists, Communists, Nazis, Fascists, Anarchists, Pinko Faggot Global Warming Atheists, are all equivalent and essentially the same. There are Republicans, and everyone else.

          1. Darryl

            Re: Politics of newspapers

            Actually, no. Mexicans and Canadians are North Americans. People from the USA are Americans (and also North Americans, I guess)

        5. SundogUK Silver badge

          Re: Disproportionate

          I am gobsmacked you put the Express in the right hand column... and the Times is mostly left of center these days as well.

          Regardless of which, since seventy odd percent of the population use the BBC as their primary news source, yes, the media in this country has a serious left wing bias.

      10. Mark .

        Re: Disproportionate

        But the BBC were one of the worst culprits for covering every i-device with as much hype as possible, whilst completely ignoring what until 2011 was the number one smartphone platform, Symbian (including in the UK, so unlike the US media, they don't have the excuse that the iphone was somewhat new to the American market). Prime culprit being the BBC tech correspondent Rory who I recall only mentioned Nokia to criticise them.

        If the BBC have a "left wing bias", then that still makes a mockery of any idea of a correlation between that, and disliking Apple products.

      11. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Disproportionate

        The 54 downvotes illustrate you point perfectly. The Register is sadly infested with stupid.

      12. Arctic fox

        Re: Disproportionate

        Disproportionate? Are you serious? Do us all a favour and vanish making short sharp jerking motions.

      13. ItsNotMe

        Re: Disproportionate

        "The Left wing bias is also prevalent and entrenched in the media (except of course the Daily Mail) including the impartial BBC."

        Ahhh...did we forget about the Rupert Murdoch media empire mayhaps? Hmmm? Slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun, I do believe.

        So yes...your "theory" is shot to shiite.

      14. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: Disproportionate

        Rush? Is that you?

      15. Mullerrad

        Re: Disproportionate

        Just could help my self to down toe that post....I'm dempulican.

    3. Erwin Hofmann
      Thumb Down

      If you hate Apple then you're a lefty blog-o-twat hipster ...


      ... except, Limbaughs remarks might even be an insult to Apple and the Republican Party ...

      1. AndrewInIreland

        Re: If you hate Apple then you're a lefty blog-o-twat hipster ...

        NEWS JUST IN!!! America shock-jock and all round loon refers to Republicans as "racists, sexists [and] bigot homophobes."

    4. Rampant Spaniel

      Re: Let me see now, his "logic" would imply that.........

      Barking is right, although I haven't ruled out it being an act to earn money. Remember the little Ayn Rand fan club full of republicans that were so happy they found someones ideals to follow that would get them a small government (except when a tornado blows their house down for the 37th year in a row and they want FEMA there) and less taxes. They based all this on a movie adaptation of a book. Obviously they never actually read any of her work, heard her talk or indeed actually tried to understand objectivism otherwise they would have understood she supported gay rights and abortion, not exactly key republican manifesto commitments. The problem with politics (and this goes for all parties) is that it doesn't have to be right or even sound right, it just has to sound like it will get people what they want and they will ignore anything else just like you could see the strings in thunderbirds. Rush is either a complete raving fool or a very shrewd performer.

    5. CmdrX3

      Re: Let me see now, his "logic" would imply that.........

      Trouble is that you are crediting Rush Limbaugh with actually having any logic. Nothing anyone says will change neocons like Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly (and most of the rest of the Fox News crew) opinions of themselves as saviours and protectors of their nation. Normal people see them for the bigoted, right-wing nationalistic, homophobic, protectionist weirdos suffering from a persecution complex that they actually are.

      1. RW

        Re: Let me see now, his "logic" would imply that.........

        In some circles, it's generally believed that Fox "commentators" are only in the game for the money, and they'll say whatever they think will improve their cash flow. Facts, logic, and other meritorious aspects of "the news" play no role in this. It's direct appeal to gut emotions that works.

        Pretty much the same thing can be said about the American anti-gay industry, which features such bozos as Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, Eugene Delgaudio, and a host of other grifters.

    6. James Micallef Silver badge

      Re: Let me see now, his "logic" would imply that.........

      "if you prefer kit from Google/Samsung you are by his definition left-wing and if you prefer kit from Apple/Foxcon you are right-wing?"

      I wonder how he squares that view with Obama administration's executive order that's protecting Apple from the WTO ruling against Apple in favour of Samsung (ban on old iPhone sales in the US for patent infringement that got quashed by Obama).

      Presumably if someone tells him that Obama is protecting Apple his head will explode or something. Please?

    7. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Let me see now, his "logic" would imply that.........

      only a matter of time before he's found dressed in a pinafore, lying face down in a puddle of his own vomit somewhere behind a transgender strip club in San Francisco.

  2. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    Limbaugh is so far to the right that everyone is a 'Leftie'

    IMHO, he is just a 'shock-jock' and should only be listened to if there is nothing else to do and you want to listen to an Idiot ranting.

    All my American friends just laugh at him. They treat him as 'entertainment' and most certainly do not take him seriously.

    1. Peter Simpson 1
      Paris Hilton

      Re: Limbaugh is so far to the right that everyone is a 'Leftie'

      I'm constantly amazed at how much media exposure this guy gets, simply for spouting complete drivel.

      I guess it's all about marketing and appealing to the lowest common denominator.

      // Paris, because...intellectual equals, right?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Limbaugh is so far to the right that everyone is a 'Leftie'

        "I'm constantly amazed at how much media exposure this guy gets, simply for spouting complete drivel.

        I guess it's all about marketing and appealing to the lowest common denominator."

        Welcome to 'merica?

    2. Rukario

      Re: Limbaugh is so far to the right that everyone is a 'Leftie'

      Limbaugh isn't Barking...

      He's Upminster.

      (On the left-right scale as provided by the District Line, of course.)

    3. Don Jefe

      Re: Limbaugh is so far to the right that everyone is a 'Leftie'

      He gets so much exposure because the big fat dickhead is a product placement genius. He strolled right into the radios of the 'forgotten' AM listeners. Most of the stations that carry him are small time local AM stations that are desperate for a syndicated national show.The older middle class white Republican base believe he's looking out for the Everyman because nobody else wants anything to do with AM. The 'Liberal Elite' sure don't do AM.

      I can't stand the bastard and I think he's bad for the country, but he gets credit and $500M contracts for catering to a market even the giant ad whores like ClearChannel ignore.

  3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. tempemeaty

    I think Rush needs to get out more

    * face palm *

    Why does he have to attach politics to computer based products? I'm sure the manufactures of Android products and Apple are all laughing at Rush right now.

    1. thomas k.

      Re: I think Rush needs to get out more

      You mean, go down to the pusher himself, rather than sending his housekeeper?

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: I think Rush needs to get out more

        "You mean, go down to the pusher himself, rather than sending his housekeeper?"

        Surely not that nice Mr Limbaugh, whose views on drug abuse are summarised thus:

        "Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

        So expect him to say you're a pinko commie traitor for not using Windows 8.1 this time next week. Consistency is not his forte.

    2. FredBloggsY

      Re: I think Rush needs to get out more

      "Why does he have to attach politics to computer based products?"

      Because his listener figures are dropping and he thinks he'd better get into this commie-techie-webbie stuff that everyone else seems to talk about?


      Re: I think Rush needs to get out more

      > Why does he have to attach politics to computer based products?

      He's a raving fanboy and his day job is conservative radio troll.

    4. Intractable Potsherd

      Re: I think Rush needs to get out more

      I always have trouble remembering - which is the really smelly cheese: Limburger of Limbaugh?

  5. jake Silver badge

    As if anyone with a brain gives a rat's ass about Rush's opinion.


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: As if anyone with a brain gives a rat's ass about Rush's opinion.

      Unfortunately, as with any Gauss curve, the intellectually challenged far outnumber those of a more informed persuasion.

      If indeed Mr. Limbaugh's radio programme is the most widely consumed one in the US, the US gets everything they deserve.

      I have TRIED to listen to Mr. Limbaugh making a point on his radio show on several occasions, and lost the plot on every one of them after about a minute,

      The man no more than a school bully who's been given a platform. You may agree with him or disagree, but he IS going to take your lunch money from you, even if it means beating you up behind the sanitary block. With a few of his 'friends' holding you down.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: As if anyone with a brain gives a rat's ass about Rush's opinion.

        "Unfortunately, as with any Gauss curve, the intellectually challenged far outnumber those of a more informed persuasion."

        Simply because those with an "informed persuasion" make an effort to find out facts before making their own minds. Those "intellectually challenged" listen to other peoples opinions and make no effort to find out some facts. They are too busy getting drunk or slaging off everyone else.

    2. channel extended

      Re: As if anyone with a brain gives a rat's ass about Rush's opinion.

      I have a rat's ass AND do give a brain!I

      1. TheOtherHobbes

        Re: As if anyone with a brain gives a rat's ass about Rush's opinion.

        And Rush is an ass and has a rat's brain.

        This is fun. We should do it more.

  6. Esskay

    I'm struggling

    To see how anyone could consider a blogger to be "mainstream"?! Presumably it's purely so that he can claim it's "mainstream media" bias, rather than just something someone said on the internet...

    1. Don Jefe

      Re: I'm struggling

      You have to call it 'lamestream media' if you want to show off your Right Wing creds.

  7. E Haines

    So's always been that if you like Apple, you're a hipster, but now if you don't like Apple, you're also a hipster? How does one avoid being classified as a hipster, then?

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      re: E Haines


      Become a registered 'Grump Old Man' like me. Then you can complain, moan , whinge at everything and everybody to your hearts content. It will take a long time in hell before being a 'GOM' can be considered being in the slightest way 'hip'

      Closest icon to a proper GOM --->

  8. Shadow Systems

    That man is a bunghole.

    He's nothing but a racist, bigoted, opinionated, feces spewing gasbag that deserves to be shot into space & shoved towards the sun.<br>The resulting solar flare could power every PV Power plant on the planet for the next billion years.<br>The net reduction in ozone depleting Bullshitium would improve the lives of every other living, sentient member of humanity.<br>It would piss off his fans, but they're neither living, sentient, nor human.<br>Fuck 'em with a barbed wire wrapped Cricket Bat.<br>*Grins*

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: That man is a bunghole.

      Sorry, who mentioned Jeremy Clarkson?

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: That man is a bunghole.

        It's either Clarkson he's referring to or talentless tosspot Hammond.

    2. Jim 59

      Re: That man is a bunghole.

      @Shadow Systems - much more of that and you'll have his job

  9. Cliff

    He exists to get ears.

    The point of this kind of presenter is to make up unashamed bollocks, stir up outrage and press so people argue and start using 'facts' to inflame the debate, and in the meantime the network gets people tuning in to harrumph. Whatever the reason they tuned in, they're still a set of eyes for advertisers and sponsors. He probably doesn't even believe his own poppycock.

    In the UK we have the Daily Mail to whip up hysteria with conspiracies about dead princesses, 'x (causes/cures) cancer', etc. Richard Littlejohn can't believe all his hyperbole and venom, and the likes of Clarkson will be deliberately controversial without believing their statements.

    USA, UK, despite the news this week the most dangerous trolls in our countries are these guys.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: He exists to get ears.

      "Richard Littlejohn" - Aaaah ha ha, is that prick still on the go? Reminds me of Viz (Richard Littlecock. Little cock, big opinion)

      I was going to suggest that Limbaugh's the equivalent of Gary Bushell, just there to wind people up or be some kind of twisted idol for the really ignorant. Was he not jailed or something? Who knows, Sun readers I expect. I prefer more serious comics myself.

  10. Tom 7

    Well thats cleared that up

    I now know that I have to hate apple products (some of which I liked) simply because thrush said I had to be a raving right wing nut to like them.

    1. frank ly

      Re: Well thats cleared that up

      You're getting messages from THRUSH? That really is paranoid, and also nicely retro.

  11. Florida1920

    Understand, his audience consists of people who own neither iOS or Android devices, the tools of the effete and elite. Cell phones don't work well from inside mobile homes and the crystal meth dealer lives in the next row. These people are full of free-floating fear and anger. To them, Limbaugh comes across as an alternate intellectual, their own personal deity. When you're dealing with a demographic like that, being intelligent and well-informed is a handicap.

  12. Mystic Megabyte

    99% of DJs talk shite. That's why I hardly listen to the radio, just give me the music and keep your "entertaining" ideas to yourselves.

  13. Richard 81

    Worst. Insult. Ever.

    So if you're a fanboi, you're a Republican? Ouch.

  14. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    But the UK has a few like him.

    Consider this little morsel from a British one

  15. Ian Chard
    Thumb Up

    He got something right!

    > Republicans to them, he says, “must seem like aliens from Mars, racists, sexists [and] bigot homophobes.”

    Indeed they do.

    1. Michael 28

      Re: He got something right!

      ... as I recall, the "family guy" remake of star wars had a star destroyer with a "Vote Bush/Cheney" bumper sticker.

      Black cape: Mine, it is!

    2. Intractable Potsherd

      Re: He got something right!

      Well, if we consider "aliens from Mars" to be like those in "War of the Worlds", then yes, it is my considered opinion that the Republicans represented by Limbaugh tick all those boxes. Do his listeners realise what he called them?

    3. Chris Hunt

      Re: He got something right!

      Dunno what poor old amanfrommars did to get confused with GOP members, but otherwise he's spot on!

  16. TheOldFellow


    As a confirmed Americophobe, I hate everything that comes from the USA. I'd never noticed Limbaugh before today, but will happily add him to the list: Macdonald's, Burger King, IBM, Microsoft, Dubya, Apple, Limbaugh.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. John G Imrie

        But you met the ones who escaped

        I.E. The intelligent ones

        1. Maharg

          Re: But you met the ones who escaped

          I should have mentioned I went to the American school in Warsaw in the 90s and lived in DC for a few years in the late 90’s - 00’s, it was only my mates first time of experiencing Americans

      2. Geoffrey W

        Re: Yep.

        @"I am proud to say I am Americophobe"

        Are you sure you know what it means? It sounds as if you rather like them which would surely make you an Americo-Phile, not -Phobe.

  17. Decade

    Smart meters may actually lead to remote control

    Well, smart meters don't currently allow the government to remote control your appliances. The power companies just want to reduce the staff needed to check the meters every month. But the futurist people do imagine a world where that is possible. For entirely altruistic reasons, of course. So we could avoid taxing the power grid when the renewable power sources aren't working at full power.

    Probably the government won't have direct control, though. If remote-control appliances do happen, they would be run by the power company, which in many places is a government-regulated monopoly. I don't like the proposed erosion of privacy, I don't like the possibility that these energy-saving techniques might randomly combine to make my refrigerator turn off too long and spoil my food, and I especially don't like the risk that a hacker could take over and make my house very uncomfortable. So, I'm not sure what would be the uptake on remote-controllable appliances if they actually happen.

    Of course, Rush is just in it for the money.

    1. Tom 35

      Re: Smart meters may actually lead to remote control

      In Toronto they have something called Peak Saver. In exchange for a small bribe you let the power company (Toronto Hydro) install a device to control some high energy using devices (Central AC, Electric water heater, Pool pumps). They can then turn off your devices to reduce the peak power draw and save them money.

  18. Steve Evans

    Proof read...

    You might want to proof read before hitting submit... ;-)

  19. Fihart

    People hate monopolists.

    This applies to Apple as much as Microsoft -- if anything, Apple are even less acceptable in their walled garden.

    Inevitably (though probably wrongly) people may see Samsung/Google as alternative and somehow more open. But give them a stranglehold on a segment of the market and they'll behave just as badly.

    I exclude Android because it seems to have escaped into the wild and be thriving there.

    1. Tom 35

      Re: People hate monopolists.

      With Apple, you have one choice, buy another Apple or all your aps are gone. You have a choice of the expensive latest model, or the old model.

      With Android you have to buy another Android but it can be Samsung, LG, Sony... you have a lot more choice when it's time to upgrade.

  20. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Think Different

    Rush certainly does.

    1. Thomas 4

      Think Twat

      Rush certainly does.

      1. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: Think At All

        Rush certainly doesn't

  21. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Funny idea of freedom that Americans have.

    You can bet he'd defend his 1st amendement right to the death.

    1. Simon Watson

      Re: Funny idea of freedom that Americans have.

      With his second amendment assault riffle and armour piercing ammo.

      1. g e

        Re: Funny idea of freedom that Americans have.

        I'd very much like to test that for him.

  22. g e

    A twunt of the highest order

    "young and hip, pop culture hip" - oh hang on isn't that apple's target audience after drippy image-obsessed 'professionals' who spend more time ensuring their bingly bong ringtone is set to max to ensure everyone knows they have an iThing while pulling it out to answer it with a reverse ninja-putting-away-sword flourish to ensure everyone sees it's them?

    He's obviously not the best surfer of the interwebs either as he failed to come across Mashable who, every time I've had the misfortune to read an article, seem to fawn over Apple at every opportunity.

    As for commie lefty Apple-hating, you'd think he might notice that Android would appear to embody the 'American ideal' of openness, democracy and 'Come one, come all'. Where Apple would seem more to embody American Policies. oh hang on again. He's a rabid righty isn't he, of course he'll go with policies over ideals.


    1. wowfood

      Re: A twunt of the highest order

      I'm sorry but that opening bit.

      "young and hip, pop culture hip"

      Did anyone else read that in Bill Cosbys voice?

      "Now the young and hip, pop culture hip hop and all that jazz they be doing their hippin' and a hoppin' and a dancin' to the music"

      Beer because I swear Bill Cosby is drunk half the time.

      1. g e

        Re: A twunt of the highest order

        Is Bill still going??


        1. Don Jefe

          Re: A twunt of the highest order

          Bill is back on the road doing a standup act. Probably his last, he's old.

      2. JEDIDIAH

        Re: A twunt of the highest order

        > Beer because I swear Bill Cosby is drunk half the time.

        The dude is ancient. He's probably not drunk. It's probably just some form of dementia.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What a knob

    Maybe i prefer the fact that i can myself turn off all reporting to Google, can customize android to the way i see fit without having to "Jail-Bust" it, am actively encouraged to engineer and develop the OS from public source-code, and work for Goo... err... Just kidding.

    I just think that for all the money in Apple, they cannot compare to the huge developer network that android has amassed, and i'd rather be sat on open source code than waiting for Apple to release a patch only to find out that the office it was made in had a malware outbreak "*again*...

    Plus i love my Nexus 4. Brilliant phone!

    PS : What are politics?

  24. Jon Green
    Thumb Up

    I'm grateful to Limbaugh.

    He's great at signposting the right directions in life.

    No, really. Whatever Limbaugh says, do or think the opposite, and you won't go too far wrong.

  25. ecofeco Silver badge


    The worst thing to ever happen to America.

    Say what want, think what you will, but he is the spearhead of the GOP, make no mistake about it.

    1. Rukario

      Re: Rush?

      In Republican presidencies, he calls himself "the fourth branch of government".

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What is this guy on about? Gullible, lefty, progressive, occupytards love Apple stuff.

  27. RainForestGuppy

    Complete rubbish

    Why would a Republican by an Apple phone?? You can shoot anything with it!!

    Note for terminally ill-humoured, Yes I know you can't shot anything with a Samsung, Nokia, LG, etc either, although it's a little known feature of the Blackberry Z10 that if you dial *45765### a small derringer will fire from the earphone socket.

  28. plrndl

    Is this the IT expert who's been advising Cameron and Perry?

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge
      Thumb Up

      "Is this the IT expert who's been advising Cameron and Perry?"


      Thumbs up for the idea. If true truly the gates of hell are not far off opening.

  29. Aoyagi Aichou

    Exclamation mark

    Better take care of those damned Liberals in form of MeeGo/Maemo/Sailfish !

  30. LPF

    What I can never understand...

    Is all these people complaining about apps walled garden etc etc, anyone buying an Apple product is hipster/stupid whatever or its too expensive.. WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH WHAT APPLE DOES??

    You are not going to buy their product, want to buy their product, you don't even like their product, its inferior and why do you care what they do?!?

    The amount of people on here , who states that they don't even have or have ever had Apples products pontificating on the company, Jesus its like the electronic version of stalking!

    Duded she doesn't fancy you and you don't have enough money to impress her, move on!

    1. Teleporter
      Thumb Down

      Re: What I can never understand...

      I'll bite...

      I care what Apple does because of the social and economic implications of a company of that size doing what it does (linked to 'free' labour, poor working practices amongst contractors, tax dodging etc)

      You are correct, I won't buy their product, doesn't mean to say I can't say why. In fact, I encourage debate, with evidence, rather than telling someone they are wrong on the internet and expect everyone to follow me.

      Marketing can work both ways, to encourage product/service usage, as well as discourage. If you prevent the discouragement, I'm assuming you have never read any reviews anywhere, nor listened to any friends or family's experiences with anything they have bought or used?

      In regards to "you don't have enough money to impress her, move on", a quick *Google* has shown a Galaxy S4 can be had from between £400 and £500. An iPhone 5 between £400 and £500. Guessing you don't understand economics (see first point for further clarification)


      Re: What I can never understand...


      Raving fanboys were talking as if Apple was going to take over the world and subject everyone to their nonsense regardless of whether or not we actually wanted it.

      Geeks deprived of choice tend to lash out. This works for idle threats and being told that we're obsolete and irrelevant.

      Pay back's a bitch.

  31. Sony Jim

    Apple is a tapeworm

    Apple is a tapeworm - you don't have to be a university educated "lefty" to see that this type of organised corporate criminal damages host economies.

    They build artificial hurdles to block competition, & stifle innovation, engages in price fixing throughout their retail supply channels, and create proprietary lock-ins & built in obsolescence to overcharge customers. They also abuse their workforce, illegally dumps pollution and damages the environment, they spy on their users and they dodge paying tax and other responsibilities...

    Apple may have been "cool" in the 80's & early 90's but those sheeple who are thinking themselves as trendy with an Apple product in hand are an embarrassment. They are certainly not tech savvy, have a lousy eye for value, and are feeding a global tapeworm.

    1. Someone Else Silver badge

      Re: Apple is a tapeworm

      They build artificial hurdles to block competition, & stifle innovation, engages in price fixing throughout their retail supply channels, and create proprietary lock-ins & built in obsolescence to overcharge customers. They also abuse their workforce, illegally dumps pollution and damages the environment, they spy on their users and they dodge paying tax and other responsibilities...

      Which is, of course, why Rush is so enamored of them.

  32. Unicornpiss

    Not only has the cheese slipped off his cracker...

    But if he likes Apple, that's enough reason for me to never own an i-anything.

    Can Apple sue him for an indirect form of slander? By this loon speaking in favor of Apple, it seems to me that they're incurring damages.

  33. Psyx

    "Republicans to them, he says, “must seem like aliens from Mars, racists, sexists [and] bigot homophobes.”

    Those with the best insight into the views of group members are their peers. And if you think that your peer group looks like a bunch of racists and homophobes to outsiders to the point where you express the view publically, there's a good chance that's because a bunch of them are racists and homophobes!

  34. Smiles

    So, Limbaugh suggests that the Democrats should win?

    "Nine out of 10 tech bloggers are biased against Apple, Limbaugh predicted"


    "Limbaugh added that the bloggers are probably Democrats"

    So by his own prediction, based on a sample group of his choosing, Limbaugh suggests that 90% of voters are Democrats, which in a democratic society means that they must be right.

    It's terrible mathematics I know, but still a better use of statistics than anything I've ever heard him say.

  35. 404


    Rush is on the drugs again...

    Surely this is one of the reasons why the Old Guard GOP needs to retire/go away - they have no idea wtf is happening out there.

  36. wolfetone Silver badge

    I'm a Lefty Blog-o-twat...

    And proud. I refuse to buy in to the Apple eco system because I had enough of giving Microsoft money back in the day, and I refuse to do the same with their replacements in waiting.

    I do, however, take offence to being called a hipster.

  37. Urh


    ...I've traditionally associated Apple products with hipster doofuses (doofi?). Even by Limbaugh's standards, this rant is fucking retarded. Sounds like he needs to cut back on the hillbilly heroin (oxycontin to us civilised folk). One thing is bugging me - are his fans really called ditto-heads? Do they not realise how stupid that makes them appear?

    I am going to make a note of 'blog-o-twat' - I like it, and would love to use it in conversation (I can see myself using it to describe somebody who has a tumblr account).

    1. Rukario

      Re: Funny...

      Dittoheads amongst themselves, Didiots to the sane populace.


      1. Darryl

        Re: Funny...


  38. Piro

    I'm so confused

    I thought leftist hipsters DID love Apple. I thought that was basically the stereotype for an Apple-lover..

  39. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Draft dodger

    Limbaugh avoided service in Vietnam by claiming to have an anal cyst. It's a matter of debate if the surgeons binned the wrong part.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      Re: Draft dodger

      "Limbaugh avoided service in Vietnam by claiming to have an anal cyst."


      With John Wayne (Only uniforms he wore came from the props dept) Mel Gibson (skedaddled to Aus) and Shrub (Texas Air National Guard. Keeping Houston safe from VC insurgants) I can now go ahead with my new range of "All American (Draft Dodger)" teeshirts.

      The only question is to do a quartet of this bunch of right wing blow hards or a set of individuals for customers to collect.

      Decisions, decisions.

      1. Florida1920

        Re: Draft dodger

        I hate to defend Mel Gibson, but he was born in 1956. The Draft was turned off when Gibson was 17, so he never would have been drafted.

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

      3. Maharg
        Thumb Up

        Re: Draft dodger - Never thought I would defend Mel Gibson but…

        Mel was 12 when his parents moved to Australia, he wouldn’t have been old enough for the draft until the 70s, after then draft ended, I don’t think that counts as draft dodging on his part, more his parents.

        However if you want to have an interesting picture of him on a T-shirt may I suggest a still from Lethal Weapon 2 which has him outside a South African Embassy holding an anti-apartheid sign with a group of protesters, and the word ‘Irony’ underneath

  40. John Browne 1
    Thumb Up

    Apple-bashers can take a break.

    With friends like Limbaugh, Apple doesn't need enemies.

    1. Mephistro
      Thumb Up

      Re: Apple-bashers can take a break. (@ John Browne 1)

      My apologies. I just wrote a comment saying exactly the same thing, several hours after you published yours. I know I should have read all the older comments before posting, but I was short on time, I was befuddled, I was young and I needed the cash, [list of common excuses] ...

  41. envmod


    everybody DOES hate Apple. this is not a new thing.

  42. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What a prick!

    Oi tosser! YOU ain't 'merica. YOU don't even represent 'merica. YOU are just a loud mouthed loser.

    Thankfully a large section of 'mericans have not been borged by Apple. Just 'cause Apple is an american company doesn't make you more 'merican for purchasing an i"Your a twat" device!

  43. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Republicans to them, he says, “must seem like aliens from Mars, racists, sexists [and] bigot homophobes.”

    Arent they?

    Oh, you forgot retarded too!

  44. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Apple the underdog

    what marketeers have realised that there is nothing as stupid as predictable beings.

    So Apple is the eternal 'lovable underdog'.

    So stop bullying.

    Now where's my iAd bullion Apple?

  45. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "to see that this type of organised corporate criminal damages host economies."

    It is the new wave of enterprise that uses secrecy, secrecy and more secrecy.

    Just like secretive Amazon it is noted that you can remove morality 100% from the equation if you stay silent and let the adores masses invent all the headlines. Histories great dictators probably did much of the same.

  46. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just Apple shooting first.

    we already have the scenario where having a problem with one's iPhone is a lonely place indeed.

    This shot obviously looks ahead. When the autumn generation of goods are as pale as expected, criticise at your peril!

    Yee Ha.

  47. bag o' spanners
    Black Helicopters

    Whiny loser with a pulpit preaches whiny loser politics to whiny loser congregation, perhaps not entirely unconnected to the flow of "sponsored gifts" from Cupertino.

  48. cs94njw


    I didn't realise by preferring Samsung and Google products, I was also stating that I hate Republicans. He's right, and this saves a lot of time and effort - thanks Limbaugh!

    As for Republicans being from Mars and racists... well... this guy seems to keep talking sense...

  49. Luke 11


    Wonder if this cocksucker has Shares in Apple and has been upset by their lacklustre performance as of late, despite them still making oodles of money. A result of competitors becomming more competitive and offering better products, not as a result of Apple doing anything wrong I might add.

    I am an Apple fan, I love their designs and their OS. What I also like is my freedom to choose and to also enjoy WIndows 8 on my Ultrabook (costing much less than Mac Book Pro) and my Brilliant Samsung S3 phone which is superb.. Despite the 'free' apps which want access to every function of your phone including tracking and everything else they shouldn't be bloody well looking at!

  50. RonWheeler

    Stop feeding

    the shock-jock troll.

  51. teebie

    "Professional idiot says something stupid" is actually a positive performance review.

  52. DrGoon

    Attention - it's what Limbaugh wants.

    Thanks for being an enabler, Reg.

  53. Mephistro

    Regarding Limbaugh:

    With friends like Limbaugh, Apple doesn't need any enemies.

    And I'd like to ask fellow commentards a personal favour:

    Please if any of you has access to a working time machine, please give a copy of this video-before Limby's birth date- to his parents, back in the Middle Ages, The Jurassic or whenever they lived. Thank you.

  54. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    'racists, sexists [and] bigot homophobes'

    Rush knows the Republican Party well.

    However, I think he needs to take his meds. Oh, wait...

  55. Stevie


    *Is* Rush Limberger "the most popular talk show host in America"?

    Where does that stat come from?

    The man is barely coherent most of the time from the little I've listened to his gibbering.

    1. Matt Piechota

      Re: Bah!

      "*Is* Rush Limberger "the most popular talk show host in America"?"

      He may well be, but I'd just chalk it up to:

      - Not many people in the US listen to talk radio

      - He has the market cornered on morons, whereas the sane people spread their listening over lots of other options.

      It's worth noting that 14 million people represents but 5% of the US. Sure that's a lot, but I'm sure there's 5% of the UK population that you're all rather embarrassed if too.

  56. Jes.e

    I'm a Republican?

    I'm republican if I use Apple products?

    I thought that the going meme was that I was a gay hipster if I was seen using a Mac in a coffee shop!

    I'm so confused..

  57. asdf

    serious question

    And why should I listen to what this pill popping addict has to say about anything and how the heck does this idiot's opinion about anything become news?

  58. Someone Else Silver badge

    "I don't have facts to back this up..." *

    Nine out of 10 tech bloggers are biased against Apple, Limbaugh predicted based on absolutely no factual data whatsoever and without having met "a blogger".

    This should surprise no one with an IQ above room temperature. Rush's stock in trade is factless bloviation, coupled with a healthy dose of racism and xenophobia, served up to an self-selected audience of dumb-asses who are actually, make that be that way. So that he has no factual data here...that varies from normal how?

    (Hint: it doesn't)

    * This quote, BTW, was brought to us by yet another pillar of modern American Republicanism (yes, I know that's a serial oxymoron), Herman Cain

  59. Anonymous Coward

    You mean well known mobile technology and patent law expert Rush Limbaugh?

    You know, Rush Limbaugh is not as big a blowhard as this makes him seem, and he does have good points from time to time, but his windbaggery is pronounced enough that I can't watch the guy because I never know when he is going to say something cringe-worthy.

    Icon best illustrates Rush's mechanical analog.....

  60. Stevelane

    I just love them all. Apple, Android, Widoz, Linux and more.

    I guess I am just a bit of a whore.

    Unlike Mr Limpdick I am not a fat drooling sociopath.

  61. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    haters got to hate

    I'll leave readers to chose whose who in this situation.

  62. NP-Hardass

    Actually.... I sort of agree with it.

    I remember a Reg article a while back talking about how the majority of iPhone users were rich and white... Sounds just like part of the Republican base if you ask me... Android being the Democratic masses, sounds about right.

  63. Old_Polish_Proverb

    Don't confuse popularity with coherence

    Rush's dirty little secret as to how he became so popular. The company he works for pretty much bartered his radio show to hundreds of small stations for free in exchange for commercial time.

    His talk has has proven to be so toxic that advertisers are refusing to be associated with his show. He is turning into a profit drain for his syndication company. Stations are required to broadcast his show as a part of a package deal, but are putting riders in their contracts with the syndication company that their commercials will not be broadcast during his show. No money is coming in for his bosses. The best guess among the analyst's is that his contract with his current bosses will not be renewed and he will lose the business he has now. Some are hoping that he will be dropped even sooner. Will he go away altogether, probably not. There are still lots of other smaller companies that would be glad to have him.

    It looks like market place capitalism is making an adjustment.

  64. Nym

    Evidently, Limbaugh's Brain Surgery Didn't Work Out

    They just removed it.

  65. Ace Rimmer

    He's right about one thing.

    Republicans to them, he says, “must seem like aliens from Mars, racists, sexists [and] bigot homophobes.”

    They seem that way to everyone, because that's what they are. The Republican mantra is "Greed is good but god is better", and once that ethos is in place they know they can do whatever selfish, anti-humanity indulgence that they want knowing if they get caught either their rich, influential friends will bail them out or, if all else fails, their mad god will forgive them.

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