Re: Disproportionate @Obviously!
"I do not read newspapers! Who does? Do you really make your decisions in life based on what OTHER PEOPLE think? Have you not realised yet that you get respect for making your OWN MIND up and not regurgitating other peoples bull shit? I've not read a newspaper since I was 19/20 years old. Yes I was that young when I realised that newspapers are for losers!"
I’m sorry, so what source of information do you get that nobody else knows about? I can just imagine the conversations you have...
Sane person “I read in the paper that the Man United won the league last season”
What source of information is not taken from someone else? Or do you just guess what’s going on in the rest of the world, or do things only exist if you can see them?
You “excuse me, do you know the way to the train station?”
Person 1 “No Sorry, hold on, Bob do you know the way to the train station?”
Bob “Yeah take a right at the end of the street, then the left at the second set of traffic lights and you can see it from there”
Person 1 “thanks Bob, (turns to you) did you get that mate?”
People give you more respect from formulating an educated opinion on a subject based on the information available to you, rather than just going “Sorry, I don’t read newspapers I don’t have a fucking clue what you are talking about”