While I know many Americans I like - and a good number of my friends are Americans, and right decent people, thank you - America as a country can go fuck itself. It has been a good long while that a nation ruled by something other than a single dictator-like figure has so desperately needed housecleaning.
Even monarchies eventually developed the aristocracy to reign in the power of their royalty. Commoners gained representation through parliaments. Yet America holds itself up as a beacon of all that's right and good whilst allowing "executive power" to reach levels that most of these restrained monarchs could only dream of.
Worse, through objectively terrible decisions like Citizens United America has further reduced that ability of not merely individuals, not merely communities or towns or entire states but the collective voice of the entire nation to a mere whisper when compared to the power of a large corporation.
Topics where your nation very nearly speaks with a single, unified voice (for example gun control) have become charlatanous mockeries of what democracy should be. The needs, wishes, desires and thunderous demands of "the overwhleming majority" matter nothing in the face of backroom politics and the massive machine of lobbying. State legislators are no different; an entire state can turn out to "stand with Wendy" only to see their efforts rent to ashes mere days later.
This is how you treat your own people. You lie to them professionally. You murder the innocent in the name of the law. You rain down suspicion and even death upon your own people and you dare expect us to look upon you as anything more than the haughty, pretentious, arrogant, murderous, xenophobic, savages you choose to elect to run your nation?
We haven't even gotten into the disdain, disrespect and outright lack of humanity, compassion or common decency which which your nation treats the other denizens of this world. The United States of America is a corrupt nation unfit to preach about morality or freedom to anyone. It is a nation in desperate need of a legal and overwhelming political change. New parties need to emerge and America as a nation needs to learn some fucking humility.
Wake me when the Unites States of America has ratified the International Criminal Court. At that point I will be wiling to consider that American might be ready to be given it's first responsibility and might one day be treated as an adult. Until then, suck up, America.
You bring the criticism on yourselves.