What's not been said
This is just waiting to be flamed, but I have conflicting views of this.
As far as I am concerned, the elephant in the room is why does anybody want to make themselves look good?
Whilst it can be said that there is something about appearing neat and tidy, I would say that the main reason is for the person to be attractive.
"Attractive" is often used in isolation to mean "looking good" but to look attractive literally means that they will attract people. That is what the word means, and if someone is successful, that is what it does?
Unfortunately, this does not mean that it will attract the people you want to, nor does it prevent interest from people whom you have no interest in (and the Internet is a big audience).
People are animals, and by that, I mean that they are flesh and blood, not significantly different from apes, dogs and even mice. We have coded into our make-up desires and wants which in a civilised society have to be repressed for the good of society. But I'm sure that for the majority of people, at some time, they have been so attracted to someone that if the opportunity presented itself, they would jump into a physical relationship at the drop of a hat. This is what attraction, especially of a sexual manner, is all about.
Some people are less able to suppress this type of desire than others, and some are clumsy or just plain crude in expressing it. This can be why unwanted attention can be unpleasant, especially if it is expressed in ways that the recipient finds upsetting.
But, by saying that unwanted, crudely expressed attention is wrong, we are effectively saying that the whole world's population has to share a single absolute view of what is morally acceptable. People, we live in a Global Village on the Internet. What we in Western society regard as acceptable will, in many Muslim countries, be regarded as disgusting. In countries not tainted by western ways, partial or full nudity was/may still be the norm.
We are at risk of using our standards to judge the whole world, and this is wrong. For example, to people in Bahrain, where the age of consent is (according to Wikipedia) is 21, much of what is seen on European and American television is wrong, and we probably find that Bangladesh's age of consent is too low at 14. We don't like the Burkah, and the bikini and budgie-smugglers offend some people.
But I will say that I personally find physical, sexual or emotional threats or actual acts unpleasant to consider, and I would not wish that type of unwanted attention on anybody.