All well and good
But if the people in charge don't act on the data in an intelligent way, then it's GIGO, isn't it?
Then there's information overload. Anyone remember that one?
The problem with business analytics technology is that it has just about emerged from puberty and adolescence but nobody has given it a bank account and introduced it to the opposite sex yet. Analytics has been around in one form or another ever since Henry Ford decided to catalogue his motorcar assembly line measurements a …
Analytics will only ever allow you to tweak things. The reason is that the types of people who seek guidance from data are followers, not leaders.
If you want to stay ahead you need leadership not data. Data can only tell you what the curve looks like. Leadership takes you off one curve and starts a brand new one
"Time to introduce "descriptive analytics" and "predictive analytics”. "
A graph. And what a graph does next.
“This is already leading to the creation of advanced, almost-neural systems, which can learn complex patterns amid large data sets to predict the probability that an entity will exhibit behaviours that are of interest to the business. It is not confined to structured data."
Apart from that not making sense, learning complex patterns is a piece of piss. Matching a complex pattern in a meaningful way against previously unseen data is not. Proving its working without lots of test data sets is tricky too.