Re: Destroyed All Braincells Re: Snowden connection...
"......Also, it's "anarchisms", as you don't wanna use a genitive......" Actually, it's correctly termed "incredibly obtuse gullibility, based on envy, dressed up as a political ideal", but maybe you'll understand that when you get older and a bit of Worldly experience.
And as for all the people trying to imply this was the NSA or CIA that killed him, are you seriously damaged or what? Look at his age group - too young for most natural causes unless some form of chemical stimulant was involved, but exactly the type of social group likely to be using stimulants. I suspect that, when the almost inevitable history of drug-abuse follows, and the coroner's report indicates a cocaine overdose or similar, you'll no doubt insist it was the CIA forcing him to snort coke for years in preparation for having him snort on line too much at a "convenient" time. LOL.