Those were fun times. In a very short times the company I worked for had bought
over 600 PCs and we networked them with NetWare.
We also took part in the Beta tests for OS/2 2.0, which if you could get it to install,
was really good for a sysadmin. I could login to all the NetWare servers simultanously,
had a usable Xserver for administrating the Solaris and AIX servers, and terminal software
for mainframe access. Something that wasn't possible in the windows world for years after..
Unfortunately both Novell and IBM seriously underestimated the marketing prowess of Microsoft
IBM Marketing strategy then was 'Put IBM on the box and it will sell' and even though OS/2 2
was vastly superior to Windows 3.1 it failed.
I also suffered with Wordperfect for Windows as well, Wordperfect for DOS with Windows 3.1 worked
ok, but as soon as we installed the Windows version the shit really hit the fan. Crashes and lockups
all the time. I spent so much time trying different network drivers, and configurations to improve
the stability but to no avail. Eventually we installed MS Word, not because it was better, but because the user
could work more than an hour without having to restart.
Shame really, I really liked NetWare but they just never seemed to have a plan.