Is El Reg going to adopt MiB? Come on...
Creating a cloud server takes just a few minutes and cost peanuts, but a chap in the USA has decided it takes too long and created a site that spawns a free Amazon Web Services EC2 micro-instance in seconds and then offers you the chance to open a terminal window to drive it. The servers are called into existence by …
Looks like it was a typo, they turned it back into MB.
Good thing, I suspect the -bibyte stuff is being pushed by HDD manufacturers as that way they can keep on lying about HDD capacities. Sadly, OS X now uses funnybyte units, so I have to resort to df -h to know the true capacity of filesystems these days...
Oh no, please no purism on the prefixes. Even my college math teacher has conceded that computer stuff will always be base-1024 because that's how computers count. Base-10 (and base 1000) are useful to us fleshy humans as it is what we're used to; base-1024 is useful for computery stuff as it is what computers are used to. 2^10, 2^20, 2^30 ... it is even metric even if it isn't base 10.
The ugly fallout on the KiB, MiB, GiB stuff is that now OSX is saddled with the base-1000 units and thus is lying to me whenever I ask how big a file is. At least the underlying OS does still count real bytes, albeit with the -iB suffix.
It is the 'correct' way to denote capacity, per the IEC, but academic papers and standards descriptions are the only places you'll see it (someone said Ubuntu uses it as well). They're been wanting to get away from MB for a couple of decades, but using MiB in vernacular articles only creates confusion. Changing the common units/names of things is difficult.
Many fake bank websites are only up for a short time. They grab the login credentials of the early victims, and move on before the site is reported and investigated. This seems to allow them to skip the step of breaking into a vulnerable machine to set up the fake site, as long as they take steps to make their connection untraceable.
Sometimes I just want to crank up a server, install the latest cooly cooly server app, root around to check it out and move on .. If I think I need it for a day, I'll pay the 6 bucks .. If it truly spins up these instances quickly, it will be kind of nice. If the spin up time is a come on and it is really doggy, it's a gonna suck. Today, none of the brokers improve spin up time - none - and a couple are flippin abysmal .....
It's not a bad idea. It gives people the chance to try something out quickly. The $6 is cheaper than paying an engineer to do something from scratch. If he is up-front about the costs, and the timeout on the free one, well good luck to him.
And if people are stupid enough to pay him his rates on a long term basis, well good luck to him. Stupid deserves to bleed, it's how we keep the market fit.
I manage several AWS accounts, with systems that range from micro to "Oh My GOD!". Anyone who subscribes to this sort of "service" (read, pay me to do something you can do for free, or near to it), deserves what they DON'T get... :rolleyes:
So, I pay $0.02 (2 cents) per hour for a micro instance. Need it for a day? That is less than 1/2 US dollar! This guy is charging you HOW MUCH?! Even if you figure in the time to "get up to speed" in configuring a Linux server - let's say you need a week to get it to where you need - that is STILL only 1/2 of what this bone-head is charging you!
In the immortal words - caveat emptor!
Well, first you set up an instant server to run some scripts that sign up for more instant servers and load them all up with another script.
These child "instant servers" call home to the main one, and once there are enough children, they all initiate a DDOS attack against instantserver.io
That sounds fun doesn't it?
What's sort of ridiculous is that you can already get a limited time EC2 micro instance for free, and then pay to get it for longer. Only you get it free for a year, instead of 35 minutes, and after that you pay 2 cents an hour for it, instead of 25.