back to article Fever pitch as Dublin tar drop fall captured by webcam

Not content with recently beating Australia at rugby, cycling and cricket, the Anglo-Irish axis has added an academic triumph after boffins at Trinity College Dublin captured live footage of a drop of pitch falling. To refresh your memory about this … erm ... pitched battle (sorry), get thee to this story from April about the …


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  1. Ketlan

    Bad, bad, bad

    "pitched battle (sorry)"

    You should get some kind of journalistic medal for that. :-)

  2. MrDamage Silver badge


    Looks more like someone is pouring a pint of cold Guinness

  3. Sceptic Tank Silver badge
    IT Angle

    More exciting than watching paint dry.

    "Queensland's vial of the substance is apparently not far off dropping."

    A short burst from a blowtorch could have helped. Too late now.

    (===> What's the IT angle? News day as slow as a drop of pitch?)

  4. Neil Barnes Silver badge


    and you miss it!

  5. Bob Vistakin
    IT Angle

    As pointless as a lib dem manifesto

    Whilst the same colour and shape as what the torys are full of.

    Perhaps this should be televised instead of PMQ's?

    1. Corinne

      Re: As pointless as a lib dem manifesto

      The Tories are full of something that has the same colour & consistency of pitch - black & very nearly almost solid? Dunno about politicians, but if cattle had that same colour & consistency I'd be getting the vet out - it's supposed to be greenish brown & pour easily.

    2. Cynical Observer

      Re: As pointless as a lib dem manifesto

      Oh! I know I shouldn't feed the troll...


      It's as dynamic as a set of Labour policies....

  6. This post has been deleted by its author

  7. Denarius Silver badge

    of course we lost

    it was cricket pitch.

    I'll get my coat, its the white one with black marks

    1. Montreal Sean

      Re: of course we lost

      If you had remembered your pants and trousers you could have avoided those embarrassing black marks on your coat.

  8. NomNomNom


    I notice the BBC aren't covering this story

  9. PsychoHippy

    Is it worng that we got quite excited over this in the office here?

    1. sandman

      Re: Is it wrong?


  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You're on a sticky wicket there ...

    since when is England dropping 'un news?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: You're on a sticky wicket there ...

      > thinks Dublin is in England

      American detected.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: You're on a sticky wicket there ...

        > American detected.

        Not content with recently beating Australia at rugby, cycling and cricket, the Anglo-Irish axis has added ...

        Your lack of basic reading skills may be accompanied by a shaky sense of geography, but ...

        (wait for it)

        ... don't tar me with the same brush. <rimshot>

      3. Mage Silver badge

        Re: You're on a sticky wicket there ...

        Actually a nickname in the "real" Ireland for Dublin Area is "Western Britain".

        1. dogged

          Re: You're on a sticky wicket there ...

          I know. But Britain != England.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: You're on a sticky wicket there ...

            > I know. But Britain != England.

            Remind me again, when did Ireland - or even Britain - beat Australia at cricket?

        2. Ronny Cook

          Re: You're on a sticky wicket there ...

          Of course the real reason why so many multinationals base their financials out of Ireland...

          ... is because the capital is Dublin'.

          (Some jokes are so old they deserve to be scraped up from time to time.)

  11. Lloyd

    That reminds me

    I'd best go and check on the missus, she's been in the loo a very long time.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: That reminds me

      If she reads that, you're going to be in trouble like you've never been before...

  12. This post has been deleted by its author

  13. C 18
    Thumb Up

    Up the Dubs!

    And... 'down with that sort of thing!'

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not even a webcam could spice it up.

    Interminable periods of nothing, the occasional hint of excitement only to find that wasn't much of an experience and something else has dropped.

    But less of my love life, this pitch thing is great.

  15. Michael 28

    Anyone know if...

    ...there's any similar experiment going on with sheet glass ?

    1. Mage Silver badge

      Re: Anyone know if...

      Glass isn't a liquid. That's a myth. Old church glass panes are thicker at the bottom because they were made that way.

  16. Evoflash

    Second place

    I'd like to pitch in,

    but was beaten to it. Well done TCD team.

  17. Stilted Banter
    Thumb Up

    That reminds me...

    ...must add All Bran to the shopping list

  18. Potemkine Silver badge

    Solids are liquids in disguise.

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