IBM profits drop in 2103? Too bad I'll be dead and won't have the chance to trade on that insider information.
Sales at IBM decline 3.3 per cent in Q2, profits hit by layoffs
IBM chairman and CEO Ginni Rometty needs the company to turn in much better quarters for the remainder of 2103 than Big Blue did in the first quarter, when it missed its numbers by more than $400m. In the second quarter, IBM did a little better in its systems and services segments and the core business faired alright if you …
Thursday 18th July 2013 06:53 GMT Anonymous Coward
Graduate hiring spree coming!
So, who's now going to do the work of all those signings and projects that now belatedly happened?
The poor fossilised, demotivated, long-term sods, who would have loved to take a nice severance but that would have cost IBM too much, so now they do the work of the other 3 (*) people in their team who got canned?
Who will lead a horde of young, inexperienced but oh-so-cheap graduates right out of school?
Which will leads to more failed projects, dissatisfied customers who flee, leading to lower signings, leading to more layoffs, ad nauseam.
And no new Lou Gerstner in sight anywhere!
(*) experienced and qualified but with low "seniority" as they actually joined from elsewhere in the industry
Thursday 18th July 2013 08:55 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Graduate hiring spree coming!
'Who will lead a horde of young, inexperienced but oh-so-cheap graduates right out of school?'
'Who will lead a horde of young, inexperienced but oh-so-cheap off shored Indians?' there fixed that for you. Actually a lot of the people I know in India are leaving as well. Certainly GBS do seem to be in a crisis, especially in the are used to work in.
AC for very obvious reasons.