"..."Our goal is to help our customers remain productive anytime, anywhere..."
Productive, that is, for Redmond's cash-flow...
Microsoft has released an iOS version of the Outlook Web App that improves performance and adds new features for mobile devices. The catch? You'll need to be an Office 365 subscriber to use it. "Our goal is to help our customers remain productive anytime, anywhere. This includes providing a great email experience on …
Actually the Inbox of my ISP issued eMail is pretty dry. the only thing that lands there are the Monthly Log(s), that My Router sends to it. Great for comparing outgoing Calls to my Bill and to see how much Bandwidth I burned up that Month. As for actual Spam I do occasionally get the Fleabay and Paypal crap. Nothing much worse then that. 'Cause that kinda crap goes straight into
That's why!
That's why we're making sure our Exchange customers who have iPhones continue to use the perfectly acceptable mail client on the iPhone by crippling our Outlook app so it won't work with their servers. That way they won't be tempted to waste time installing an app that for the most part just reproduces functionality already on the phone...
Much like MicroSoft with there Media Center Software, which doesn't (or didn't do at the time), DVB-C DVB-S2. I will just have to find an alternative that does. Thankfully Linux has about as many ways to tackle that, as you could shake a Stick at. I'm highly confident that if Linux currently has no decent Exchange alternative available right now, it will have One soon.
Why MicroSoft keep insisting to shoot themselves in the Foot beggars belief.
I used to say that Outlook / Exchange was MS's only decent piece of software. Then I got Outlook on my Mac. Utter shite.
It has none of the usability of the PC version. Shared inboxes are only half implemented. Rules go all over the place. Moving email between folders en masse seems to involve the copy happening locally only and then waiting to sync so you get a massive upload of data to a server that's already got it. Shared calendars don't seem to work outside of Outlook. It creates it's own Address Book group so I can no longer sync with my 'phone. Etc, etc. Typical half-arsed MS bollocks. I shouldn't be disappointed that they reverted to mean but am.
Be thankful that you didn't have to use the abortion-in-progress that was Entourage. When MS shifted to OSX and abandoned Outlook For Mac (OS9) I didn't think it could get any worse. It did.
Outlook for Mac (OSX) is several steps better than both of these, but still horrendous compared with the basic interoperability built in to iOS and OSX.
And the remote wipe feature works in iOS Mail as well, administered from OWA.
Microsoft should be releasing this as a full email client to try and encourage iPhone users onto windows phone. I guess if they gave it full support Apple wouldn't allow it in the store, but full exchange support would be good.
Microsoft are hoping that people will subscribe to 365 so they can get the app but it just won't work this way. You need to give people the app first and then if it's good enough some people will want to try windows phone or 365 off the back of that.