May I dare to disagree
When the original watches came out, they were a runaway success. Eventually, almost every person in developed countries had one on their wrist. Watches have now been superseded for most people by mobile phones, which provide the same functionality as a watch, plus lots more. However, they are not convenient in every situation, as the watch was: they need to be carried in a hand, or in a pocket. Sometimes you cannot afford to do this. They need to be switched on to access the most basic functionality...a lot more manipulation and manoeuvring is required, than with a watch. Anyone using a smartphone while doing manual work, or sport, will surely concur. The question is, can someone make a viable "smart watch". It would have to be somewhat different from the concept used to operate the smartphones. For instance, it would have to be much smaller, and the battery would have to last much longer. But it could be quite popular, for certain functionality. Imagine: time, calendar, map, navigation, compass, altimeter, voice calls, SMS, photography, filming, basic e-mail, camera-powered searches...