The ransomware strain blocks .... the Start Menu
Not so good on windows 8 then.
So it is more secure.
If you do the survey does it give you a free start menu?
Internet Igors have fused genomes from two of the web's most noxious scam strains to create a repulsive chimaera. The new ransomware doing the rounds locks up victims' PCs before forcing their users to complete a survey in order to receive an unlock code. Traditional ransomware scams typically involving locking up systems …
Data harvesting seems to be quite popular these days even without the internet. Southern Electric's trawling may be a mild example and is some way short of being a ransom demand, but it does seem to show how big business really wants your profile.
Having almost completed a debit card payment of my electricty bill by touch-tone 'phone, my call was intercepted by an operator who asked for account and payment details. So I provided the details again verbally. After taking these he then requested my date of birth, "for security purposes". I said this was unnecessary and I would not provide it, to which he replied, "In that case I can't take your payment." He then hung up.
Having checked, Southern Electric now say that they don't actually have any record of my date of birth. Presumably "security purposes" could cover requests for quite a range of personal details.