What's the worse that could happen? Let's give it a try.
Hmm, let me see. It's just been shown that Microsoft backdoored Outlook.com before it was even launched. The US lawmakers have uncontrolled access to anything a US company gathers in data, and Google SPECIALISES in "acquiring" user data (between quotes because its methods vary from the visible to the illegal, including making *cough* "mistakes" *cough*).
So, yes, let's ask again: what could possibly go wrong with using a new, untried engine made by Google for surfing the web, accessing your bank, using ecommerce - generally, for your entire online life.
If you "feel lucky", you're probably the type that opens malware as well because of the promises made in the email. It's supplied by a US company: not good. It's an online product: bad. It's a product by a company which acquires data as their main business model: do not touch, even when equipped with barge pole.