Re: Too late to market
"Actually MS comes with a very, very mature product (Windows has been on tablet pc for a decade)."
Good grief the level of delusion is strong in this one.
Yes, it is true that MS have been putting out tablet (PC's) for a decade.
It is also true that for that entire time they sucked, and languished as a niche product. Few people bought them, and for the ones that did, after the novelty wore off (5 minutes), they never flipped the screen around again and just used them as a normal laptop. This is because they sucked as tablets.
Since before the ipad came out I have been reading crap from commentards about how tablets will not take off unless you can run Office / Photoshop / Random Windows App on them.
Well, the news is that tablets that can't run those applications have been a success, while the ones that have been able to run Wintel crap have been, without exception, abject failures.
This device is just another in a long line of tablets that suck because people are trying to run desktop apps on them and those desktop apps do not translate well to a touch screen.
As for your hardware checklist, I hope you don't think that anybody could make a quality product with that level of hardware and sell it for less than $1000. Yeah, those would sell like hotcakes I'm sure.
The fact that you believe that a tablet requires that sort of hardware to be acceptable when there are plenty of other tablets on the market that work perfectly fine without all that horsepower is an indicator that you are living somewhere in far off la-la-land.
It's not rocket science, but I swear some of you guys make it look like it is.