Can't we avoid lousy journalism eg repeating false claims?
"The company's supposed saviour, the shiny new BlackBerry 10 OS, has failed to dazzle the mobile market, with devices carrying the system not selling as well as the firm had hoped in the first full quarter on the market."
I'm not aware of any hope-reporting feed... they shipped 2.7M new BB10 devices in a quarter where they only had a single, admittedly mid-tier premium model (Z10) available (Q10 debuted in June, practically didn't make a dent on their sheets.)
They had to fight for market share while high-end premium phones like Samsung's S4, HTC's One were introduced with immediate availability, not to mention widespread expectations of an updated iPhone arriving at WWDC (5S, turned out to be false.)
Despite all this BB actually managed to GROW by 30% in the US, where its devices got little provider backing, Q10 arrived late etc...
...just how TF would that translate to 'failed to dazzle the market', seriously?
"Without a boost from BB10 and with another operating loss forecast for the current quarter, BlackBerry's shares have dropped another 30 per cent since it reported a surprise second quarter loss in June."
Aye... aside of copy/pasting from other articles you didn't bother to check actual numbers, dear, did you?
FYI OVER 40% of the float IS SHORTED - don't you think that has something to do with the constant flow of negative rumors, negative press, negative-toned, badly researched articles (eg this one above), hmm, dear?
Disclaimer: I have no position WRT BB, never owned any of their devices, just recently tested a Z10 for 2 weeks and was impressed by its unified communication features and future possibilities of BB10 (but sorely disappointed by its current Android app support compatibility/quality, unfinished features and lack of a high-end model with 1080p, 5" screen etc etc.)