I want them prosecuted
Parliament certainly didn't grant the *foreign* office power to spy on Brits. Capturing *all* of our data in a big database and retaining it for 30 days (40 days, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 20 years, lifetime) is *not* legal under RIPA.
They know this too, because ex Labour Home Secretaries, the very people who wrote RIPA said a 'Data Bill' was needed:
This was how the Stasi kept the Communist party in power, monitoring and control. They had the vote, but nobody would stick their head up and create an opposition. This is how Putin does the same, any opponent that might challenge him, is off to Siberia on a fake tax charge.
The country clearly voted against this, Brits don't want the snoopers charter, yet GCHQ did it anyway. They need to be brought back within the democracy, and the people involved removed from office. William Hague would be a good start.