back to article Texas teen jailed for four months over sarcastic Facebook comment

Concern is growing for a Texas teenager who has spent the last four months in jail after being arrested for making seemingly threatening comments on Facebook. Justin Carter, 19, is currently being held under suicide watch in Comal County Jail near San Antonio, Texas, after being arrested in February following a Facebook …


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  1. kevin biswas

    Another for the WTF file

    Lets hope he makes himself a millionaire by taking them to court after it is all over.

    1. MrXavia

      Re: Another for the WTF file

      I agree!

      Sure its a bad taste joke, but still a joke IS a joke.....

      A night in a jail cell would have been enough to make him realise it was a bad thing to do...

      But 5 months?

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        Re: Another for the WTF file

        "Sure its a bad taste joke, but still a joke IS a joke....."

        Not in America. I mean "Think of the children."

        Obviously that doesn't mean doing anything to really protect children, like IDK limiting magazine capacities or serious background checks.

        Teen photographs their dangly bits and texts them to friends.

        Making, owning and distributing child pornography. No defense and entry on the SOR.

        Welcome to American "justice."

      2. Tom 13

        Re: Another for the WTF file

        Oh, this article is leaving out the juicy bits. The kid has to be confined to solitary for his own protection. When they pull him out and put him back in the general population he gets beaten to a pulp. And bail has been set at a number even the bail bonds companies can't afford.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Deserves it

      I'd have given him twice as long, the Police are damned if the act and damned it they don't.

      This isn't about free speech or being a prat, make a statement like that and expect some kind of sanction.

      Just ask those parents whose children have died at the hands of idiots like this, just a joke, didn't mean anything by it... Well tough luck sit back and reflect on it.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Deserves it

        America is waking up so expect to be downvoted by protectors of the free, defenders of the right to spy and by a nation that has had it's fingers stuck in the pies of war and responsible for so many deaths in the name of peace.

        Oh, just a thought, is the US still funding the Egyptian Army, I think it is.

      2. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: Deserves it

        Just ask those parents whose children have died at the hands of idiots like this

        I'd be an interesting exercise to track down the parents whose children have died as the result of a Facebook post. Fucking moron!

        1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

          Re: Deserves it

          "Just ask those parents whose children have died at the hands of idiots like this"

          Yes, indeed. Just ask the parents of those who have died in prison as a result of being arrested by an idiot for something clearly innocuous.

          It's worth remembering that the US still has more people in prison than any other country. 1% of the US population are prisoners, and amongst non-white ethnic groups, the number is much higher, for example 10% of the black population of the US is in prison. They have the highest per-capita prison population in the world, followed by Russia, and the highest total prison population, followed by China (who have a significantly larger population as a whole). By any measurable term, they are the exact opposite of the 'land of the free'.

          The sort of idiocy exemplified in this story and by some of the (anonymous) commenters here is hardly surprising, cast in this light.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Deserves it

            "It's worth remembering that the US still has more people in prison than any other country."

            Including China, which has four times as many people.

          2. teebie

            Re: Deserves it

            "Just ask those parents whose children have died at the hands of idiots like this"

            Yes, will no one think of the the families of the thousands of champions, minions and turrets that have been massacred by these heartless league of legends playing war criminals.

      3. Graham Marsden

        Re: Deserves it

        Yes, because America is *so* much safer now this dangerous terrorist is behind bars...!

      4. t.est

        Re: Deserves it

        Can humans rule an other human, and who has the right to do so, and when?

        Is the punishment in balance with the act? Should the punishment be softer or harder than the original act?

        To, me just the case that those ideas is in someones heads, as a joke or not is worrying. Not for the joker sake, but for the pictures and ideas he puts in other's peoples heads by communicating them.

        In the end, those ideas and mindset becomes something normal to someone, and will act upon it, and yet for some others they will not react when they see it happen.

        On the other hand it's worrying that if you say something stupid out of your stupidity ( as we all do ) what can it lead to. It's not at all a pretty world we live in.

      5. gkroog

        Re: Deserves it

        "Just ask those parents whose children have died at the hands of idiots like this"

        The people who shoot up schools don't post their intentions on social media beforehand. In fact, terrorists as an obvious rule don't do that. Kinda limits their chances of success. So is that really what he was doing?

        Or was he just venting some kind of frustration in a way I agree is totally inappropriate, but this is very much about "free speech." Where is the police work that has brought evidence to light that he is what they call a CREDIBLE threat? Does he own or have access to the necessary weapons? Is he involved with people who are considered a threat to school safety?

        The police have, after four months, not produced any such evidence. All they have is a few posts on Facebook.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Deserves it

          1. I have a "handle" but the uk forum site hasn't processed it yet.

          2. Does this not just represent yet another WASTE of taxpayer dollars?

          3. Gotta say it: if he was a 'minority' would he be in jail? Didn't Trayvon and his friends post in social networks about a variety of criminal activity, including buying, selling and using drugs, as well as violence?

          4. Sorry, but the sheriff in this Texas town is just some kind of M O R O N. The judge? Probably running for re-election...

          5. 4 months in jail for this?

          6. I bet he lives in a county with lots of Democrats, who incredibly have lost the ability to read and comprehend the US Constitution.

      6. andy 45

        Re: Deserves it

        No ones dies at the hands of idiots cos theyre just that -- idiots. Not psychopaths -- idiots.

        Now youve gone and made yourself look a fool...

      7. ryanp

        Re: Deserves it

        The point here is that his comments were in jest. I agree that the police were correct in taking action to investigate and evaluate the kid, but after that was done, he should be released. Arrest him and question and investigate, but after finding that he is not a threat let the kid go. A few days in lockup while being investigated should teach a lesson.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Do a search

      On Wikipedia for recent school shootings in the US.

      Since 2000 over 60

      Over 150 children killed

      Not including injured.

      Not a joke is it!

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
        Paris Hilton

        Re: Do a search

        > Over 150 children killed

        So fucking what?

        Do you want me to unpack statistics about birth defects in Vietnam due to Agent Orange? Pretty sure I can make jokes about that on the Interwebs with no ill consequence.

        1. Mark 65

          Re: Do a search

          In the good old US of A you're either rich or totally fucked. You don't get to choose.

        2. t.est

          Re: Do a search

          So because of Agent Orange, school shootings are justified?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Do a search

            t.est: "So because of Agent Orange, school shootings are justified?"

            No and nobody even remotely suggested that this was the case. You might want to work on your reading comprehension.

          2. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

            Re: Do a search

            So because of Agent Orange, school shootings are justified?

            Your brain is broken. Return it for a refund.

            1. ryanp

              Re: Do a search

              So because his brain is broken, a return is justified?

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Do a search

                "So because his brain is broken, a return is justified?"

                It depends if it was a manufacturing fault, but since it was likely dropped, I'm going to go with no.

        3. kdh0009

          Re: Do a search

          I'm sure there is an over reaction here, that a little investigation might have put an end to in short order, however...

          In the current climate, posting anything about any shooting up a school is going to get you the exact same treatment that you would have received for telling an airport official you were carrying a bomb in October 2001.

          You *can* make jokes about Agent Orange as it happens, because (rightly or wrongly) the Vietnam War was a long time ago. Sandy Hook wasn't.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Do a search

            "You *can* make jokes about Agent Orange as it happens, because (rightly or wrongly) the Vietnam War was a long time ago. "

            No, actually, you can make jokes about Agent Orange because it only killed, maimed, and impoverished Asians. If it had harmed Americans, 40-50 years wouldn't be nearly enough time to forgive and forget.

            1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

              Re: Do a search

              Power companies and railroads in the US and Canada were spraying it into the 1970s to control weeds - after all it was perfectly safe, the government had proved that in Vietnam.

              There are a bunch of lawsuits here about it

        4. Jim 59

          Re: Do a search

          AC is what we scientists call a "troll", don't feed him/her.

          1. ryanp

            Re: Do a search

            especially dont feed them after midnight, and for the love of all that is good, dont get them wet.

      2. brainbone

        Re: Do a search

        No, it just makes the "joke" all that more poignant.

      3. Don Jefe
        Thumb Down

        Re: Do a search

        On the National Institutes of Health website: 2000 - 2008 total number of children under 16 killed by bicycles in the U.S. is 940.

        Not including injured.

        Anything can be a joke in context and anything can be dangerous. Especially emotional over reactions...

      4. Jamie Jones Silver badge

        Re: Do a search

        You guys..... Your brains woukd explode if you ever read sickipedia.

        It doesn't matter how sick and twisted a comment is - if it's obviously intended as a joke, you guys are sick suggesting he deserves to be punished in this way.

        He eve wrote j/k for the common-sense-impaired brigade... sigh...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Do a search

          At least now we can take solice that there's one less rude LOL player behind bars. It's about time these people calling me a faggot for clicking the wrong skill were punished, I say put the lot of them behind bars... Wait he's behind bars for a comment outside of LOL? Oh... Set the guy free then for god sakes.

      5. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Do a search

        Do a search

        Those no joke shootings were done with free guns not free speech.

      6. Squander Two

        Why concentrate on just school shootings?

        Why not look up the statistics for all murder? Thousands of them, so we can't make jokes about murder any more. There goes "Goodfellas". What about accidental deaths of children falling from heights? Loads of them, so we'll need to ban that evil death-revelling tract "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland", which contains a joke on the subject. Carroll's long dead, but we could still jail Scorsese. After all, if the police just stood by and did nothing and then Scorsese did become a Mafia boss and have dozens of people killed, the victims would sue the police. They can't win!

      7. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Do a search

        Free speech (especially given that it was obviously not a real threat) is more important than 150 lives.

      8. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Do a search

        I've done a search.

        Number of children killed via stupid comments posted on face book.

        Nope, not 150 zero.

    4. This post has been deleted by its author

    5. RISC OS

      Get rich or die tryin' as one talentless rapper once said

      The american dream... become fat and sue the company that made the food for emotonal distress and damage, have an accident and sue everyone who may have been at fault for emotonal distress and damage, or get arrested and sue the police - for false arrest causing emotonal distress and damage...

      ...and never have to work again for the rest of your life.

      Shame for the kid... but if the police had done nothing and he had of done something, the police would be sued by ever victims family for emotonal distress and damage to the tune of 100s of millions per victim... I guess it's just cheaper to arrest the kid... if it all goes pear shaped, you only get sued once

      1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

        Re: Get rich or die tryin' as one talentless rapper once said

        Shame for the kid... but if the police had done nothing and he had of done something, the police would be sued by ever victims family for emotonal distress and damage to the tune of 100s of millions per victim

        Two points:

        1) It is not possible to sue the police as a victim of crime.

        2) The police are there to arrest people after a crime has been committed, not 'in case they do something naughty'.

        You really, truly, are an idiot if you believe what you just wrote.

        1. Don Jefe

          Re: Get rich or die tryin' as one talentless rapper once said

          @Loyal Commenter

          Police liability varies by state. I was the victim of a home invasion and was seriously injured by stabbing. The town and the State (Tennessee) sent me two nice checks, without any prompting from me, for failure to ensure my safety. I had to agree not to sue to cash the checks, but police can be held liable for failure to perform their job in some places.

        2. RISC OS

          Re: Get rich or die tryin' as one talentless rapper once said

          Two points:

          1: I never said the victim - try learning to read.

          2: They are there to prevent crime, do you know what prevention is?

          You really, truly, are an idiot if you believe what you just wrote.

        3. RISC OS

          Re: Get rich or die tryin' as one talentless rapper once said

          When you have learnt to read, try reading what Don Jefe said... numpty

      2. Tom 13

        Re: if the police had done nothing and he had of done something

        Yo, brainless! Of course the police are supposed to do something. They're supposed to log the call, go to the parents house, asses the situation, and apply some common sense. With contextual evidence that the kid wasn't serious they give him a good stern warning about not doing it again and go back to the station to log the report. Throwing him in jail with a $500,000 bond on the basis of nothing more than a single FB post is beyond the pale.

        Oh and all those victim suits would get tossed as soon as the were filed. The police departments have no legal responsibility to protect you from harm.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

    6. Anonymous Coward


      "Lets hope he makes himself a millionaire by taking them to court after it is all over."

      Right, waited quite a while before responding because in my opinion there is no clear right and wrong here.

      I tend to agree with you, however what I hope for even more is that his stay in jail (and the psychological impact this must have) hasn't turned him into the kind of twisted guy they were afraid he'd be in the first place.

      Because although I think that some "jokes" shouldn't be made and deserve some form of punishment you also need to make sure not to overdo it. That is the other side of the medal.

      I sincerely hope not but if this guy is going to "get back at society" in 5 or 6 years or so, then who is to blame here? That's going to become quite a bizarre argument. One which could have been avoided in the first place; right now.

  2. Greg J Preece

    Totally on the kid's side here. El Reg didn't replicate his emphasis either. He was clearly speaking in that Internet dialect known as HURR DURR. You would need to be utterly ignorant of so many things to not realise that what he said was a joke. Another atrocious oppression from a fear-mongering government.

    1. Steve Knox

      This is Texas

      The one state I would dearly love to see secede from my country.

      1. Don Jefe

        Re: This is Texas

        Don't say anything bad about Texas. You'll get your comment deleted. There's a moderator here who doesn't like anti-Texas comments. Not sure who at El Reg has a vested interest in Texas, but somebody does.

        1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

          Re: This is Texas

          Then we shall mention the Alamo!

          1. TimeMaster T

            Re: This is Texas

            "Remember the Alamo"

            Yeah, Texas LOST.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: This is Texas

              the battle -- not the WAR. General Santa Ana probably wished he had never heard of the Alamo when he saw his army devastated by those rag-tag "Texicans" shouting 'remember the Alamo'

      2. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: This is Texas

        Maybe not secede...but rather maybe we can invade them and replace their current "gub'mint" with an installed government populated by people with an IQ above room temperature?

        1. Don Jefe

          Re: This is Texas

          We could always give it back to Mexico. Maybe with a dowry or some such.

          1. ThisMayNotBeMyRealName
            Thumb Up

            Re: "We could always give it back to Mexico."

            Hey...why not? Half of their citizens ALREADY live in Texas anyway. Less need for immigration reform then.

        2. wowfood

          Re: This is Texas

          Are you talking Room Temperature as measured in C, or in F.

          Because that makes a pretty big difference. Well, either way the IQ would go up, just depends on how much.

          As for the deletion of the anti-texan comments, it's probably the el reg way of protecting us. They see a comment that will get us arrested in texas (like saying marrying first cousins is disgusting) and they remove it so we don't get arrested

          It's for our own good.

        3. Someone Else Silver badge
          Thumb Up

          Re: This is Texas (replying to myself)

          Maybe not secede...but rather maybe we can invade them and replace their current "gub'mint" with an installed government populated by people with an IQ above room temperature?

          Looks like I may get my wish, after all, without an invasion: "Guv'ner" Perry has announced he is not running for re-election.

          Hope springs eternal...

      3. Andy Christ

        Re: This is Texas

        And take Florida with them.

      4. teebie

        Re: This is Texas

        Residents of Texas did sign a petition asking for secession after Obama was re-elected.

        Residents of Houston, Texas started another petition asking for Texas to be allwoed to secede, but for Houston to be allowed to secede from Texas at the same time.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I love Texas, I love texans, I love their simplicity of intellect personified by the Bush family. It must be something they put in the water.

  3. Paul_Murphy

    And this from the land of suing? I would imagine that once the dust has settled there should be a lot to claim back for.

    Ridiculous - what's next using comic sans is seen as slanderous or the sign of a socio-path?


    1. Don Jefe

      There's a reason patent litigation is often carried out in Texas, their legal/justice system operates using the rules of an alternate dimension. The kid is lucky they're not trying to execute him: Execution seems to be the in thing in the land of 'all hat, no cattle'.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Actually I agree that using comic sans on serious documents should come with some form of jail-time attached to it.

        1. Anton Channing

          Jail time?

          Punishment should fit the crime.

          So how about 1 custard pie per word used in the font, plus 1 prat fall per sentence?

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    be afraid

    very afraid of saying anything when you are in the USA.

    Oh, IANAL etc but AFAIK, the US consitution need not apply to Aliens (what they call us johhny foreigners)

    The Police shoot first and may ask questions later.(just ask Rodney King)

    1. Oninoshiko

      Re: be afraid

      I think you'll find Rodney King was beaten, not shot.

      Also you'll have a hard time asking him anything, as he died last year.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: be afraid

      Oh, IANAL etc but AFAIK, the US consitution need not apply to Aliens (what they call us johhny foreigners)

      Haven't you heard? According to the Americans you, your Mum, your Dad, your Granny and Grandad, brothers, sisters aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, work colleges, and that eccentric fellow you always avoid sitting next to on the train. YOU'RE ALL TERRORISTS... that's why they're gathering all your information. Everyone in the world is a terrorist, or at least a potential terrorist.

      It takes a really very seriously fucked up mindest to think that the best way to tackle terrorism is to classify EVERYONE (excluding your own people (at least that's what you tell your boss)) as a terrorist.

      It seems to me this American 'yoof' should count himself lucky, he is at least American and thus liable for some limited amount of protection from due process. It's the rest of us who are all fucked.

      1. Captain DaFt

        Re: be afraid

        Just remember; the top 1% fear losing control, and therefore, according to them, the other 99% *are* terrorists!

      2. Someone Else Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        @obnoxiousGit Re: be afraid

        [...] protection from due process.


        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: @obnoxiousGit be afraid

          What on earth is "due process" anyway? Weasel words. For all we know, the treatment of this "teenager" is "due process" in USA.

          Somebody ought to explain to Americans about maturity, that "teenagers" are not "mature" and are known for silly behaviour, poor judgement, asinine jokes, getting even drunker and sillier than the rest of us and such like. The American police and courts, if this report is right, need to learn reading and comprehension. The silly boy made the bad joke and, just to be clear, told everyone it was a bad joke.

          Dear me, most comedians, American ones especially, should be imprisoned without trial, just like this boy, for the non-stop appalling, often insensitive jokes that may pain others and most of them claim to be adults.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @obnoxiousGit be afraid

            Somebody ought to explain to Americans about maturity, that "teenagers" are not "mature" and are known for silly behaviour, poor judgement, asinine jokes, getting even drunker and sillier than the rest of us and such like. The American police and courts, if this report is right, need to learn reading and comprehension. The silly boy made the bad joke and, just to be clear, told everyone it was a bad joke

            I can't help thinking that America is taking a fairly standard step along the path to being 'a once powerful nation'. Like so many 'superpowers' have before. This is a fairly important step though, it's the one where you manage to alienate even those who have supported you.

            As someone who has (nearly) always supported American actions, probably naively always taking the view that America was acting for the general good, this has very seriously affected my views of them.

            Like all those who won't buy Sony because they 'put a rootkit on my computer', I will no longer buy anything American, or anything made by an American company.

            I can't help feeling that classifying my entire family as (potential) terrorists, who should have all their communications spied on, is far more offensive than fucking up one of my systems... and to top that, reading (around the web) Americans defending their government deciding to do this, is just absolutely mind blowing.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @obnoxiousGit be afraid

            Seeing as the UK government arrested, convicted and locked up a UK citizen for posting racist comments on Twitter.

            Don't act like its just an American problem.

            1. DavCrav

              Re: @obnoxiousGit be afraid

              It isn't just an american problem. However, go look up the case of the guy who threatened to blow up Robin Hood airport. He was originally convicted, then had it overturned. And he didn't spend five months in prison because our legal system fucks poor people.

    3. Uplink

      Re: be afraid

      "Oh, IANAL etc but AFAIK, the US consitution need not apply to Aliens (what they call us johhny foreigners)"

      IANAL either, but technically there are these international treaties that apply to people when they visit a foreign country, and they usually say that 1. you're supposed to obey the host country's law; 2. the host country should treat you like one of their own citizens in terms of law, observing whatever restrictions you may have extra imposed on you for being not from around there. It's this "international law" that we keep hearing about but have no place to go to and read it, and it's because of these why you don't get your own special set of laws - EULA - to sign at the border when you enter another country.

      Your home country will have a stern talking to the host country if they mistreat you. The organisations that supervise the treaties, and the other organisations your country is part of, may have a stern talk to the host country as well. And it turns out the USA isn't that special either when it comes to pulling trade agreements from under their feet - it's just that they're not used to being at the other end of the stick.

      Tl;dr; If you go to the USA and they throw you in jail without charge, and you're from the UK, the will probably take offence at that, and call the US ambasador in for a cup of tea, to tell them that only the UK gets to do that to you, so the US should just back off :)

    4. Tom 13

      Re: be afraid

      Did you note the bit where the idiot who made the initial complaint was a Canadian?

      Yeah, so much for that common sense I read about so often on these pages.

  5. Evil Auditor Silver badge

    Freedom of Speech not here to protect each and every stupidity uttered. But I do remember a state where one had to be very careful what to say for there was no freedom of speech. It seized to exist in 1990.

    1. Greg J Preece

      Re: Freedom of Speech not here to protect each and every stupidity uttered.

      Aaaaaaactually, it is. Popular or "harmless" opinions don't require protection.

      1. Mr Fuzzy

        Re: Freedom of Speech

        To say nothing of satire.

        *Points to Swift in the corner.*

    2. sabroni Silver badge

      Re: It seized to exist in 1990.

      Yeah, it's holding on, but only just!!!!

  6. skeptical i

    Has it really truly come to this?

    When are the adults going to intervene and admonish the children running the show to please calm down, stop throwing their toys, and actually USE THEIR BRAINS? Does the Comal County sheriff really need this on his record come the next election ("I'm so tough on crime even SARCASTIC YOOFS can not escape my justice!")? The Lone Star state has been on the receiving end of some well- deserved criticism, but this is too much even for Texas. "All I said was 'this is good enough for Jehovah'!"

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: Has it really truly come to this?

      Don't make it worse!

    2. Tom 13

      Re: When are the adults going to intervene

      When the hoplophobe stop electing morons to appoint even bigger morons as judges.

      Given the postings I've seen on the pages of El Reg, it's gonna be a while.

      I'd also note this San Antonio which isn't far from Austin. It's where libs congregate in Texas.

  7. Lord Elpuss Silver badge


    Fully agree the punishment in this case is cruel and unusual.

    Although I do think his comments went far beyond that which should be permissible in the context of free speech; he's clearly sick in the head if he finds threatening a bloodbath in a kindergarten to be in any way ok. The rights of me and my children to life and liberty without worrying about being deprived of same trumps his right to free speech, and I would feel very very threatened if my kid was in a kindergarten near him.

    An appropriate punishment for this type of 'social' crime needs to be found; not prison, but also not letting him off scot-free. One idea would be being required to hold a series of presentations at local high schools explaining the error of his ways - can anybody else think of an appropriate penalty?

    1. Ryan 7
      Thumb Down

      Re: Divided

      Get over yourself, find a sense of humour, and realise that words on a screen really aren't worth all this fuss.

    2. Grogan Silver badge

      Re: Divided

      I agree with most of what you say, but no... there needn't have been any punishment for that. If they felt the need to investigate, fine, but that's their prerogative and they need not escalate the situation when it's found to be harmless, warning him that it's very unwise to talk like that in this day and age would suffice, and there need not be any more justification than "We thought we'd investigate, just to be safe". A surprised teenager would most likely take the time to talk to them without a warrant. Sometimes politely knocking on a door works far better than a swat team breaking it down.

      That's the thing with the style of authority you find in the U.S though... they are always looking for ways to exert it as far as they can.

    3. Danny 14

      Re: Divided

      If anything he's learnt a lesson in not using your real name or picture of yourself on facebook. If you must use farcebook then get your cat to sign up.

    4. Johan Bastiaansen

      Re: Divided

      But you do feel safe with a blatant fool, armed with a gun an a sheriff's badge roaming your streets?

      1. Tom 13

        Re: a blatant fool, armed with a gun an a sheriff's badge

        This took more than one blatant fool. So let's go ahead and count them:

        1. The Canadian woman who called it in as a real threat.

        2. The deputies who showed up to investigate.

        3. The sheriff who decided to take it to the DA instead of cutting the kid lose after the scare of running him into the police station in handcuffs.

        4. The DA who decided to prosecute instead of cutting the kid lose.

        5. The judge who set bail so high only Bill Gates or George Soros could afford a bond company to pay it.

        6. All the idiots who elected idiots the idiots in items 2 to 4 who are elected officials or the idiots who appointed the non-elected officials in items 2 to 4.

        We'll leave out the idiots on this thread who think the fools in items 1 to 6 are doing a good job.

    5. BlueGreen

      Re: Divided "threatening a bloodbath" @Lord Elpuss

      I'm not sure but I'd think that "threatening a bloodbath" would imply in law (and common sense) a solid underlying intent to carry out an act (words without intent to act thereon is not a threat). It seems moderately clear that he was not, however I can understand that the law would be concerned enough to stop the guy long enough to find out what he really wanted to do - murder or lulz ie. to make a judgement, which I think is a substantial part of the job of being the law. This would be especially true after a complaint was made.

      It doesn't appear they made any such judgement, and slapping 'terroristic threat' on him was incredibly stupid. And banging him up and threatening 8 years, good god...

      If you feel that "The rights of me and my children to life and liberty without worrying about being deprived of same trumps his right to free speech" then with respect you are part of the problem. Kids say stupid things, yours may be next, perhaps, and you'd be happy with the same response? You ok with your sprogs in the slammer with violent adult crims if they did the same [*]? Rationality and balance must come fundamentally from citizens, not imposed from the top by an external party, or it's game over. Please consider.

      God help america, your country scares me. It's like some animal that's tearing itself apart in anger and confusion and uncertainty.

      (the above is opinion not based on any legal knowledge of what constitutes a 'threat')

      [*] Claimed by his father --> "Without getting into the really nasty details, he’s had concussions, black eyes, moved four times from base for his own protection,” [...] “He’s been put in solitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he’s depressed"

      1. Captain DaFt

        Re: Divided "threatening a bloodbath" @Lord Elpuss

        Yep, now it's come to this.

        The "Think of the children" idiots are locking up the children to protect... the children.

        "Bigger, Longer, Uncut" was supposed to be a parody, not a how to manual!

        1. ecofeco Silver badge
          Paris Hilton

          Re: Divided "threatening a bloodbath" @Lord Elpuss

          "Bigger, Longer, Uncut" was supposed to be a parody, not a how to manual!

          So was "Idiocracy."

      2. Uplink

        Re: Divided "threatening a bloodbath" @Lord Elpuss

        "Without getting into the really nasty details, he’s had concussions, black eyes, moved four times from base for his own protection,” [...] “He’s been put in solitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he’s depressed"

        Well... if what he wrote was a joke initially, I think he'll think twice now and plan it outright and do it. But not to a school. More like to a certain sheriff's office. You know... he already did the time, he may as well do the deed too. I really hope he goes the "I want to be a millionaire" law suit route and wins.

        Excuse me for a second, some people are knocking at/down my door...

      3. TheOtherHobbes

        Re: Divided "threatening a bloodbath" @Lord Elpuss

        >"He’s been put in solitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he’s depressed"

        Which is totally going to help, obviously.

        America has become a Hogarth sketch of Bedlam.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Divided

      Hmm. You could have some difficulties as your children get older and make the usual mistakes when trying to be funny or make a point. Or were you some little angel who never put a foot wrong?

      To you, it may seem obvious. That boy, no doubt, thought of himself as talking to his peers, on the same level as them, with no real thought of reality or that some nitwit would take it seriously when he had made it clear that it was a (tasteless, childish) joke.

      Can they really hold anyone (not certified independently as mentally ill) for five months, without trial, in USA? I mean, I know that justice there is not justice as we know it; but really. No wonder they think Guantanamo is all right. And a minor too (I believe the USA judges people under 21 not mature enough to drink alcohol). But then, this is the country that dresses accused people (not just terrorists) in orange overalls and uses shackles, even before finding them guilty sometimes. Ugh.

      1. Stupid Texan

        Can they really hold anyone without trial in the USA?

        YES. Yes, they can. Obama passed NDAA on new years eve w/o congressional review. To sum it up, authorities have the right to detain American citizens without being formally charged, indefinitely, (i.e. no due process what so ever) if it is “thought” the person is a terroristic threat. So, what is a terroristic threat exactly? Well, I presume it’s a term that when inserted, means American’s no longer have any civil liberties and are no longer citizens of a free society in a democratic nation. Which means, according to US Federal Law, the authorities in Texas are acting completely as they’ve been instructed to by the larger governing authority over all states. So, it’s all good. Nothing to see here guys, move along and stay scared – move along. Remember, these new laws are only here to protect you from the boogy man (u hem… I mean terrorism).

    7. mr.K

      Re: Divided

      Enlighten me, where did he threaten to do such a thing?

    8. FutureShock999

      Re: Divided

      At present you have been downvoted 28 tims - do you know why? Because you wrote something retarded.

      MAKING A JOKE IS NOT A SOCIAL CRIME. PERIOD. When you end a line of text with "j/k" and "lol", it is known to all and sundrey on the internet (especially 19 year old gamers!) that this mean "I AM FUCKING JOKING AND LAUGHING OUT LOUD EVEN AS I SAY THIS, MEANING I AM PROBABLY BEING IRONIC".

      There is NO debating that - it is STANDARD internet speak. I am 50 years old and even I know that is the way gamer kidz talk online (thank Eve Online).

      When you declare that what you are writing is a joke, probably ironic, and flag that appropriately - ALL you can be accused of is having bad taste. Now, the proper punishment for social bad taste would usually be a few stern words from Dad or Mom, telling a child why that was inappropriate (i.e., making light of the terrible tragedies that have occured and hurting families that have lost loved ones, etc.). In today's society, we farm this stuff out to "professionals", so a session or three with a youth counsellor would probably be given. Or a few stern words (accompanied by a smile at the end) from the local police,asking him to ensure that they don't have to pay him a visit again.

      But a SOCIAL CRIME?!?!? You are out of your self-important mind, or are so detached from today's youth culture as to not have a valid opinion.

  8. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Innapriarte reaction

    For the Texas police to risk the lives of their citizens arresting this person.

    Didn't the president just authorize drone strikes on US citizens that post terrorist messages ?

    Couldn't they be automatically linked to facebook/twitter so these terrorists are taken out automatically without risk to the police?

    1. Grogan Silver badge

      Re: Innapriarte reaction

      Thumbs up for that post. Some of us are clever enough to interpret sarcasm correctly. They say it's the lowest form of humour... but humour it is.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Innapriarte reaction

        This is el'reg co.UK where sarcasm is the highest form of wit

        ps. swiftkey obviously didn't understand it - no idea what it thought it was converting the title to ?

    2. DaiKiwi
      Black Helicopters

      Re: Innapriarte reaction

      "Couldn't they [drones] be automatically linked to facebook/twitter so these terrorists are taken out automatically without risk to the police?"

      Oddly enough, Charles Stross mentions this idea in his latest blog entry. Interesting discussion in the comments there too.

  9. ZombieHorde

    We would love too.

    We would love to secede. Get out from under Obamacare and the nanny state that America has become.

    1. Steven Roper

      Re: We would love too.

      Yes, please do secede.

      Hopefully other states might even follow your example. And the resulting Balkanization of the United States would be a very good thing for the rest of the world.

      Because what with this article and the one about Americans turning against Snowden, your cesspit of a country is very high on my detestation list at the moment.

    2. Intractable Potsherd

      Re: We would love too.

      Good riddance. Could you work on leaving the planet, too? You wouldn't be missed.

  10. Bluenose

    Robin Hood Airport anyone??

    At least in the UK there is a chance he might get bail.

  11. HighTech4US

    Texas ADULT who posted threats about killing school children can't make bail

    That is a more accurate title. Oh, thats right an accurate title would not generate enough web hits.

    Also this is an old story.

    Teen remains jailed after violent comments posted on Facebook

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
      Paris Hilton

      Death and Texas!

      > Texas ADULT who posted threats about killing school children

      There are are adults in the USA? And even in Texas?

    2. Greg J Preece

      Re: Texas ADULT who posted threats about killing school children can't make bail

      They weren't threats, you dipshit.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Texas ADULT who posted threats about killing school children can't make bail

        Nimrod, Dumb ASS, Dip Shit, Moron.


        --- LOL makes all the nasties go away.

    3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Texas ADULT

      "That is a more accurate title."

      Is it really? Really? Even the link you posted called the kid a "teen". And he was eighTEEN at the time and now he's nineTEEN.

      Jeez, when did shitkickers learn to use computers?

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Texas ADULT

        Anyone age 17 or older is dealt with as an adult by Texas criminal courts.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Texas ADULT

          Except if they buy a bottle of beer. Come off it. Even if that is true, it does not make it right. Lots of people there still want to punish women who become pregnant outside marriage and want an abortion, punish blacks for being black and expecting to be educated and treated with respect, believe the earth is flat and that humanity sprung into life through an act of God 6000 years or so ago.

          I think it is time Americans lived up to their own gripes against European empires and other expansionist countries, apologised and returned the various bits they seized by force to the original "owners". That would sort Texas out for a start.

          They could then stop bullying other countries about their taxation policies vis-a-vis Americans, while they sort out Delaware. They could stop their arms manufacturers and salesmen from selling arms to Mexican drug gangs. They could extradite various terrorists to those countries with an interest in trying them, such as IRA members (though UK is sufficiently in awe of the USA to decline the opportunity). No doubt, even now, Obama is planning to send lots of "exiles" from China, Russia and other places back because, like Snowden, it really is not on to harbour these criminals.

          In a century or so when they have put their own house in order, they could consider advising others what to do. Meanwhile, this boy will still be waiting for the Texas legal system to grow up.

          1. Tom 13

            Re: Even if that is true

            Except it's not true. In Texas there's probably an option to try a teen as an adult depending on the severity of the crime. But even that determination requires a court hearing and more importantly, an actual crime.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Even if that is true

              He was already an 18 year old adult at the time of the incident :(

        2. Intractable Potsherd

          Re: Texas ADULT

          Lest those in the UK feel smug, remember that two ten-year-olds were tried as adults in the British courts (Robert Thompson and Jon Venables). Our Texan cousins aren't even close to that - frankly appalling - decision.

        3. Kubla Cant

          Re: Texas ADULT

          Anyone age 17 or older is dealt with as an adult by Texas criminal courts.

          Unless, of course, they're buying alcohol, in which case they're minors until the age of 21.

      2. HighTech4US

        Re: Texas ADULT

        Both this article and the one linked state TEEN to gain some sympathy and to invoke the image of a child. An eighteen year old is an ADULT in the eyes of the law.

        And as you state where do shitkickers like yourself who obviously can't even do a basic search learn how to use computers.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Texas ADULT

          "Both this article and the one linked state TEEN "

          And in some States you can marry at fourTEEN. It still doesn't make calling an eighTEEN or nineTEEN year old person a TEEN incorrect. Nor does it excuse a person of any age being locked away for months without trial for making a bad taste joke and setting bail at a deliberately disproportionally high value.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Texas ADULT who posted threats about killing school children can't make bail

      Actually, locking somebody away for five months without trial, failing to protect them from other prisoners, demanding unrealistic amounts of bail; I think the age of the person is irrelevant. 9 or 90, this is still wrong, whatever the alleged offence. To keep someone in detention indefinitely, as it seems, is surely illegal.

      The fact that this boy is barely more than a child just aggravates the overbearing injustice.

      The time indicates that the "authorities" have not got the necessary evidence to prove their case. I am sure if the Taliban, when in government or Russia or any other country out of favour with USA, did this sort of thing, Mr. Obama would be sending his chaps to say just how terrible this was.

    5. Mr Fuzzy

      Re: Texas ADULT who posted threats about killing school children can't make bail

      You do realise that jokes in poor taste and proper satire are not purely the reserve of the young, right?

    6. Tom 13
      Thumb Up

      Re: Texas ADULT who posted threats about killing school children can't make bail

      In the US you aren't an adult until you are 21.

      They didn't say "kid" which is the usual phraseology when trying to pull at the heart strings, e.g. The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case.

      So all in all I'd say the Vultures were using precisionist grade terminology here.

      And the Tumbs up is for them, not you.

  12. Khaptain Silver badge

    Downvote drive

    Looks like somone ran through the thread and downvoted nearly all the comments. I wonder if that is a jailing offense in Texas ?

    1. Don Jefe

      Re: Downvote drive

      Not if you're Texan. They show an unhealthy level of fanaticism for their state. They probably get an award for it. The best part is the award is probably paid for using Federal dollars, they show an unhealthy level of regard for taxpayer dollars.

  13. Cliff

    jokes not always taken in the spirit intended

    A (British) friend went to work for a big US company, on his intro email he said 'lock up your daughters...' which got him his first bollocking before he even arrived. Suggesting he was going to speed up the HR process by 'going up there to pop a cap in their ass' was his second. Some countries are more jumpy about some things it seems.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: jokes not always taken in the spirit intended

      He should've gotten shotguns for this kinda deal!

  14. ShearClass

    The land of the free. My rse!

    Seriously how are there not more people signing the petition?

    Can anyone sign or do you have to be a Texican?

    This kid should not be in jail, he's just a very naughty boy.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: The land of the free. My rse!

      I think being Texan and being able to sign your name might be mutually exclusive

      1. Intractable Potsherd

        Re: The land of the free. My rse!

        Is it ironic comment by the script-writers that has Sheldon Cooper as being from Texas??

        ("Big Bang Theory" reference, for those who don't know)

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Free Speech is a thing of the past.. The Constitution has become toilet paper.

  16. aregross

    See, it's not just the NSA you hafta worry about! It's every low-brow cro-magnon with a badge that tries to put 2 and 2 together and get 911!

  17. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    Sarcastic Comments?

    Jesus Christ, off to Gitmo with him!

    What would Obama think? That poor man is not doing his Predator Death Note Shit every single Tuesday so that teenagers can do terrorist threats in online games! No respect, I say. No respect!

    1. Don Jefe

      Re: Sarcastic Comments?

      Thou hast spoken the name of The Lord God Almighty in vain. After you have served 180 in the stocks your frequent flyer miles will be confiscated. The penalty for a second offense is to be hanged by the neck until dead.

      1. Tom 13

        Re: penalty for a second offense

        Dammit, I can't keep up with the memos!

        I thought second offense was the drone attack that kills the rest of your family as inadvertent collateral damage.

  18. Evan Essence

    Somebody set up us the bomb.

    1. Rukario

      Main screen turn on.

  19. Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge

    Please don't let this reflect on the US as a whole. Texas is the most backward, ignorant, redneck-filled portion of the entire country and they seem to be proud of it.

    1. Don Jefe

      Yee Haw

      My favorite part about Texas is that all their strong cowboy traditions come from Mexico. From the hats, the boots, the cartoonishly oversized belt buckles and the checker board shirts with abalone buttons, all Mexican. The Texan government and many, many of their citizens despise Mexicans but they run around dressed up like them. Austin is a little different though, there they tear the sleeves off their checker board pattern shirts. It is like Portland without the rain.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I think Atlanta would object to that claim

  20. Herby

    Meanwhile in California...

    He would probably be sent off to some sort of feel-good therapy, an and given high marks on his English composition by those around him, graduating with honors from high school.

    We live in interesting times!

  21. eulampios

    America is crazy

    WTF? You can now detain people without court hearing for some groundless, idiotic threats made by a teenager? I get it, that you might wanna detain him for a couple hours, interrogate to make sure he does or doesn't mean it, finally, let the law decide what to do next.

    When talking to some of my American fellows (esp., "red necks" and pro-Republican folks) Most of them get super hysterical when mentioning how dangerous this all arms business might be. Now presuming that anyone can carry a Kalashnikov, or several of them and wipe-off a kindergarten when threatening is just fucking schizophrenic.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  22. Johan Bastiaansen

    If he were a real criminal, they wouldn't dare do that to him. Because a real criminal has a real lawyer, and he would have them for breakfast.

    But a bully is a coward and always picks on the weak.

    Anybody remember that Bob Marley song: "I didn't shoot the deputy"?

    1. ShadowedOne

      Wasn't that, "I shot the Sheriff"?

      'I shot the sheriff..but I did not shoot the deputy', is the line I think.

      (I hate that song)

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    On the plus side, if they keep him locked up for a litle bit longer maybe the federal authorities whos logic streteches as far as "if we classify them all as terrorists, we're bound to get the terrorists" will make the next logical leap of "if we lock them all up none of them can commit any crime, and we'll have fixed our crime statistics". An America without any crime, it's a political winner.

  24. 123pest

    That's just stupid..

    Why did the chicken cross the road, to get to the other side! Lol JFK

    Whoops, behind bars for 12 years :'(


  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward of the freak

    See title.

  26. Anomalous Cowshed

    There ought to be some kind of rule

    That when the authorities clearly exceed their remit and through stupidity or cruelty, inflict tremendous and irreparable harm on the innocent, the persons who take part in this barbarism, whatever their motives, are held personally accountable, at the discretion of the victim or the family members. Else you are just facing a monolithic power which you have no way of countering if it should happen to decide to destroy your life.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: There ought to be some kind of rule

      >Else you are just facing a monolithic power which you have no way of countering

      If only the founders of the power in question had thought to put some sort of clause allowing you to protect yourself from it.

      1. Anomalous Cowshed

        Re: There ought to be some kind of rule

        Obviously it wouldn't be a rule of law. Not every move a person makes need be based on a law made by another person.

      2. ecofeco Silver badge
        Paris Hilton

        Re: There ought to be some kind of rule

        "If only the founders of the power in question had thought to put some sort of clause allowing you to protect yourself from it."

        There's a great American saying: "You can't fix stupid."

        No clause is ever going to fix that.

      3. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: There ought to be some kind of rule

        If only the founders of the power in question had thought to put some sort of clause allowing you to protect yourself from it.

        They did. We rescinded it. Out of fear, of course...

  27. Sil

    Poor guy

    Poor guy, absolutely ridiculous. I guess he should be happy not beeing waterboarded in Guantanamo Bay for posing such a high terrorist threat.

    I hope that in the future he'll learn his lesson and become a shady banker. He'll be able to steal billions of dollars and never set foot in jail.

  28. Someone Else Silver badge

    You have to consider the source

    An online petition set up by his family calling for a review of the case has reached over 90,000 signatures, but so far the Texas judiciary shows no sign of reconsidering its actions.

    Waaall, whaddy'all expect? This here's Texiz, and in Texiz, we don' cotton to no pussyfootin' aroun' when we're heah talkin' 'bout 'em 'ere terrirists! No sir! An' Sheeet!, we don' walk aroun' here talkin' in no letters 'n symbols either. We ain't got no tahm fer dat dere L-O-L sheeet! Damfool kid should learn to talk English, lahk ever-buddy else!

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What the hell

    What happened to you, too many hamburgers, lack of vitamins or something.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What the hell

      Seems to happen whenever white people colonise a hot country and go out in the sun too much.

      S Africa, Australia, Texas - all due to people not wearing a hat.

      Cold seems to have the opposite effect - see Canada.

      1. Rukario

        Re: What the hell

        It was a Canadian who started this whole Shitstorm in the first place.

  30. Belardi

    In case people have not noticed, about half the people in this state of Texas are complete morons. He said LOL (and yes, its a sick joke... but it happens in gaming).

  31. Fink-Nottle


    How does this joke / threat differ from the plot of a Tarrantino movie?

    1. Someone Else Silver badge

      Re: Ridiculous

      It doesn't. They are both fantasies

      Next question?

  32. Malcolm Weir

    Stupid prosecutors, stupider cops

    The state (of Texas) has a high bar to reach to successfully prosecute this guy.

    The First Amendment will only NOT apply if one of two situations apply: the first is the ghastly "Fire in a Crowded Theater" one, where the speech risks damage or injury, while the second is the "fighting words" doctrine. In this case, the facts-as-reported don't seem to provide enough specificity to qualify (which kindergarten? Who exactly is threatened?)

    As the comment was made in a game/entertainment context, it becomes much harder to make the case that a "reasonable person" _could_ have interpreted the speech as an immediate threat.

    My guess is that the kid pissed off the prosecutor and cops and they over-reacted, and now they dare not backtrack because they will be liable for being asshats. Their best hope is to pressure the kid to reach a plea agreement that admits guilt of some crime (maliciously loitering with intent to jaywalk, or something), which then releases the cops from wrongful arrest liability ('cos he admitted he was a criminal).

    So for the kid, his best hope is for the judge to have actually read the First Amendment and toss the complaint as impermissible restraint of speech, while for the cops and state the best outcome results from them pressuring him so hard that he pleads guilty to _something_.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Stupid prosecutors, stupider cops

      > the judge to have actually read the First Amendment

      I thought the constitution didn't apply if it was terrorism?

    2. Tom 13

      Re: the judge

      The judge is the moron who set the enormously high bail.

  33. The Alpha Klutz

    Justice American Style

    Do you want fries with that?

    1. PJI

      Re: Justice American Style

      Freedom fries or French fries?

  34. ecofeco Silver badge


    No surprise here.

  35. Winkypop Silver badge

    Ya gotta love the US justice system

    ...ahh no, actually you don't.

  36. HKmk23

    I feel sorry for the family - only!

    The sick minded crazy is where he belongs, and anyone else who can imagine even descending into such barbaric thoughts belongs there as well.

    These so called war games should all be banned, they serve no real purpose except to excite deviants into trying to reproduce their sickness into real life.

    If you cannot entertain yourself without sitting in front of computer killing things, perhaps you should try the exciting game of holding your breath for twenty minutes.

    1. I like noodles

      Re: I feel sorry for the family - only!

      Are you for real?

      If the authorities had any wit, they'd be letting him out and putting you in.

      1. Tom 13

        Re: putting you in

        No, that would only make the problem worse. You need to send him to re-eduction camp for an attitude adjustment.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I feel sorry for the family - only!

      "perhaps you should try the exciting game of holding your breath for twenty minutes."

      You do realise the irony of what you just said, yes?

      So you're saying the every person that plays games though kill themselves? Wow, that's quite a lot of people you're threateneing to kill there! Quick, NSA, arrest this terrorist!

      1. Rukario

        Re: I feel sorry for the family - only!

        Don't you mean: "perhaps you should try the exciting game of holding your breath for twenty minutes lol j/k"?

        Or are you really Jack Thompson? Because you obviously are one ----->

        (This is why we need the icons back on the left.)

    3. Jason_H


      You're saying that playing games that depict violence should be banned... because of what exactly?

      You're saying that threatening someone's (imaginary) life should result in a prison sentence?

      So... let me get this straight... you've advising a 'real' person to commit suicide by holding their breath, and don't feel like you don't belong in prison yourself?

      Are you for fucking real?

  37. weevil

    No wonder American comedians died with Bill Hicks. None of these yanks can take a fucking joke, jesus.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      From BBC news today: A British man who threatened to kill 200 people in the US in posts he made under a false name on Facebook, has been jailed for more than two years.

      Perhaps British Humour died with Les Dawson?

      1. Rebajas

        I don't think he was trying to be funny; posting the comment on a page dedicated to a young woman who died in a car crash, specifically threatened a person. Plus, he didn't LOL or j/k

  38. paulc


    surely they should be involved in this case?

  39. Flashy Red

    America... Land of the "free"

    nuff said.

  40. Crisp

    His family says that the young man has been assaulted in jail multiple times

    It's bad enough that he's been jailed for a boneheaded facebook comment, and now this?

    Is this the American penal system at work? Is he being assaulted by the inmates or the wardens?

    1. Don Jefe

      Re: His family says that the young man has been assaulted in jail multiple times

      Certainly assaulted by the other inmates but the guards turn a blind eye.

      Here in the U.S. the guards are the most primitive form of law officer, those judged to be too mean, unstable, stupid or all three to put on the streets. In most states and counties the guards receive about two days of training and are put to work, fresh off the streets. They are incredibly vindictive and are generally the bullies from school who couldn't hack it once their prey had moved on to do useful things for society. They make and enforce their own rules inside as once you're in you've lost quite a few of the legal protections you receive on the outside.

  41. Tank boy

    It's Texas

    Don't everyone go getting their panties in a knot over this. This is what they do. The rest of America wants Texas to secede from the Union so the can finally get that border fence they've been crying about. Sadly, it won't be where they want it.

  42. Tom 7

    The land of the free

    to toe the line.

    Or you could start up the 'Church of Sarcasm' in Texas - that would confuse the fuck out of them.

    1. Crisp

      Re: 'Church of Sarcasm'

      Oh yeah! That sounds like a really good idea!

  43. Squander Two

    I live in Northern Ireland.

    During the Troubles, a man is driving down a country road late at night when he is pulled over by two men wearing balaclavas and carrying AKs. One of the men stands back while the other approaches the driver.

    "What religion are you?" asks the terrorist.

    Thinking fast, the driver says, "Actually, I'm Jewish."

    The terrorist calls to his comrade, "Achmed! At last!"


    To those people who seem to think that the school shooting statistics have anything whatsoever to do with how this boy should be punished: Look up the stats for the number of people killed in the Troubles and the number of Jews killed by Muslim terrorists, then call the police. I need to be jailed for having written the above. Obviously.

    1. Rukario

      Re: I live in Northern Ireland.

      Thinking fast, the driver says, "Actually, I'm Jewish."

      Is that Protestant Jewish or Catholic Jewish?

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

  44. Senior Ugli

    A good punishment would be a ban on use of any internet connected device for 2 months.

    Then will we get the every-moment-of-my-life posted on Facebook types to think before they type, it may de clog the system of some bullshit too, only slightly mind

    1. NomNomNom

      but how would the NSA watch them then?

  45. Terry 6 Silver badge

    Online game FFS

    It's apparently OK to take part in simulation games that are about creating mayhem and death. But adding in a sick joke along the lines of "I'm going to do the worst thing you can possibly imagine" isn't.

    He's a kid. 18 is a kid, even if Texas does think you become an adult at 17.

    His "threat" being presumably the worst thing he could imagine.

    The idea, in that context, that he actually wanted to do that thing is 180 degrees wrong.

  46. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I see.

    Make a horrifically threatening comment and then... lol and all should be good.

    What utter rubbish.

    1. Intractable Potsherd

      In an educated country, the "LOL" shouldn't be needed - no-one would even think to take it seriously.

      You can draw your own conclusions what I'm suggesting about you, AC.

  47. lumphammer46

    Texans must have a sense of humour. After all theyve voted those wankers the Bush clan in numerous times.

  48. lumphammer46


    Texans must have a sense of humour. After all theyve voted those wankers the Bush clan in numerous times.

    1. Squander Two

      Re: texas

      Yeah, I hear Texans are so stupid, sometimes they submit the same comment twice.

  49. adam payne

    Sounds like a kid that should have known better being stupid.

    Freedom of speech is a good thing but there are some responsibilities that have to be observed when using it. The most important one being not talking complete ****.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I cannot see this as an example of causing harm. In exceedingly bad taste, yes, insensitive, yes. Harmful like yelling "fire" in a full theatre, hardly. I cannot see this statement invoke anything then anger in circles outside the group he was communicating with, but AFAIK it's not illegal to talk stupid crap between friends.

      Second layer of stupidity is the reaction - is there a mandate that law enforcement has to match the stupidity of the act itself? If it was really, really necessary to formally act on this, a caution would have more than sufficed.

  50. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It'll be interesting to see if he gets the Death Penalty from this ('cause lol, Texas).

  51. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So, we're now arresting people for being idiots..

    .. which means we will soon no longer have any room in prison for the *real* criminals out there.

    OK, I have a limited sample size here (president Bush and current law enforcement involved in this farce), but it appears sanity is genetically removed from Texans.

    OK, such remark was in bad taste (and *seriously* so), but I really would like to see any evidence, even preliminary that demonstrated that this guy was even remotely a threat.

    I honestly don't get this whole black and white approach. Why not give this guy at most a caution? Do Texan cops have a stupidity or arrest target to meet?

  52. Moosh

    Going to celebrate by shooting up my primary school. LOL j/k

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Downvoted because even in context, it is tasteless.

      But don't worry, I won't call the authorities on you.

  53. NomNomNom

    Guns don't kill people, jokes kill people

  54. teebie

    Well that's a relief

    I thought the twitter joke trial would make our justice system a laughing stock, but this should take some of the heat off.

  55. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Looks like the family is lying about the LOL jk

    Court documents indicate Carter replied with: “I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them,” NPR reports.

    The next two things he wrote were “lol and jk,” Jack Carter told KHOU-TV, but NPR says his son’s follow-up comments are disputed by police. A search warrant was issued on February 13, CNN says, and a week later a judge issued a warrant for his arrest.


    #1 NPR says his son’s follow-up comments are disputed by police

    #2 A search warrant was issued on February 13

    #3 a week later a judge issued a warrant for his arrest.

    So his dad says the kid wrote lol and jk but the police dispute that and a search warrant was issued and executed and a week later he was arrested. It seems more likely that the LOL and JK was completely made up by his family.

    1. kwhitefoot

      Re: Looks like the family is lying about the LOL jk

      As an American friend of mine is wont to say: And your point is?

    2. Stupid Texan
      Paris Hilton

      Re: Looks like the family is lying about the LOL jk

      This indicates there is most likely a lot more here than meets the eye. The story as reported is one thing, but it doesn't mention the police contesting LOL or jk were part of the thread. A judge issued a search warrant, which means the authorities went to the guy's house and ... (confiscated his computer I presume). Then a week later, (I suppose based on something they discovered in his computer) issued a warrant for his arrest. The story as we know it is based on what his father knows, which I doubt seriously this father had any clue what all might possibly have been in his 18 yr. old son's computer. All of this is speculative, but it does turn the tide just a tad as far as their most likely being more (a lot more) to this story. Which when we think about it, certainly makes a hell of a lot more sense then what we've been reading thus far. So, the jury is still out.. just a little. Texas is still stupid. LOL

      1. teebie

        Re: Looks like the family is lying about the LOL jk

        Well if the police say it then it must be true.

        And when you take into account that the police in question are trying to make a case, and that they are stupid enough to try to make this case, that just makes things more certain

    3. Isendel Steel

      Re: Looks like the family is lying about the LOL jk

      hmm - then this will be in the Facebook logs.

      NSA can confirm this

      jk ?

  56. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    America - Land of the literal and leaders of the dumbass world!.

  57. TheWeddingPhotographer

    It is really sad..

    Firstly that the comment was made, it was disrespectful. Society seems to have degenerated somewhat

    Secondly that we feel that adding "LOL " makes everything a joke. Much better to just say what you mean and stop hiding behind the veil

    Thirdly that the courts / police seem to have had a brain transplant

  58. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If you ask me

    This just proves that the law is an ass.

    Here's hoping that this kid gets released and sues the Texas legislature for fifty beeelion dollars and wins.

    Might make the Feds think twice before picking on an Aspie (which this kid probably is) who has no idea of the consequences of his actions.

    I'm all for the authorities dealing with terrorists, but there's genuine terrorism and just being a muppet.

    The latter isn't an offense.


  59. Rebajas


    So did he actually censor his message, or is that The Reg editing the comment for our own good? Because if it's the former I honestly can't see him shooting up a school...

  60. Stupid Texan
    Thumb Up

    Goodness Gracious Sakes Alive, Texas Just Got Stupid - er

    Well shoot, looks like the police in Texas are little "trigger happy" to arrest someone for just about anything... in this case nothing as in nothing was done that is illegal and therefore cause for arrest, arrest of a teenager. Shoot even after they figured that out, instead of sending the person of poor-taste- humor home, why not add 1/2 million dollars bail, a felony charge facing 8 years in prison, a stint in county jail for nearly 5 months and counting in the solitary suite (naked) and without trial?

    Are you kidding me? Really? Is everyone in Texas that F-ing stupid? Hell, if they want to get on the terrorist bandwagon and claim they've got ‘em one of them terroristic trophies behind bars ... doesn't that Bush fella live just up the street in Dallas? Now there's a likely stupid candidate for terrorism the stupid authorities could more justly apprehend don't ya think? Shoot

  61. Small, Quick & Ugly

    Looks like stupidity is a crime now. About time. But where will they PUT all those people?!

  62. JimmyPage


    Am I the only person who read this that this guy hasn't been *sentenced* to this time in jail, but that he is in jail (i.e. without bail) awaiting trial ?

    In which case aren't there 2 amendments in the US constitution that are relevant ? The 8th (Excessive bail) and 6th (Right to fair and speedy trial)

    Just saying ......

  63. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    UK Man in Jail for Threatening School Shooting on Facebook,23439.html

    [quote]A UK man has been sentenced to more than two years in prison for posting offensive and threatening messages on Facebook. The BBC reports that 24-year-old Reece Elliott made threats on the memorial pages for two teenage students.

    Elliot apparently used a fake name to post threatening messages on the 'RIP Caitlin Talley' page and detailed plans to kill at least 200 people at a shooting at Warren County High School in Tennessee. The messages were taken seriously by those reading the page and, according to the BBC, 3,000 kids were kept home from school the following day. When the FBI realized the communications were sent from the UK, they contacted the Metropolitan Police Service in the UK.

    Elliot handed himself in to local police who established that he had no intention of carrying out the shooting. He admitted to one count of making a threat to kill and eight counts of sending grossly offensive messages. He was sentenced to more than two years in jail this past April.


  64. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Surely this is an abuse of this kids human right? It is obvious he didn't mean it. Any parent who has gamers for sons would know that such jargon is said all the time followed by lol's.

    How paranoid and stupid are the governing class of this state? The poor kid is going to need trauma therapy when he gets out. If I was this child's parent I would be hammering at the door of the White House. Luckily I live in the UK and we are not quite as paranoid as the US (yet)

  65. happyBoy

    Would it not have been...

    Fairer, more logical and balanced to either caution / warn or do something on similar lines to this kid?

    I mean 4 months in Jail and now in seclusion (I understand its for his own safety etc.) - be interesting to see what has caused more lasting damage - a juvenile and rather unpleasant rant on the interwebs versus a solid dose of being treated like a criminal and put in Jail at age 18?

    What ever happened to a 'balanced & measured' response.

  66. Dylan Fahey

    IDIOTS run Texas. Pure and simple.

    Did I say that District Attorneys are morons. Yes, they are. They'd put their mothers in jail if it would get them elected again. DA's are the lowest scum of the pond slim of the legal so-called profession. And the idiots that run TEXAS are the worst.

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