back to article LOHAN team girds loins, aims to take SPEARS to heaven again

The Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) team is girding its loins ahead of this weekend's second test flight of the Special Project Electronic Altitude Release System (SPEARS) control board. Click here for a bigger version of the LOHAN graphic SPEARS is designed to fire the Vulture 2 space plane's rocket motor by …


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  1. Bill Fresher

    Good luck

  2. Francis Boyle

    You can't fool me

    That's Dr John Watson on the left - I recognise him from that documentary series. Good move, though. I seem to remember his partner was rather good at solving mysteries. With him on the case you'll have your playmonaut back in no time.

  3. Tom Servo

    Hope all goes well and looking forward to the pics.

    Also looking forward to Lewis Page's next article bemoaning why El Reg is pissing money up a wall on this bespoke project when they could buy off the shelf from the US.

  4. Alister

    Who's crewing this venture?

    Have you found a suitable playmonaut candidate?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Who's crewing this venture?

      Given what happened last time then perhaps this would be suitable?:

    2. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

      Re: Who's crewing this venture?

      Watch this space...

      1. Martin Budden Silver badge

        Re: Who's crewing this venture?

        Which space?

        Oh yeah, that big one up there, with lots of stars and stuff.

  5. Anonymous Custard Silver badge


    And there's me off on a business trip to southern climes for this and next week, and wondering how to fill my time over the weekend. Based on how much fun it was last time (at least until the Playmonaut went swimming and the watching masses ended up with a frozen pic of the yacht club when the relaying phone was taken away from the camera) that's Saturday filled up nicely :)

    Best of British luck chaps (and associated plastic figurines) and here's to rushing around Southern England like loons. Mine'll be the Sicilian pint raised beside the pool whilst watching via aforementioned Interweb.

  6. imanidiot Silver badge


    I won't be around to watch it, as I'll be scampering off east towards the Czech Republic on Saturday. If it does go that far, give me a headsup :-P

    1. VinceH

      Re: Unfortunately

      I'll have to miss this one, too. :(

      Oh well.

  7. taxman


    Any place that contains the words Spray Lane and Honesty Bottom is good for me! Particularly when LOHAN and SPEARS are involved.

    1. Martin Budden Silver badge
      Paris Hilton

      Re: Brightwalton

      Don't forget Butts Furlong!

  8. mtp

    Rise for Lohan

    To infinity and beyond.

    The coming flight is in memory of the UK playmonaught. Not in the world class league but still to be supported,

  9. Vic

    The NOTAM is up

    Schedule says it's for both Saturday and Sunday. - is Sunday a backup in case of bad weather on Saturday?

    I was planning to be flying through that region on Sunday afternoon...


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