The man who sold the moon
One of the arguments about space exploration is that it is exceptionally expensive; that's why most work was carried out by governmental organisations. But they tend to be very bureacratic, so the costs escalate almost as fast as the rockets ascend. Most people then complain about the costs, even if they don't actually know what it is really costing them, as they don't understand the benefits that might come from such projects.
When private business gets involved, they tend to try to go for more cost effective methods, which is why it gets a lot cheaper (sometimes not so safe, but any exploration work is risky). Robert Heinlein proposed the idea of "selling" the various things to raise money; he knew that there would be people that would be prepared to back such an undertaking even if they could not be certain of a return.
I saw some stats a few years ago that highlighted the entire cost of space exploration has cost each US citizen approx. 5 c per day since the start back in the late 1950s. Roughly the cost of a cup of coffee back then; not sure that there is anything available for that price these days.