Well at least they put a head on this one.
Now the Martians'll know which end to threaten!
Balance is relatively easy for humans because we spent millennia evolving into walking upright, but it's difficult for robotics researchers. Researchers at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence have decided to skip bipedism in favour of a robot that walks like an ape. The 18 kg robot, dubbed iStruct by its …
Why are we trying to imitate nature? I get that nature had a pretty long time of figuring out solutions that work and solutions that don't, but I doubt that there are no more efficient means of traversing diverse terrains... Some engineers have to sit down and come up with the most efficient way of movement, that works on most different terrains (which does exclude standalone wheels btw.). Bro-tip: Flying is PRETTY efficient. Anything that conserves inertia is also very good, for example kangaroos can move very energy efficient...
Because working out how to control and synchronise all of those servos and sensors is obviously trivial and has no other practical application?
This is research, working out what can be done and how. What that technology ends up in may be completely different, but the research is non the less useful.