Another one?
Damned things are like the Hydra... Chop one off and two appear in its place...
After a US judge refused Apple's request to add the Galaxy S 4 to the list of products for which Cupertino accuses Samsung of infringing upon its patents, Cook's crew is threatening to fire up yet another lawsuit against the Korean smartphone and tablet rival. US Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal turned down Apple's petition to add …
"legal beagles" - what a fantastic strapline.
For those that don't have a tradition of fox hunting - the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable according to Oscar Wilde, beagles are the repulsive pack dogs that live in compounds eating the discarded carcasses of stillborn farm animals.
Once in a while, when their masters decide, they get to tear a real live functioning animal to shreds.
Not much like patent lawyers then...
When will they realize that people just don't care about this crap..
Well, I do care, in so much that although I like their products, this crap in court is annoying me to the point where I'm reconsidering any further purchase. What Apple doesn't seem to realise is that this gambling in the court creates a business risk for its users - you cannot plan an IT strategy on *either* company involved in this rubbish and as far as I can see, it's Apple who keeps adding fuel to the fire every time they're near a court.
Message to Tim Cook: innovate, don't litigate. Or lose the business you managed to establish.
An, but who is more at risk in the all important US market for smart phones? Apple does have home court advantage in the US legal system; far less likely to be on the receiving end of an US trade injunction let alone actually paying Samsung damages. Take another look at their legal teams. One of them is a well known gambler when it comes to the courtroom.
" The S4 is not at all confused for any iPhone. That plasticy build is clearly a world apart." and is something which is appealing to vast numbers of consumers considering the iFolly looks as old as a motorola razr.
No wonder the iFolly market is shrinking! It’s as old and decrepit as its user base.
Haven't seen his other posts? He's got Microsoft-phillia.
I myself am a Blackberry user. I'd rather have other alternatives like the Elop-murdered Symbian for a replacement smartphone, but as it stands it seems BB is still the only one that gives me both security and privacy these days, and isn't Yet Another Annoying Microsoap Product.
"And if they don't release a new iPad soon, then Amazon, Google and Samsung will all be offering better products (Kindle, Nexus, Galaxy, Note, etc)."
And if they don't release a new iPad soon, then Amazon, Google and Samsung will all continue offering better products (Kindle, Nexus, Galaxy, Note, etc).
... just a minor tweak.
I think we should go with the BOFH's method of sorting out negotiations, put them all in a conference room with a brick under each seat. Tell them last man standing will get the deal and seal the door.
Oh, dont remember to advice the surviving contestant to take the service elevator to the bathroom, its slightly faster(you need to wipe away the blood and brainy bits offcourse). Note that this elevator will first act like a carnival ride between floor 1 and 8 and concequently gets stuck in the basement(where noone will hear the banging). This should were him down sufficiently for final negotiations.
Much cheaper and double the fun over CCTV!
If Apple wish to decrease their share value further through contentious behaviour ( and the resultant less than favourable press presented to investors) they certainly appear to be going the right way about it. With the hand of Mr. "Reality Distortion Field" Jobs (RIP) no longer at the helm, I get the impression of a steady descent into corporate mediocrity. Just MHO.
"So they don't have a choice."
I think you misunderstand protecting the shareholders.
If you are damaging the public image (which Apple so heavily relies on), then you are lowering the brands value ergo, potentially lowering the share value.
Many high profile companies, such as Apple, Mercedes, Rolex, Gucci all rely on brand image, far more than there actual products.
Litigation is required to increase shareholder value? hahahahaha
How about producing quality products at a reasonable price?
Oh that isn't in their game plan.
Produce inexpensive products and sell for 3 times the cost of manufacture.
Apple's ethics are in no danger of being questioned, with child sacrifices and all.
Apple is worse than Microsoft ever was.
Next week... Apple sues Samsung for being on the planet Earth.
Stop it Apple, you look like assholes. You generally a have the best tablet in the world... I like my iPad-1. But this BS makes me not want to get another Apple product. I already only stick with Android phones... I don't care for the Apple UI for a phone.
App - Crap - iCrap
Apple - Crapple
Sick to the iBalls of crApple's mediochre, vastly overhyped, vastly overpriced consumer goods, copying, legalising rivals, believing in themselves (or faking it to take in their oh-so-gullible fan-babies). Technology for people too stupid for technology, too gullible to understand that a eff-ing computer is just an eff-ing computer, and putting shiny lipstick on it adds nothing to its quality (*).
(More than happy to take down-votes from Appey-clappies on this one, because they're worth it).
The only thing that makes me hope that Apple will survive for quite some while is their entertainment value. I get even more pleasure sniggering at 'Special Needs' Apple users than I used to get sniggering at shell-suit fashionistas. The funniest thing of all (in both cases) is the way they thought / think they're cool, whereas their main purpose is actually to entertain the thinking people on an otherwise boring train journey or Friday.
Speaking of which, Friday looms, beckons, flirts just a litle provocatively...
(*) A bit like Paris, whose quality is beyond addition.
'"mediochre" – do you mean an even paler brownish-yellow color than ochre?'
No. I meant mediocre, really. But, now that you mention it, the 'medi' would have suggested a moderation of the ochre-ness, though just as likely towards a darker as a paler hue.
'Oh, and by the way, the rabidity of your excoriation of anything Apple makes you appear not only dotty, but also somewhat morbidly obsessed.'
It wasn't an excoriation it was a rant, plain and simple.
And it wasn't about 'anything' Apple, just about the crApple part of it which, it seems to me, has been a steadily increasing part for some time.
Concerning 'makes you appear' / 'morbidly obsessed', that's a way of looking at it. Especially at this time of night. On the morrow I might endeavour to learn from those Applistas who are not, in their own way, morbidly obsessed. Or not.
(And 'somewhat'? Who needs 'somewhat'?)
(And 'dotty'? Hmmm... My grandfather used to use that word. A worthy gentleman, my grandfather.)
I'm a big apple fanboi, used to be bigger. I got so fed up with Apples nonsense lawsuits that I went out of my way to buy the galaxy s3 instead of upgrading to the newest iphone.
They may win some money in court but they're losing many of us who used to dump every penny we had into 'anything apple' and used to tell our friends and family to do the same thing.
Weapons division = government pork for R&D.
R&D = invention and innovation (something still apple dimly remembers)
Which translates into tech for consumers.
The AC's (Apple Cultists) will disagree, natch, but they'll be the ones appreciating stuff like ABS and traction controls systems on their cars which comes from 'weapons grade' Formula One Car R&D. Same principle.
Still, the thought of One Infinite Loop as a Korean-crafted smoking hole in the ground does have its appeal.
Samsungs internal emails that came up at last years trial show quite plainly that, at least for phones, Samsungs 'innovation' has a lot of 'do what whatever Apple does' in it. At least the jury thought so. Samsung was found guilty infringement but can happily keep on infringing. It's not unlikely that in a few years, maybe as soon as somewhere after the launch of the Galaxy S5 or so, Samsung has to pay for the infringing S3.
Apple would prefer Samsung to stop using 'their stuff', but nobody wants to make Samsung do that.
Meanwhile, Samsung thinks that (maybe) paying a few 100 million 'damages' in a few years to get yourself cemented as a a top smartphone brand now, is cheap.
Really. Sound like you shot yourself in the foot. So if some ripped off your product you would then go out of your way to BUY that product. Why not just buy the product you wanted and ignore all the behind the scenes litigation as it exists on both sides - Samsung sue Apple as well you know.
If only Apple made fridges and microwaves I could really stick it to Samsung.
I don't really care who copied whom. My problem with all these obscure patents is that they harm the usability of devices. When one firm tries to claim that their "swipe" is in some way their legal property, it means that another firm has to think of something different. The users are screwed, because they have to remember two gestures and which gesture belongs to which device.
So while the lawyers have their high priced pissing contest, users are stuck with needlessly obscured functionality for which they've had to pay over the odds in order to pay for the lawyers that nobody in the whole fucking world actually wants.
Apple seem intent on self destruction. For quite a while now Apple's principal image is one of a patent troll - not an innovator of next gen devices. To me, it's and odd strategy.
If Apple want to beat Samsung into submission they should release the next big killer iThing - and I'm not talking about another tedious incremental version of their over priced and under spec'ed phone or tablet.
Looks to me like the behaviour of an organisation whose ideas have all dried up.
"Apple's legal team undoubtedly would prefer that any new lawsuit not be presided over by Judge Grewal – it's clear that he's had it up to here with the entire squabble."
Yeah... Him and the rest of the World have had it up to here with this petty litigation shit!
How the hell anyone could confuse the two products is beyond me (some UI icons may look similar on the Samsung too, but that's just it - UI icons on many platforms look very similar!), and it's not as if Apple haven't ripped off anyone ever, is it? Steve Jobs "invented" the mouse - by ripping it off from Xerox?
I've got loads of Apple products but I think what they're doing is utterly stupid. And boring.
- Megaphone because both companies need to listen to their customers!
Maybe this is Samsungs ploy - come out with new models all the time so they go after the S3 but by the time it gets to court it's a S4 rinse and repeat. One day everyone will stop buying Samsung and buy whoever makes the now best Android phone - but they are just looking to make cash as quickly as possible.
What gets me if people whinge the iPhone is expensive yet the HTC One and Galaxy S4 are about the same / more expensive now.
I am an Apple fan.
I appreciate that Apple (and their ilk) jealously guard their patents nowadays but what is happening now is entirely inappropriate. Mind, it's "the law" which makes it so; today it seems that you can get a patent for pretty well anything - thus making the law a complete ass.
It's about time that Apple (and others) recognised that fact and stopped making a mockery of the whole process, even if "the law" says otherwise - or seems to.
Hey, Apple, man! Cut the lawsuits and show us some truly amazing and revolutionary products. And I mean truly amazing and revolutionary. You have masses of cash, loads of employees, you make billions of profits. You've shaken the market a number of times over the past few years. Now your shareholders, employees and customers would love to see you pull a similar thing out of the hat. No more redecoration. Time for something really new.
Considering that market share of Icrap keeps dropping while the market share for Samsung is exploding, Apple is fighting back with the only weapon it knows. Samsung phones are getting better while Iphones are the same. This law suite garbage is insuring that I would rather live without a mobile phone than be forced into owing an Apple product. Shame on Cook