The UK really hates freedom; after all...
* It's Illegal to possess _drawings_ of underage children naked (or having sex) which criminalizes a lot of Japanese anime/manga/visual novels (erotic or not erotic)/etc.
* Illegal to use Encryption (Okay, it's not illegal; failing to hand over keys is, so you might as well say it is...)
* Have no right to silence if you'r being investigated for Terrorism or Fraud (This could easily be abused - "He's not talking. We think he murdered his wife." "Make it a terrorism charge, then he has to talk.")
* Have no Double Jeopardy (Abolished to make terrorism charges "stick")
* Have the Police kicking down your door the next morning if you say anything remotely "offensive" or disagreeable on Twitter/Facebook
* They've made it so all porn has to be censored by default before the end of 2013, and if you want porn, you have to opt-out (which most likely has you appearing on some kind of "is a pervert/child molester" list - all because parents are too lazy to monitor their own kids)
* Blocking websites (mainly torrent sites, but we all know it won't stop there)
* Female ejaculation is illegal (because female ejaculation is classified as "urination" and urination in a sexual content is illegal under UK obscenity law)
* ISPs have to retain logs of every site visited etc. by somebody for over a year
...I could go on.
The UK is in dire need of a revolution.
But everyone is too lazy or disagrees.
So maybe they deserve to live in the fascist, 1984-style mess they've created for themselves.