Re: Just what the world needs …
For those who don’t yet know it, JavaScript is an advanced, powerful scripting language. Like all languages it has its quirks and foibles. Many of them are addressed in the next version. Microsoft’s approach is, once again, a destructive attempt to hijack the Web
Having you considered checking out what TypeScript actually is before sounding off?
Usage pattern :
1. Take your JavaScript project
2. Drop it into TypeScript
Lo! It runs! (provided it would have run in any other JS environment - TS doesn't magically fix your shitty broken code)
3. Add more code using strongly typed objects, generics, overloading, all the good stuff.
4. Compile your project.
5. Examine the results of the compile to find.... zomg it's all JavaScript! There is no TypeScript in the output! at all! It's completely to standard!
Of course, 3 minutes worth of actually checking what the story was about would have told you that. And one minute of fact-checking would have told the author of the article that, too but clearly neither of you gives a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut about what's actually going on.