Don't be so naive guys. If you had to protect your country, and you needed information about potential terrorists, you would use all resources at your disposal.
Google holds a stupendously large amount of data about you - your location, your emails, phone calls, credit cards, etc, etc. It would be laughable if the US Gov wasn't taking advantage of that large amount of information.
Maybe I've dropped my guard with 24, Enemy of the State, etc, etc, but I hope they are using that information.
There is a special relationship between the US, the UK, Germany, and I think another country - where they share information they have. France are annoyed because the other guys won't let them join the party.
We criticize police forces for not sharing the details of suspects in-between counties, and if there was a major terrorist issue - the papers would be blaming the US Gov for not predicting it or dealing with leads.
I'm more worried about the more boring departments than the NSA & CIA - tax, insurance, police. That's when the information they can use becomes very personal.